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Space Rangers

October 14th, 2005

Space Rangers is an RPG about playing the people the galactic Confederacy call when the job just has to be done right.the first time.

In a Galaxy of 1 trillion nearbaseline humans and 6 trillion other sentient, about a quarter of which belong to the Confederacy, occasionally doing things through the regular channels just won’t or can’t take care of the problem.

When that happens in the Confederacy somebody calls in the Space Rangers.

This is my submission for the October 25 Ronnies.

Some days start better than others.

This was not one of them.

I’m Sara Levi. At 5′ 8 with the curly hair and straight nose given to me by my Jewish heritage, I?ve been called a good-looking brunette. I am also a Confederacy Ranger.

So what does that have to do with me having a bad day? Well I had been investigating a slavery ring based in the Empire of Men but operating in Confederacy space. Nasty chaps, these guys were picking off underdeveloped colonies, killing everybody and destroying everything they couldn’t sell, nuking the colony till it glowed and selling the proceeds and chattel (that’s right, sapients) over across the Arm in the Empire.

Personally, I’ve never understood slavery. Free women (and occasionally men) work so much better at everything. But that’s not how it is seen in the Empire. Now if the slavers had attacked a world like my homeworld, Liberty, there would have been a few less slavers in the Galaxy. We like to shoot at people; it keeps the blood moving, particularly when they are shooting back. If you shoot at me you are bound to get your damn fool head blown clean off. Makes me a fun girl to have at a party if you don?t mind things getting a little out of hand. Unfortunately, slavers prey upon worlds that can?t or won?t defend themselves.

So the Confederacy Congress decided to send in the Rangers to prove the existence of the slavers as an organization under the direct influence and protection of the Empire of Man or, failing that, undermine and destroy the slaver ring in the most effective manner possible.

Which meant, in this case, they sent me.

I was just about ready to wrap up my investigation and even had enough names of the big dogs in the Empire to make my case before the Confederacy. The slavers I was spying on were in fact collecting fuel to make the final jump home from a comet wending it’s way inbound in a solar system whose star just happened to be almost smack dab between the trailing arm of the Confederacy and the leading arm of the Empire.

The system in question has two habitable terrestrial planets, a rarity in anybody?s book. Why these slavers hadn’t cleared the worlds which had technology no better than that you?d find during the Terran European Middle Ages and would have been an easy mark for these guys, I?ll never know, but as it was they often traded for supplies with one of the kingdoms on Loran, the world that orbits closer to the sun. This particular kingdom on Loran practiced slavery. That being the case the standard trade was slaves for supplies.

While most of the slaves they had pulled in their last job could be sold in the Empire of Man, a few, for whatever the reason, had proved to be too much of a problem. The normal practice for recalcitrant or less than useful slaves is to push them out of an airlock, but with Romant being between here and there it made sense to collect the bunch that were not going to work out and sell them to the locals. That might actually be why the Empire slavers didn’t do in the planet, after all, it’s hard to find good help 5 light years from any place “civilized”.

Be that as it may, Grogh, he was the piece of work in charge of this lovely band of miscreants, decided it was my turn to head down to Romant on Loran and negotiate with the natives for supplies.

So in a shuttle with 6 of my ‘fellow’ slavers I was sent along. The fact that we were not carrying any “cargo? to show off our wares should have tipped me off but we were in low Loran orbit before I put two and two together and realized I must have been compromised.

Which is where my day began to suck really bad.

Celestial Sphere

October 14th, 2005

Celestial Sphere: The Fight for the Cosmos in the Age of Pain is an entry to the October 25 Ronnies. The challenge was to write a game using two of the four terms (Cosmos, Fight, Pain, and Sphere) to create a 24 hour RPG. I took the whore-route and combined all four into one game that pretty much wrote itself. Although I think it would be a fun game, there are much better entries you should check out.

You take on the role of a Constilation sent to earth to try and repair the damage done to the Spheres of the Cosmos in a time of chaos.

In the beginning all was as it should be. The Spheres existed in harmony, and the Cosmos was balanced.

Since the beginning of time the Celestial Sphere was where a Hero would find themselves when they fell. From the Mortal Sphere these fallen heroes could still be seen as Constellation, and they provided hope and guidance to the inhabitants of the Mortal Sphere. The Constellations (or Celestials as they called themselves) took pride in their position, and proudly looked down from the heavens, offering assistance and support to those who needed it.

The change started subtly, with mere ripples in the Celestial sphere, subtly warping the distances between places. Those few Celestials who even noticed the change were not believed at first. Others claimed that they had simply gotten lost or that they had been mistaken in their direction, these distortion in the sphere continued and grew larger until no Celestial. these distortions warped the sphere to the point that not all of the Sphere orbited the Mortal Sphere. Tales began circulating of heroes going missing, or becoming eternally lost.

The effects on the Mortal sphere were even greater. Since the two spheres had always been closely bound what effects one inevitably effects the other one. With out the guidance and memories of the Constellations to guide them the mortals began to loose their way. Soon memories began to fade of the legends of old, and magic itself began to disappear from the Sphere.

Before the Celestials had a chance to respond to the situation on the Mortal Sphere or fully comprehend what was occurring on their own Sphere, things took an even more sinister turn. In the newly remote areas of the Celestial Sphere tears and dark holes began to form. In the area around these ‘black holes’ the Celestials started to feel a draining of the very energy that sustained them, the Divine Manna. Those brave heroes who began to investigate the phenomenon disappeared. The first Celestial to return from a chasm, was Vulcan, and he did so heavily wounded, barely clinging to life. When word of a survivor came Celestials from all over the sphere came to see if Vulcan had learned something that could possibly bring an end over the sphere came to see if Vulcan had learned something that could possibly bring an end to their troubles. When asked what he saw the hero responded with one word “pain” and promptly passed away, something which had never happened in the Celestial Sphere before.

It was then that the Chasms erupted with activity and a dark army spilled from the chasms, as though Vulcan’s death had some how summoned them into existence. From the void came drove after drove of beasts and demons of all sizes. These ‘Gorgons’ fell on the assembled Celestials. The battle that ensued was swift and brutal, but in the end the Celestials stood victorious.

The heroes had managed to beat most of the beast back into the darkness, but a few managed to escape, by slipping into the Mortal Sphere and taking the guise of mortals.

The Celestials are aware that these Gorgons are in some way responsible for this new Age, the Age of Pain, and they must now hunt the remaining Gorgon, whither they be in the heavens or the earth. Only by defeating the beast can they ever hope to understand the source of the damage done to both the Mortal and Celestial Spheres. As the greatest heroes of the Mortal realms they are charged with regaining a balance between the spheres, or they are doomed to watch the Age of Pain become the Age of Oblivion…

Red Rain

October 14th, 2005

Red Rain is a role-playing game about boxers dealing with pain in their lives and in the ring. Two fighters deal with issues and make hard choices as they prepare for their next match, then they face off using fun playing card mechanics to play out a boxing match, round by round. The game is built for three players, and can easily be played in a single game session.

Red Rain is a role-playing game about boxers dealing with serious issues inside and outside of the boxing ring.

The game requires three players. Two players take on the role of opposing boxers getting ready for their fight against one another. And, one player takes on the role of the ?referee,? overseeing the drama that builds around these two fighters, their relationships, and their ultimate confrontation in the ring.

The game has two distinct phases. First, players explore the tough lives of the two boxers, resolving the fighters? personal issues and working through their difficult choices as they prepare for the big fight. Then, players actually play through the boxing match, round by round and blow by blow, to decide which of the two fighters emerges the victor.

Players will need a deck of poker-style playing cards (remove the jokers), and a couple pieces of paper to keep track of the fighters and their relationships.


October 14th, 2005

Disaster! is a game where characters face an overwhelming threat which surely will destroy their community and their world. The players play the role of special people which are both, boosted and hindered by the emotions of other significant characters. They will share their happiness and hopes, but also their pain and deception. Thus, they will need to protect others to save themselves. When pain becomes unbearable, they have the choice to go far beyond it. Getting into a trance-state where they are disconnected from their emotions, they are able to perform amazing deeds. But this may endanger both, their safety and the safety of the others. Will any one of them survive the terrible coming disaster? Probably not, but they will make a good tale fighting until their last stance.

This game has been designed and written in about 24 hours for the Ronnie?s contest of October, 2005. The game central motives are: Fight and Pain.

