Free RPG Games

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The Incredible Ninja Drinking Game

March 18th, 2006

You hold before you the sacred words of the Shinobi ancients.

Ninja, you are duty bound to your clan to prove your might.

You have been chosen for –
The Challenge of the poisoned Chalice

Once all ninja are introduced then the chalice of poisoned emotion is placed in the centre (a pint glass will do).

Each ninja is given a smaller glass, this will hold the poison known as alcohol.

All ninja?s glasses are filled.

A deck of cards is shuffled and dealt out into a circle around the chalice of emotion. A basic Gaijin 54 card deck will suffice.

The challenge now begins in earnest.

School Dinners

March 18th, 2006

School Dinners is a roleplaying game set in Kidling’s Academy for the Culinary Arts. PCs are students aspiring to become master chefs. The game system involves feeding the GM. The game text was written in 24 minutes and typeset in the following hour and a half. Bon appetit.


Morsels are a suitable foodstuff ? I favour marshmallows. Use morsels to perform actions beyond your PC?s normal abilities. Morsels must be served to the GM (Gourmand Majeur).

The GM awards morsels to players as his appetite dictates. If a PC has an appropriate ability the player need not serve a morsel to act, but may choose to do so to curry favour.

Heart of Glass

March 17th, 2006

Heart of Glass is a story-centric game where players take turns narrating the parts of the Minions of an ancient and wizened dragon. Can you manipulate the Dragon’s heart of glass in order to fulfill the Dragon’s needs and your own? Have fun and tell a great story with your friends!


There is an ancient Dragon living deep within its den. Every Dragonslayer, Knight Errant, Sorcerer and Adventurer wants to test their mettle against the beast. And, the only thing standing between the Dragon and them, is you!

You will play a Minion of an ancient Dragon, you could possibly be an Ogre, a Dark Wizard, a Devilish Rogue, a kindred soul or whatever else you can imagine. You will use your resources and the Dragon’s, when possible, to overcome all the adversity headed your way!

What do you need to play?

  • This rulebook
  • Two to six players
  • Paper and pencils
  • A Deck of Cards (rules are written for a Poker/Bridge deck of 52 cards)
  • 3-4 tokens per player (you can use coins, poker chips, crackers or beads, whatever suits you)


You are playing a character that has their own desires, hopes, dreams, and plans for the future. But, that future is tied to a very old Dragon. The Dragon is fierce and has amassed many resources to deal with the potential threats facing them. Can you play on the Ancient Dragon’s emotions well enough to actually overcome these challenges?

Terra Nova

March 17th, 2006

Terra Nova is a game about the disastrous end of Captain Robert Falcon Scott’s 1912 Antarctic expedition. In it, the players will assume the roles of Scott’s team. They will be forced to make brutal decisions that balance the immutable laws of nature with the facile laws of men. In the end, they will fall one by one.

Robert Falcon Scott continually referred to his men as hard – these were seasoned polar veterans who volunteered for a journey into the most dangerous and inhospitable terrain on earth. Their resolve, their toughness, their steel is, in retrospect, astonishing. They walked to the south pole. In 1912. And almost returned alive.

The four of them were chosen as much for their compatibility as for their physical prowess and technical expertise. A year of laying dep?ts, working with sledge and ski, had galvanized them into a tightly-knit team of single-minded professionals. Although each had a role and specialty, by necessity they thought and acted as one when it counted.

The Terra Nova expedition was governed by two sets of contradictory but immutable laws. The first were the laws of nature – merciless and implacable, utterly inimical to human survival, and incontrovertible. The second were the laws of civilization – more specifically, the laws of His Majesty King George V. The men who followed Scott to the south pole lived and died by a moral code that ignored the harsh realities of Antarctica when they interfered with the prerogatives and obligations of an English gentleman. In the end, it could be argued that this is what killed them all.

Mississippi Steel

March 17th, 2006

Mississippi Steel is all about the racetrack. It combines the fun of roleplaying with the thrills of high-speed competition all in a setting that begs to become a terbacker-spewing, trailer trash-talking, clich?-ridden battle royale if’n I ever seed one. With a simplified rules system and plenty of information even for the most invalid of car connoisseurs (raises hand), Mississippi Steel puts you on the road to asphalt glory!


