Free RPG Games

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Advanced Dungeon Squad

January 1st, 2006

As it follows on from Alternate Dungeon Squad, I’ve decided to call it ADVANCED DUNGEON SQUAD. It’s changes include an additional 4 classes, firearms, advanced combat tactics and psychic powers. Hand to hand combat is harder and there’s more spells and monsters. It should still fit just about any style of play or campaign, homebrewed or published, and i’ve found that it’s easy as … to convert just about any published role play adventure into a ..Squad adventure.

DUNGEON SQUAD is a great, simple system created by Jason Morningstar and designed to introduce younger players to Role Playing Games. Alternate DUNGEON SQUAD took that and modified it to suit my tastes as more experienced, older and time poor gamer. ADS amounts to a fine-tuning of that concept through game play and some new ideas. As with it?s predecessors, ADS assumes a measure of RPG experience on behalf the players and referee, can be used in just about any fantasy setting and suits both story driven play as well as hack and slash gaming. Required items for play include someone to act as a referee, some players, a quiet room, a table, pencils, paper and a dice set from d4 up to d12.

Dungeon Squad and both Alternate Dungeon Squads are covered by the Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike 2.5 Creative Commons license. Any comments regarding ADS may be sent to and the title should lead with the title ADS.

Jack of all Trades

January 1st, 2006

“It’s not fair, but neither is the universe.”

Jack of All Trades was intended as a broad, universal system that allows gaming groups to explore whatever setting they would like. This project was started at noon on December 3, 2005, and ended at noon on December 31, 2005.

Because of the time limit, there are several elements missing from the game that will be added in later versions. First, while a task resolution system is in place, the combat system is not included. Second, the introduction to the game promises a sample setting for a Jack of All Trades game entitled “Green England’s Shore” that could be used as a model for creating your own game environment. This sample setting is not present in the game at this time.

And finally, I think the game falls short of its stated goal of “simplicity.” In future versions I intend to look for ways to simplify the rules without sacrificing potential depth.

Jack of All Trades is intended to be a broad universal system that can be applied to any setting that the game leader and the players wish to explore.

Also, part of the point of Jack is to create a role-playing game that ? while retaining the complexity found in many RPG?s ? is quick enough to pick up that it can be learned by somebody with little experience.

I Play The Battle Royale RPG

January 1st, 2006

the Battle Royale RPG keeps to the spirit of the first movie and has most of the items found as “weapons” in the students’ survival packs.There aren’t any of the combo assault rifles/grenade launchers from BRII, though. For those who don’t know by now Battle Royale is about sending trouble high school students to an island to kill each other off, with a last man standing goal. That it was written by an actual high school student, Evil1 AKA Robbie Cousineau adds to the flavor of the game. Unfortunately there are a lot of spelling mistakes and the rules for character creation, skills and combat.The rules though simple, are not clearly expressed. These sorts of typos and errors found in other games are annoying, but they actually kind of add flavor to this game. Also, with a little work, the presentation could be improved and it doesn’t keep the game down. So, no big deal. The weapons list follows pretty closely to the first movie as does the suggested dangers and plot set up. Character creation should allow you to play most of the original students. That by itself makes this game worth playing! Especially if you can get a cut of the video that the students are shown in the first movie to have your players watch before the game. I checked and Evil1 is fortunately wrong about the availability of the movies and manga: Battle Royale and the sequel BR II are both in fact available to rent or buy in the United States as is the manga series! However due to “Community Standards” laws these and other fine movies and products may be banned within your local area of the USA. Watch these movies before playing the game for a wonderful time re enacting your favorite blood baths. This game is also a great outlet for playing out violent revenge fantasies on your class mates. Just make your class the one kidnapped into the BR program.(Because, of course in real life violence is wrong.) Battle Royale RPG also provides opportunities to create back stories, plot lines, relationships and all the drama to be found in the world of Battle Royale.

The Ghost Killers

December 13th, 2005

Version 2 updated 12/29/5

The Ghost Killers is a game of team roleplaying. It plays out like Ghostbusters meets Hellraiser (the good ones: Hellraiser One and Two), with a little Silent Hill thrown in, where you fight the forces of evil by shooting at them with 1-gauge shotguns out the windows of your green El Camino.

NOTE: This game was a failure, it could not be completed in 24 hours. It is only being recorded for prosterity, and to motivate me to complete it soon.

A rag-tag team of people from all walks of life get together and kill creatures from the spirit world. The game itself involves a lot of gambling-style mechanics, amateur theatrics, coolness and narration control (in the form of ?Fortune in the Middle?). This game is a total ripoff of Dread: The First Book of Pandemonium by Rafael Chandler, Examplar (first edition) by Jeff Schecter and Pretender by Kirt Dankmeyer.

Breakdown: This game is about living on the edge, fighting unnatural creatures beyond reason. It is about teamwork, risk, violence, brotherhood and tension, loss and love, all set to the tune of adventures where the players are above the law.
Teamwork: The team, or ?Pack?, has a special character sheet that has all their shared resources on it. There are mechanics within the Roles (character classes) that lead to teamwork and mutual support. Brotherhood: As above, and players can gain by having their characters push towards their mutual goals.
Tension: The character have personal goals which sometimes conflict with the group goals. Risk: The die system is a roll-under system that encourages high risk for great reward; But the greater the risk, the easier it is to fail. A lot like gambling. Violence: Lots of focus on combat, natural and supernatural. ?The Ghost Killers? and all that. Loss and Love: Players have karmic ties to the world that keep them tied to the everyday world. These pawns are always at risk of being taken, driving the player to madness and despair. Amateur theatrics and coolness: Players reward each other for doing cool things, providing cool description, saying cool lines, doing things that are just enough out of character to blow minds without being stupid, etc.
Narration control: The Flip Mode mechanic changes the rules on how to roll dice: The action moves from ?task resolution? to ?conflict resolution?, and narration lies entirely in the hands of the player. Flip Mode is known as ?Fortune in the Middle?, where you pick the dice to roll and roll them, and then describe what happens.

Zodiac Fantasy

December 9th, 2005

Updated on January 4, 2006

Zodiac Fantasy 24 Hour RPG is a simple roleplaying game based in a mythical fantasy world dominated by the signs of the zodiac.

zodiac fantasy rpg is A simple role-playing game set in a mythical fantasy world dominated by the twelve signs of the zodiac. players create characters that explore and adventure in this magical world wherein the aspects of the zodiac rule as gods. zodiac fantasy rpg requires only a twelve-sided die (herein referred to as a d12), something to write with, and something to write on in order to play.

Witch Hunted

November 27th, 2005

Witch Hunted, the players’ characters inhabit a hostile world. The population is split between a normal majority and a paranormal minority. The paranormals possess great power and were feared and respected by the normal folk.

Recently, however, a plot hatched by a cabal of paranormals was uncovered. This rogue group sought to overthrow the rightful authorities of the land and replace them with a new class of paranormal rulers. The government has decided that the paranormals now pose a clear and present danger to the safety of the people. The use of paranormal powers has been outlawed and the possessors of these powers are to be rounded up and neutralised.

The most powerful paranormals have taken the hint and have used their abilities to quit the normal world. They have ascended and now dwell in the immortal dimension of Agathra; safe from pursuit. Their less powerful brethren have been abandoned to their fate. They are now pursued by government appointed agents; the subject of a ferocious witch-hunt. If the paranormals can avoid arrest and practice their powers they might be able to eventually escape to Agartha. Unfortunately, the use of paranormal abilities is illegal and can be detected by the witch hunters…

Witch Hunters

Recent events have driven a wedge been the Adepts and normal people. The government has decided that Adepts pose a real danger to society. Laws have been past to make the Adepts? activities illegal and a special organisation has been created to enforce these laws. Examples might include armoured priests, fearsome magistrates, dread witch hunters, stern government agents or implacable robots.

The witch hunters seek out Adepts and strip them of their power and freedom. They will attempt to capture the Adepts alive so that they can stand trail and face the full force of due process. However, murderous Adepts will be terminated with extreme prejudice.

The GM controls the actions of the witch hunters and the rest of society.

Extremez Drama

November 27th, 2005

Extremez Drama is a game in which you make a big deal out of everything and anything. The biggest rule behind Extremez Drama is this “Anything, be it cooking, playing tennis, collecting stamps or flower arrangement” can be dramatised.


This game is created in 24 hours time, for the 24 Hours RPG Competition. As such, everything is not as perfect as I hope to be. I have hoped to provide examples of character creation, details of play and uses of the mechanics, but I don?t have the time to squeeze all these things in.

So I beg your pardon for the numerous errors and inconsistencies that lurk within the game.

This is only the beginning. Extremez Drama is regularly being worked on, and hopefully, play-tested.

Thanks for reading!

What is Extremez Drama?

Extremez Drama is a role-playing game where you make a big deal out of everything. You take the most ordinary, mundane concept or hobby ever, dramatises it and makes a big deal out of it.

How do you make a big deal out of anything anyway? Simple, just follow the simple three steps below:

  • Somehow involve it in a competition. You must have a competition, and a panel of interesting and varied judges. It?s hard to be dramatic without any competition!
  • Give the hobby some secret techniques or knowledge. Some hobbies, like Chess, is full of techniques and tactics. Well, dramatises them! Go even more far-stretch. Don?t worry if it sounds implausible. It doesn?t have to make sense as long as it is dramatic.
  • Come out with a list of antagonists who share the same hobby, and give them varied traits, personality and a tragic backstory.

This concept isn?t really that new or strange. It has been done a lot of time, most particularly in the everpopular Iron Chef. Is there a competition? Checked. A panel of interesting judges? Checked, especially that dude in the funny costume. And the interesting antagonists are those Iron Chefs who pose and strut on their pedestals.

Stephen Chow?s Shaolin Soccer is another great example of how you get take something ordinary and make it exaggerated.

This idea abounds in many Japanese animes too. Hikaru No Go, Prince of Tennis, Initial D?The list is endless. The Japaneses have the knack of dramatising everything, from katanas to Go, from soccer to collectible card games.

Joseph Johaneman

November 25th, 2005

I’ve done work in the RPG field years ago. I wrote the near future campaign setting for the Millenium 2nd edition RPG (which unfortunately never came to print.) I’ve written a few articles for Shadis, the Gamer’s Connection, Galleon, and the Green Mountain Gamer.

I’m 33, and live in the Sullivan County Catskills. Click here to go to my RPG page. Or, to go to my homepage, click here


Involved with 24 hour rpg project, and Game Chef. I’m working on several projects, which you can find on my website.


November 23rd, 2005

Nameless is a simple and customizable fantasy game system. It was designed from a role playing perspective and should be simple to learn, implement and expand upon if so desired.

Nameless is a project formed for the 24 Hour RPG by the wannabe writer and game maker John Barnes. Nameless is the continuing effort by John to create an RPG based in a fantasy world which actually worked.

This project originally started as an effort by John to create a replacement for Dungeons and Dragons in his group. At the time he was very disgruntled with the rules set and the lack of customization which he wanted to better create his characters which were “stifled” by the class system. This turned into the failed game Realms Guard which was abandoned because in the end it was nothing more than trying to make D&D fit the classless system John envisioned. Realms Guard was started up a second time from a different perspective but again failed miserably.

John then branched off into a game he called Nameless (couldn’t think of a name at the time) based around an idea he had. It evolved into Spirit Bound and eventually shaped into Witch & Hunter which was near completion at the time of this writing.

Somewhere around now John found out about the 24 Hour RPG and decided it might be a good time to go back to his original endeavor to create a fantasy RPG. This was especially sparked by conversations with a good friend of his which for the last five years has played a significant part in John’s RPG playing.

Saints and Sinners

November 23rd, 2005

Saints and Sinners is a game of divine destiny. Players take the role of Saints, humans chosen by God to fight against the demonic forces known as Sinners. But if the players aren’t careful, their own Moral Failings will lead to corruption, and they too will serve the Satanic host.


Since the fall, Lucifer has attempted to make mankind his servants in all things, but God and his messengers, the angels, are not about to let the Light-Bringer destroy all that is holy.

But God has taken a laissez-faire attitude towards mankind, and the universe in general. The angels have been left pretty much alone in their fight against Satan?s minions. Fortunately, in every generation God divinely inspires several Saints, humans with holy powers and a divine calling to fulfill God?s purpose on earth.

Of course, Hell has its own minions. These Sinners have powers similar to the Saints. These people are not possessed. In order to be considered a servant of Hell, Sinners must be acting on their own free will. They must choose to be evil, just as Saints must choose to be good. However, Hell can lead people towards sin through the process of corruption. And even the Saints are not immune to corruption.