Disaster! was somehow inspired by the story ?Scanners live in vain? by Cordwainer Smith.

The game concept and mechanics are in debt to many discussions held by members of The Forge forum. They are also highly influenced by some indiegames I had the opportunity to read recently. Looking backwards I specially recognize the inspiration of ?My Life with Master?, and ?Legends of Alyria?.

Plucky Little Ron

October 13th, 2005

Take on the role of Ron Edwards in this satrical futuristic entry in the October 25 Ronnies!

This game simulates the situation faced by Ron Edwards after the fall of the Forge in the future. This is a solitaire game, and your goal is to preserve the promotion, creation, and reviewing of independent role-playing games and defeat the oppressing forces of mainstream game design.

Reality Cops

October 13th, 2005

Reality Cops is a sci-fi flavoured game about the people who defend the real world against changes brought on by exposure to different realities. The Cop’s effectiveness in other realities is governed by how much their life sucks in this one.

On March 6th, in the year 2217, Martin Thompson applied a revolutionary combination of mind theory and chemical science, to discover that ours is not the only world. He learned that certain minds, under certain conditions, can be made to shift their perception into other realities. Other worlds. Some of these worlds are much like ours, some are very different. He called these alternate realities phases of existence, and proposed that when a mind transitioned between them, the phases met and touched at that single point, much like soap bubbles floating in air. And like those bubbles, they proved fragile, some more so than others. In early experiments, three volunteers were driven insane when the communal phase they occupied broke under the pressure.On December 9th 2219, Martin Thompson died, went insane, and disappeared, in approximately that order.

This was the first recorded incidence of reality subversion.

In the Beginning

October 13th, 2005

Player’s take the role of ideologies that explain the nature of the universe, competing for the chance to define reality.

Developed for The Ronnies, October ?5 (Cosmos, Fight)


In this game each player will take on the role of some explanation for the universe, embodied within a mythos, belief system, science, religion. These opposing views will clash, gain favor, lose followers, until at the end there is only one remaining and the truth of the universe is known.

Material World

October 13th, 2005

The 24 hour RPG where all-powerful brands compete for market share in mythical 1985 Los Angeles. My first ever attempt at any type of game design, it ended up a little unwieldy and unfinished. Oct Ronnies entrant.

Material World is the roleplaying game of corporations and their brands struggling for the hearts and minds of the brainwashed public, whose whims can shift billions of dollars at a moment’s notice The corporate world is in constant turmoil, as brand managers, lawyers, advertisers, and private commandos attempt to gain ground for their Brands, pushing other Brands out of the public awareness. This conflict hinges on the player characters, who are the only people with enough Cool Stuff to decide the world’s fate.


October 12th, 2005

Mathematicians, theologicans, physicists and philosophers vie to discover the secret of the cosmos in this hybrid strategy-narration game inspired by the movie Pi. This is submitted for the October Ronnies with the words Pain and Cosmos.

For eons, humans have asked the eternal question: is there a meaning to life? Is there something more than the mere repetition of a million billion lives? Is there really nothing more to the universe than the random collisions of infinitesimal particles?

Ever have they searched for patterns, tried to find order in the chaos of the world around them. And sometime, they succeeded. From nothing, they built rules and laws. They solved equations and calculated sums. With theories and law and formulas they held back the randomness that threatened to overwhelm their thoughts.

From the chaos, they built the cosmos.


October 12th, 2005

A role-playing game of blood and sweat pain and hope. Contenders is a rpg dealing with the shady and painful world of boxing. Each player takes on the role of a contender, a pugilist trying to overcome his pain and fight his way out of the gutter. This is a submission for the ronnies 2, taking inspiration from Pain and Fight.

My vision returns at the count of five, I taste blood, my blood. The roar of the crowd is deafening, they want more. They always want more.

More blood, more pain.

I?m kneeling as the ref gets to seven, I can see in his eyes that he doesn’t expect me to get up. Why would I?

Face more pain.

Now I see her, in the front row, tears black with mascara streaming down her face, I?m drawn to the eyes, deep pools, reflecting the pain.

My pain.

The moment seems to last an eternity. I needed that, that reminder of hope. This is for you babe!

Bring the pain.

I?m on my feet again at nine. The ref hesitates for a split second.

?Ok, box!?

Now feel the pain?