Trash-talking, backwoods mentalities, and redneck racing: that’s what Mississippi Steel is all about. Combining the best of roleplaying games and automotive competition, this game was designed to be played over ten one-hour sessions-the first session to create your racing team, the other nine as races in a single season. Each race lasts approximately one half-hour, allowing your team fifteen minutes before and after the race to interact with the other teams and outside influences. Using a competitive-racing point system, a grand prize winner will be determined at the end of the last race.

As a Player, you control at least one racing team consisting of a Driver, Pit Crew, and Car. The gamemaster, or Announcer, controls the track conditions, the scoring, the actions of any Non-Player Teams or People, and the Crashes. And, oh?there will be lots o’ crashing.

Important Note: With all the rules that have developed over the last few years for the safety of everyone involved?well, we’re going to go back in time a bit to make it even more risky. Figure it’s around 1985. There are no disqualification rules against fighting, obscenities, or what takes place off-track. The only basic driving rule we always have on the track is that there is no driving under the influence.

NECESSARY FOR PLAY: six-sided dice and this book.

FUN TO ADD: Toy cars and a drawn-out race track. Following the map below, sketch out on a large piece of paper a track that is at all points three toy cars wide with a bit of room between each. Trophies for the end of the season are really cool too. If you can pull it off, get a hold of some green, red, yellow, black and checkered flags.


All races will take place at the Dirty Water Raceway, which consists of an oval asphalt track with an “X” in the middle. The type of racing we’re focusing on is figure-eight car racing. It’s also been called “Demolition Racing” or “Playing Chicken at 6 Miles per Hour.” This is high-risk car racing that uses standard cars that have the barest minimum of modifications. We’re working here with 15 laps in 15 minutes.

Team Steel on Trial

March 16th, 2006

With great power?Comes great responsibility, that’s how it goes doesn’t it?

This court is convened to determine the fate of the costumed vigilante group known as Team Steel. Team Steel is accused of doing more harm than good. If found guilty then Team Steel will be publicly de-masked and disbanded.

The trial is played out in real time over two hours, at the end of which the jury will deliver a verdict on Team Steel’s fate.

This court is convened to determine the fate of the costumed vigilante group known as Team Steel. Team Steel is accused of doing more harm than good. If found guilty then Team Steel will be publicly de-masked, disbanded and all Team Steel assets will be seized. Individual members may even face further criminal charges.

The trial is played out in real time over two hours, at the end of which the jury will deliver a verdict on Team Steel?s fate.

This is deep immersion baby, if that ain?t your role-play bag then you probably won?t like this game (and it is a game because there are explicit goals from the outset). It?s diceless and designed for performance, with the audience taking an active role. It?s close to a Live-Action-Role-Play, but should work well as a piece of radio (or podcast) drama. It?ll be fun at conventions!

All Thieves Are Gay Anyway

March 15th, 2006

This game is a bit shit but it has a Dreidel in it and you can’t argue with that.

The team of characters will now go on an adventure.

Whichever player arrived last will start off as the Dudgeon Master. Whenever a player becomes the Dudgeon Master, he doubles his gold.

The Dudgeon Master begins by describing an ancient dungeon:

?You see a tunnel, lit by a flickering torch?

It is then the job of the other players to do anything but proceed with the adventure. Whatever stupid actions they come up with, the Dudgeon Master must either:

  • Respond to the action
  • Tell them to spin the dreidel (whatever the result, it will have no effect)
  • Attempt to interest them in something else (which he won?t)

DM: ?You see a tunnel, lit by a flickering torch?

Player 1: ?What sort of torch??

DM: ?Beeswax.?

Player 2: ?I check for bees?

DM: ?Spin the dreidel.?

Player 2: ?Gimel!?

DM: ?There?s no bees.?

Player 1: ?That beeswax must have come from somewhere.?

DM: ?You hear a noise.?

Player 3: ?Does it sound like bees??

DM: ?No.?

Player 1: ?We ignore it.?

The players should fire comments and stupid questions at the Dudgeon Master in anattempt to throw him.

If at any time the Dudgeon Master is lost for words or responds inappropriately ? as judged by the players* ? he stops being the Dudgeon Master and the player to his left becomes the new Dudgeon Master.

This carries on until someone wants to hit something.

Pinnacle Empty Quiver

March 14th, 2006

Pinnacle Empty Quiver – The first Game Chef 26 Submission!

