Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.

The Entity

November 9th, 2013

A game about ordinary human beings stumbling across something evil and powerful. It is a game of horror, of loss and of victory snatched from the jaws of defeat… but at a price.

A 24 Hour RPG.

Keeton’s Journey

November 7th, 2013

This is a game about Keeton, wandering medicine master in a far-off land of older days. Keeton travels across the countryside to villages troubled by natural spirit creatures called yōkai, whose motives and actions are wholly alien to human thought. This game is inspired by the animated series Mushi-shi.

Submitted for the 2013 Harder than Granite 24 Hour RPG competition.

Pocketful of Heroes

November 7th, 2013

“Beware the porcine fury of my Nuclear Powered Steam Pig!”

With these words, the evil Dr. Keeton pronounces doom upon
the city.

Your heroes must band together and thwart his evil scheme
before it is too late. You must become a Pocketful of Heroes!

Submitted for the 2013 Harder than Granite 24 Hour RPG competition.

Star Punk

November 7th, 2013

A role playing game about kicking space travel up a notch and disrupting the status quo.

Submitted for the 2013 Harder than Granite 24 Hour RPG competition.

Super Robot Go!

November 3rd, 2013

You have been chosen to protect our world. Gather your friends and utter the phrase that summons Earth’s greatest defender:

Super Robot Go!


Pockets Full of Adventure

November 2nd, 2013

24 rpg submitted for the Harder than Granite 2013 NaGaDemon. In PocketMod format.  No numbers.

Characters go dimension hopping to recover lost artifacts.  Very quick chargen and adventure creation.  Characters have 4 traits and use cards as tokens.


November 1st, 2013

This is my first game for the 24 hour contest 2013.

What if you had the power to see a glimpse of the future? In this game you play people who can. You need two different kind of tokens and a deck of tarot cards.

Witch Hunt

November 1st, 2013

Submission for the 2013 “Harder than Granite” 24-hour competition.


After years of losing children to the witch in the woods, your village has had enough.

Find some friends and brave the dark woods in search of revenge on a good, old-fashioned Witch Hunt.

Dragon Sword

September 4th, 2013

Do we really need another generic fantasy role-playing game? What is so special about this game?
Nothing really, beyond the fact that it combines several ideas I’ve pulled from other games I’ve enjoyed, hopefully in a way that both makes sense and is fun. This game is fairly light on rules, not too difficult to learn, but still capable of providing a complete and fun gaming experience.

Note the emphasis is on light. If you like spending hours optimizing every last detail of your character, picking exactly the right abilities and equipment to make them as capable as possible, planning how they are going to advance over the next twenty levels, if you like specific rules and modifiers that cover every possible condition and situation that could arise in play in minute detail, this is not the game for you. Not that there is anything wrong with games like that, but this isn’t one of them. In this game, you can create a character in about 30 seconds, requiring very few decisions in the process, and almost every situation or task in the game is resolved in exactly the same way, with a single die roll.

Who is this game meant for? I’ve tried to make it friendly to new gamers, not just by virtue of simple rules, but by explaining things in a manner that is hopefully easy to understand (yes, I did include the dreaded “What is Role-playing” section). I think people looking for a quick pick-up game might also like it, and I have tried to make it robust enough to support campaigns of at least moderate length.

In short, this is another rules-light generic fantasy RPG floating in a sea of similar products. I hope someone out there enjoys it and finds some use for it, but even if they don’t, I have enjoyed writing it.

Oh, and what exactly is the titular Dragon Sword? I know what it is in my game, but there is no “official” definition, it’s just a name I thought sounded neat and evocative. Make it whatever you want it to be, or nothing at all if you prefer.

Dislcaimer: Not playtested at all.


August 26th, 2013

TERRA-XENO is a free-wheeling sci-fi RPG set 100 years into the future. Humans are just starting to explore not only our own solar system, but beyond. And, we’ve quickly learned that the galaxy is one merciless b*tch. TERRA-XENO uses simple d6 for all situations. Characters are determined by the skills they possess, not a standardized set of traits.
Core rules cover the basics of playing the game, and there are a lot of expansion material in the works to support it.

I have a website where it is posted: