Free RPG Games

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March 2nd, 2006

Play a circle of fantasy dwarves knocking back a few pints at the local pub, boasting about their heroic exploits. Boast all you like, but once another dwarf shouts, “I’ll Drink To That!” all bets are off, and you may have to Drown Your Sorrow or Go Bottoms Up in order to finish your story. There’s no namby-pamby spending of magic points or anything in this game; prove your mettle and your side of the story by downing more drink than your detractors, and coming out of the pub as the Last Dwarf Standing.

Properly speaking, this is not a “pen and paper roleplaying game.” First of all, this is a roledrinking game. Secondly, there are no pens involved, and the game ought to be printed on the side of a beer stein, not on any namby-pamby paper. So the game to the right is laid out to fit on a stein available through hence the sidewaysness — don’t worry, it’s not the alcohol. Not yet, anyway.

The Marriage of Persephone

March 2nd, 2006

Periodically, Persephone, queen of the underworld, throws an elaborate wedding for a chosen couple. Hades often finds himself needing to make things ready for the festivities, and entertain the guests when they arrive, tasks that are beneath the dignity of the lord of the dead. But a team of heroes has recently joined the ranks in the Elysian Fields, a team who doesn’t know any better than to accept Hades’ offer. It is also the second main course in the Full Course of Love and Death.

This RPG is the second main course of a Full Course of Love and Death, coming between the first main course of Someone to Love and the third, One More Hour. The couple to be married is one of the most successful couples in the prior game of Someone to Love. Likewise, the team of heroes after gaining the favor of the gods in The Marriage of Persephone will return to life once more, to attempt their last mission or betray it to seek some measure of peace in their lives. Like all games in this Full Course, The Marriage of Persephone is intended for five players.

As a game designed for Iron Game Chef 26, it is necessary to discuss the allotments made for that contest. Indeed, for the theme of time, Marriage of Persephone fulfills the two sessions of 6 hours requirement, including the intervening 2 weeks. And it uses the following contest terms: Law, Actor, and Team.

Cage of Reason

March 2nd, 2006

Cage of Reason is an age of enlightenment game of pile-driving philosophes and eye-gouging Essayists. Characters are intellectuals and reformers struggling to bring the light of reason to societies weighed down by despotism, superstition, and stultifying custom. The Characters’ struggles against censors, priests, and reactionary aristocratic twits are played out as professional wrestling matches.

Cage of Reason is an age of enlightenment game of pile-driving philosophes and eye-gouging Essayists. Characters are intellectuals and reformers struggling to bring the light of reason to societies weighed down by despotism, superstition, and stultifying custom. The characters. struggles against censors, priests, and reactionary

aristocratic twits are played out as professional wrestling matches. Cage of Reason was written an entry in the 26 Game Chef competition. It is organized to be played over four game sessions of two hours each. During the first session, players create characters and plan out the upcoming wrestling events. The last three sessions are main event wrestling extravaganzas, with interviews and other rituals leading up to matches between characters and villains that represent the clash of ideas in the age of enlightenment.

The game also incorporates three .ingredients. from the Game Chef competition: law, team, and steel. Law becomes the enlightenment era ideological struggles over the laws of nature and laws of men and nations. Team and Steel are present in the wrestling rules that allow tag team action throughout and require the final session matches to be fought in a steel cage with elevated brutality.

Champions of the Gods

March 2nd, 2006

It’s a roleplaying game where you play a commitee of Gods in Ancient Greece, trying to decide on which city-state should next host the Olympic Games. To do this, each God guides their Champion to steal Artifacts important to the other Gods in order to win Renown and therefore the games. But the success or failure of a quest depends more on the “backroom deals” between the Gods than the strength of a mortal’s sword arm or similar.


The Ancient Greek World, during the Age of Gods and Men: Zeus, father of all the Gods has decided that he wants a new religious festival for the Mortals to honour him. He has declared that it will be known as the ?Olympics? and shall be held in the most worthy city?state in all of the Greek World ? anywhere from Iberia to the Black Sea.

But there are more city?states than Zeus can be bothered to remember, so to discover which is most worthy, he has chosen a number of his Godly offspring to do it for him. They will be known as the ?Mount Olympus Committee?, and will report back in four mortal years, or Zeus shall rip all of Creation asunder.

Now, each of these Gods has a particular city?state where they are worshipped more than the others, and they want ?their? city?state, and by extension, them to receive Zeus? favour. So, to come to an agreement, the Gods each summon a Champion to champion their city?state, and then the champion who completes the most heroic tasks shall win the right for his city?state to host the Olympics.

But Gods cannot stop themselves from meddling in Mortal affairs, and the Committee is no different. They bicker, bribe, lend favours, call in favours and persuade the others to set ever greater challenges in the way of the other champions whilst doing the same to grant Boons to aid their own champion. The city?state to receive the games will have less to do with the exploits of champions in the mortal world, and more to do with the deals happening at Mount Olympus.

The Dynasty

March 2nd, 2006

The Dynasty is a roleplaying game about the ruling family of an empire. This game is a storytelling game and a competitive game at the same time.

The game plays in three sessions, each of them three hours long. Each session is featuring a critical era of a ruler’s domination, possibly ending with the fall of that ruler and coronation of another member of the family. Players will control the members of this family. Their goal will be to take hold of the power over their country.


At the beginning of actual play every player has the chance of narrating a Story. Players who want to use this possibility apply for a Story.

Players will then bid Authority points for the control over narration. Whoever won the bid must subtract the winning bid from his Authority score, but gets the control over narration for the time of the Story. That?s the only benefit from winning the bid, so be careful when bidding high values.

Narrating a Story can only be profitable if the narrator?s character is involved in many Battles during the Story! Winning Battles is the only way to recover the Authority points the player spent on becoming a narrator. As a bonus, taking part in Battles is the only way a player can be the winner of the campaign.

There are some rules about narrating a Story:

  • The Story must be formed in a way that ensures all player characters are involved. Leaving out a player character from a Story puts the player at a disadvantage and is therefore not acceptable.
  • Player characters are still always controlled by the appropriate player.
  • Conflicts between characters can?t be narrated. These events are Battles and have their own rules.
  • The Story can?t by-pass the profit of a Battle. Never.
  • The Story can?t take away control of the country from the ruling player character.

A Story can?t last longer than one hour. If the narrator wants to continue narrating, he has to bid for the control again. He can also continue if no one wants to bid for narration.


March 2nd, 2006

This game is a dystopian vision with a mutable setting wherein the characters have 8 hours to live. In that time, they must discover why, where, how, who, and what. The game uses a simple time-based mechanic and uses clocks to mark progress and lividity of the characters. When the clock strikes zero, time is up.

The game begins with the premise that the characters have 8 hours to live. Before character generation and play begins, the game master (GM) must decide certain factors about the setting and surroundings of gameplay. These factors are called: timeline, government, and technology level. For each choice, there are three options, allowing the GM to craft the world to the purposes he has in mind for the game. Choose one option for each category and give the players a brief description of the cosmetic and social impact of your decision so that players have some idea what to expect from their gameplay world.

  • Timeline: Present Day, Tomorrow (near-future), Day After Tomorrow (distant future)
  • Government: Oppressive and Present, Oppressive and Absent, Republic and Absent
  • Technology Level: Anachronistic, Present Day, Futuristic

As an example, if one were to choose Tomorrow, Oppressive and Present, and Present Day, (which I will use throughout the text as the ?default? setting) the result would likely be an Orwellian future reminiscent of 1984 (making the technology Present Day fits the text more accurately for 26 than the original Futuristic option that would have been chosen from the point-of-view of Orwell at the time of writing the novel).

Therefore, as the GM, I describe my world as similar to 1984, but with more urban sprawl and crumbling decay. The government is considered ever-present, but this is achieved more through the use of secret police and informants than functioning technological oversight. At birth, each person is fitted with a time-keeping device that shows the remaining time left to live (set to a default of 5 years, plus some amount of time due to social impact of occupation, party membership, et cetera). At :, time is up, life is over.

Last night, the characters went to sleep with plenty of life remaining. Today, they awoke to see they had 8 hours left to live. This is the beginning of the game.

Ancient Dreams, Glass Towers

March 2nd, 2006

Ancient Dreams, Glass Towers is a team game where four players and a GM re-enact the war between Humans and Dragonlords in the prehistory of The Fifth Hour to determine how history will remember them. It’s up to you to decide who will be the hero and who will be the villain!

Ancient Dreams, Glass Towers is broken down into 3 Phases. In the first Phase, Character Generation, players decide their role in their game. Character Generation takes 1 minutes.

There is one GM, plus one General and one Sorceror for each side. This makes four players (Dragonlord General, Dragonlord Sorceror, Human General, Human Sorceror) and one GM.

In the second Phase, War, the Human and the Dragonlord sides fight a series of five battles, each lasting 1 hours, or one day, at a different Glass Tower. Each battle takes 2 minutes, with each hour of battle lasting two minutes.

In the third and final Phase, Committee, the score for each side (Human and Dragonlord) is calculated and it is determined how history will officially remember them. The committee phase lasts 1 minutes.

Play Right!

March 2nd, 2006

You’ve got tired, worn-out stories. You’re surronded with them. The same-old, same-old. But, you and your fellow committee members will learn how to Play Right! with those old ideas and make them as new, vibrant and cool as a newly-minted game!

If you?re reading this, you?re within the reach of the 21st century American cultural sphere. Which probably means that, like me, you?re swamped with media: movies, the Internet, TV, books, newspapers, comics, magazines, games bombard us constantly. Some offer food for thought, insightful commentary, soul-elevating pathos, or spiritlifting humor. But those are few and far between. Most simply steal hours of our lives away, leaving us emptier than when we began.

Isn?t it about time to reclaim some meaning from those lost hours?

This game will show you how to do that in exactly ten hours, one hour at a time. To play, you?ll need a number of glass beads in multiple colors, a pack of index cards, and a bunch of standard, six-sided dice. Gather a group of committee members together to reinvigorate a story. Call your meeting to order. Pick a story you?re all more-or-less familiar with. It could be from folklore, the newspaper, a movie or anything else. All that matters is that it excites the imaginations of everyone in the committee. Talk briefly about what was wrong?what you didn?t like.

Psykhotherapy: The Dark Mind

March 2nd, 2006

Psykhotherapy: The Dark Mind is a storytelling game of insane horror for three to eight players. Each player is a patient in an asylum, and are taking part in a group therapy where they are trying to find a way to “cure” one of their fellow patients

March 7. 1968
Dearest Sarah.

I know that I haven’t been myself lately, and I humbly apologize any harm that I might have caused you. I need serius help for my problems. I can’t manage on my own! I am afraid, very afraid. Please forgive me. My feelings towards you are pure, but so is my fear of losing you. I can’t keep myself from thinking that I’m not worthy of you and that you’ll find another man, a better person than I am.

So I beg you, give me some time. I will once again become the man I used to be. I need you. I love you. I just.. Don’t know what I would do without you.

I am going to the clinic just like you proposed. I have already made an appointment with Doctor Reich. He promised that his new form of therapy would help me to gain control of myself again. I don’t know how long it will take, but I promise that when I’m ready, this whole thing will be left behind.

-Your loving husband,

The Perfect Laws

March 2nd, 2006

Take the roles as contenders in a great competition. As part of this you are given a formidable task: In a simulation, build the perfekt world togeter with your contenders! The prize for the winner: Become an important piece in shaping the future of our world.

The Cabberian global research facilities is seeking personnel for an important research experiment. As you are probably aware we recently solved the world’s energy problems once and for all by finding the final key to unlimited energy absorbing. The possibilities this opens is as you can probably imagine completely wast. We are thereby reluctant to release this power use to the public before having mapped the possible consequences of this. Our conclusions is at this stage that as the society is today, total chaos and probable destruction of all humanity would have been a likely result. As this is rather unfortunate we have collected the permission from all the worlds governments to research in ways to change the whole order of the world so that mankind may safely benefit from this new groundbreaking discovery.

We are for the time being working on the ancient theory that the best system of government would have been the one made by a committee that after they were done was killed, and reincarnated as something completely random. Thereby having to live in the system they created in their former life. This have by obvious reasons not been possible to arrange at any earlier opportunity, but now it seem like giving a rather fair simulation of this could be possible. There is however quite a bit more research necessary before actually carrying out a project of this dimensions are possible.

This is where you come in; We need a handful of test subject to test out a very simple version of a model we have developed. And worry not, you will not be killed, or harmed in any other way. There is no qualifications at all, except the ability to communicate in English. We want an as broad audience as possible in order to minimize the chance that anything or anyone is forgotten. We have two kind of positions:

  • You are going to create an entire world, together with laws governing how this world is working. One of you will also get the task of overseeing that everything works after the intentions of the second stage of the project. This assignment goes over only two days two weeks apart.
  • You are going to live in the (hopefully) perfect world created by the first group. This is a one day assignment, but requires a bit preparation time. You will be given the laws and a short description of the world one week before having to enter, and are expected to have a understanding of these.

As a part of this test we also run a competition. One of those who are chosen to participate have the chance to win the grand price of continuing to work with us on how to shape the future of all humans, and is reserved a place in the final committee that eventually will constitute the new order.
(Part of a global advertisement program)