Situation Pinnacle: A terror organization has infiltrated an overseas military base in an occupied country, secured a nuke, and has taken hostages. The military base is the home base of an elite anti-terror squad and the hostages are loved ones. The nuke can be prevented from exploding or the hostages can be saved. There is no other outcome. If the nuke goes off a city of 1, will be destroyed. No other citizens of the player’s country will die in the explosion. Your mission: Disarm the nuke, or will you go rogue and rescue your loved ones?

Steel is a resource representing the weapons, guns, equipment that a character uses during the game. These are used up to move the game forward towards resolution. Teamwork is rewarded in the game through better retention of Steel, but it makes the mission harder. Going solo makes the mission easier, but the player loses Steel more quickly. The characters are a member of a special forces group that specializes in restoring Law and Order, and as the Threat level of the game moves towards fulfillment it is a representation of Law being restored on the base. Also, players can utilize Laying Down the Law during combat to combat any GM hording of Steel until end game. In addition, the Laws of The Black Box dictate that if a nuclear countdown is aborted, those injected with poison capsules will die or if those injected with poison capsule are moved, the nuke will blow. There can be no other outcome. Also, the situation involves a law about nuclear security and transport, which was violated and created this situation.

All traits, skills, and equipment are taken from recruiting pamphlets for British or American Special Forces or from wikipedia entries about these organizations. Everything in the squad set up is based on American Army Special Forces, except for Squad Specialties, which is based on British Forces. The Threat Track and Mission Breakdown is a descendant of Metal Opera or InSpectres and spiced up by separating resolution from story advancement to give the players some more choices but also to make it slightly more difficult to resolve, and hopefully this will help keep the game slightly more serious. The combat is system was inspired by Wushu, but dreamed up while watching Lord of the Rings. The event system just popped in my head when I got the idea of a televised hostage forced to say something against their will.

Crazy Train

March 5th, 2006

Crazy Train is a roleplaying game where the GM must spend his resources in order to make sure that the plot is followed faithfully and the reluctant heroes make it to the end of their journey.


The first thing the game needs is a story. The GM decides on 2 things first: What is the genre of the story(post-acolyptic horror, tolkien fantasy, etc etc) and how many protagonists(Determined by the players available) there are. After that, the GM writes the story broken up into specific parts called “Story points”, which are either PC Decisions or Scene Framing.

PC Decisions are a description of what choice the PC makes and what happens afterward. Refer to the PC as its players name because the PC’s haven’t been created yet and we therefore know nothing about them. Scene Framing is the description of a new scene, what it looks like and what is going on in it.

Write 6-12 Story points and you’re done with a Story that you can play out with your friends! Note that you have Resource Points equal to three times your Story Points.

Raiders of the Ruins of Kanthe

March 3rd, 2006

Raiders of the Ruins of Kanthe is a solitaire dungeon crawl RPG, in response to a challenge issued by Jeff Moore.


Ages ago, the magnificent cities of imperial Kanthe dotted the landscape. Kanthe was the most advanced culture of the world, the greatest builders in stone, the makers of the best arms and armor, the most educated civilization. Civilized Kanthe discovered how to manipulate magical forces and bred specialists in sorcery, alchemy, conjuration, and enchantment.

But Kanthe felt threatened by barbarians. Its people, wanting to feel secure and feeling that mere walls were not enough, began building elaborate underground fortifications, tunneling deep into the earth, protecting their dungeons with clever traps, some of them magical. There were even some who built portals of endless generation which spewed forth strange beasts to prowl and protect.

Ironically, it didn’t protect them. A massive earthquake in the region leveled the magnificent cities above ground and sealed many of the entrances to the underground. The survivors, thinking that the gods were angered, fled the land and later founded the Nine and Thirty Kingdoms, a pale shadow of ancient Kanthe, but still the envy of the barbarians.

For another irony is that many barbarians, far from wanting to destroy the remnants of civilization, want instead to share in its wealth, become civilized themselves. Kingdom folk are prejudiced, however, and rarely accept strange newcomers as equals. But kingdom folk also envy the knowledge of lost Kanthe and wish to regain it. Too fearful to return to the ruined cities or descend into the underground, they are grateful for any outlander rogue willing to risk the dangers and reclaim the treasures of Kanthe.

Outlander rogue. That means you.