Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.

Schools Out For Eternity

May 14th, 2007

You take a step into your classroom and kick open the closet, clutching your handgun. The smell of perfume escapes the closet as the girl sits there, shielding herself, screaming at the top of her lungs for mercy. You kneel into the light and she realizes you’re still alive. She stands up and smiles at you, then goes wide eyed. Your dearly departed teacher walks through the door, fresh blood dripping down his chin. Grasping your gun, you realize that schools out for eternity.

What this is about

This game was designed for one sole purpose: because school needs more death and destruction. As one of the few surviving students in the school in a strange outbreak, your mission is to survive and escape, rescuing other survivors and ultimately escaping the town. This game does not use EMME, due to obvious restraints on size.

Making a character

This is a fairly simple process of picking one type of roll out of 5, the one you pick gives you a +1 to rolls involving that stat. Everything else is simply roleplay important. The choices are: Strength, Speed, Smarts, Charm, and Reflexes.

Strength is used for physical combat and other various tasks such as lifting. Speed is the use of your legs. Smarts is used in tough situations relying on brains. Charm is your ability to persuade with looks and speech. And reflexes allow you to see things coming, dodging and for certain tasks.

Sputnik Lost

May 14th, 2007

Russia ushered in the space age on October 4, 1957 with the launch Sputnik. That original 58cm metal sphere would in turn lead to a race between the superpowers to put men on the moon. After America won, all references to the Soviet moon program were denied, until the glasnost period of the early 199s.

Sputnik Lost is a reconstruction of an attempt to put men on the moon, less than two weeks before the launch of Apollo 11.

On July 3, 1969, a Soviet N-1 Moon Rocket was launched from Tuytrantum Military Launch Facility carrying a small crew into space. They never returned.

Thirteen days later, Apollo 11 was launched, and was officially recored in the history books as the first lunar landing, while in typical Soviet fashion, all information about their plans for a moonshot were eradicated and denied. Until messages like this one appeared.

Simple Supers RPG

May 11th, 2007

Simple Supers RPG is a super simple roleplaying game representing a world of superheroic adventure. All the rules for Simple Supers are contained within one single sheet of paper, a character sheet that can be used to keep track characters in the game as well as to have all the rules handy in one page. With Simple Supers RPG, one player takes the role of Game Master, or GM, while the other players take the role of Player Characters, or PCs. The PCs play the role of heros while the GM assumes the role of all villains, as well as creating and running the adventures that are the core of the game. Each hero and villain in the game is custom made by the players. Each adventure features the heroes and villains matching wits and engaging in combat with each other as good battles evil for who will ultimately triumph in the super-powered world of Simple Supers. Excelsior!

is a game played with two six-sided dice, some pencils, and copies of this character sheet. When two dice are rolled together in this game, both dice are added together to get a total for the die roll.

Simple Supers RPG is played like a standard roleplaying game. Two or more players play the game with one of the players taking the role of Game Master (GM) and each other player taking the role of a player character (PC).

Trollblade Referee’s Guide

May 11th, 2007

First, TROLL BLADE gave players a full system of rpg rules AND character sheet on a single page. Now for referees comes the companion piece, Troll Blade(R). Full rules for creating just about any monster and their treasure AND again, all on a single page. Requires the Troll Blade rules to play.


  • Goblin – rank 1 small humanoid
  • Orc – rank 2 normal humanoid.
  • Black orc – rank 3 normal humanoid.
  • Ogre – rank 4 large humanoid
  • Troll – rank 5 large humanoid, fast heal
  • Minotaur – rank 6 large humanoid, trample, favoured environment (dungeons)
  • Hill giant – rank 7 huge humanoid
  • Harpy – rank 5 normal monster, flight, protective aura (song, 15′, CHA to save)
  • Skeleton – rank 1 monster, un-living
  • Zombie – rank 2 monster, unliving
  • Ghoul – rank 3 monster, un-living, poisonous
  • Wight – rank 4 monster, un-living, energy drain (STR)
  • Wraith – rank 5 monster, un-living, energy drain (END), damage reduction (magic weapons)
  • Ghost – rank 6 monster, un-living, damage reduction (magic weapons), protective aura (fear, 2001′, WILL to save)
  • Young dragon – rank 1 large monster, flight, energy blast (fireball, 1′, 5d1), protective aura (fear, 64′,WILL to save)


May 3rd, 2007

TROLL BLADE. One SINGLE page. One FULL fantasy RPG. In the tradition of both 1km1kt’s Adventurer rpg and R(age), P(recognition), G(race), the TROLL BLADE PLAYER’S GUIDE presents both the rules AND the character sheet on the SAME sheet of paper. Old-skool adventuring in the spirit of red box D’n’D and Fighting Fantasy – requires dice and pencils!

HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT : In hand-to-hand combat both parties roll 1d2 and add their CB (melee). If either side is using a shield then roll the shield?s DB at the same time and subtract that from the opponents roll. The highest score wins. After damage is rolled the opponent may make a DR roll which either deflects ALL the damage by rolling EQUAL or HIGHER than the damage roll or NONE at all by rolling lower. Death occurs at HP.

Search and Destroy

May 3rd, 2007

“Here’s your man, Marshal. The warrant said dead or alive.”

I dump the corpse of my quarry in front of the marshal’s desk. The marshal recoils in shock, but recovers quickly. He reaches into the desk and pulls out a stack of credits as thick as the powerpack on my blaster.

“There y’are. 2, credits blood money, mutie.”

I tip my hat to him as I walk out into the harsh actinic light of the twin suns. A woman hides her children behind her as I walk past. Someone spits at my shadow.

Sometimes I wonder who they think are worse. The bounties, or the hunters?

Still … It’s a job.

Search/Destroy is a RPG set in the Strontium Dog comic universe. Players are mutant bounty hunters in the far future.


It is the far future. A series of devastating wars has forced Mankind to leave Earth and settle the stars. However, the rule of Law does not quite reach as far as Man’s grasp. The frontier is often lawless, and settlers are often prey to vicious thugs, scheming criminals and fierce aliens.

Earth, however, has not forgotten her children. Where the Law does not reach, money brings the Search/Destroy Agent. These are not men. Instead, they are the bastard children of Earth’s wars – mutants. They roam the colonies, tracking down criminals with a price on their heads and exacting revenge.

Wherever they go, the Search/Desroy Agents are feared and hated. Their mutations mark them out from other men, and they are shunned for their profession. Some are cruel, some are noble. All of them will kill you for a credit.

His is the Hand

May 3rd, 2007

Although Dr Alphonse Moreau perished on Noble’s Isle sometime in late 1887, his work did not. In 1891, an expedition was sent by the British government to salvage what they could and return any papers or specimens that were still alive. Although the expedition was publicly reported as a failure, it did succeed in bringing back enough information for scientists to replicate Dr Moreau’s work – the surgical hybridisation of Man and Beast.

A small laboratory was established somewhere in the bucolic conutryside of England. The scientists at the laboratory successully reproduced all of Moreau’s techniques and added page after page to their new bestiary. The new creations were studied, both physically and mentally, to see what use they could be in the new century.

Another one page RPG, in which the players are hybrids created for experimentation. Do they try and prove themselves useful to their masters, or do they find freedom?

In “His is the Hand”, the players take the part of the Beast-Men: hybrids created from the legacy of Dr Moreau. When creating a character, the player should decide what animals have gone into their creation.

Characters have the following abilities:

TRAITS – These are what describe the character’s abilities. A character may have any number of Traits provided they have at least one point in every Trait. Traits should be neither too narrow, nor too wide. The referee is the ultimateauthorit y on whether a Trait is suitable and what its effects are. The score assigned to a Trait indicates how good it is.

DRAWBACKS – Whereas Traits are generally positive, Drawbacks are negative. A Drawback must have a score, like a Trait. The score indicates how badly the Drawback affects the character. Again, the referee is the ultimate authority on the extent of a Drawback.

HUMANITY -This represents how spiritually close characters are to the ideal of Noble Humanity and how well they can resist the bestial side of their nature. A high Humanity score indicates that the character thinks rather than reacts.

Players have 1 points with which to create characters. These points should be assigned to Traits. If a player decides to create a character with Drawbacks, they receive extra points for Traits equal to the number of points they have in Drawbacks.

Tranzistor Zenith

May 3rd, 2007

This time I made a one page mecha RPG based on the cartoon series Tranzor Z, and I also made a game master’s guide pdf to go with it.

It can be played without the Ze master’s Guide (the guide is optional for those desiring to make a standard roleplaying campaign out of the RPG).

Mech A RPG Contest

April 21st, 2007

Hey everyone!

AndyK of 24hourrpg turned me on to this really cool contest that got started over in the forums. Basically, JohnDeHope3 had $3 worth of Mech-themed RPG art lying around and decided to see what kind of games people would come up with if he opened it up for public use! Personally, we think it’s a fanastic idea and want to promote the hell out of the contest. That said, we’re contributing fifty dollars to the cash prize and will be providing a central location to host the files. If you have an RPG you’re writing for the contest, send it to and we’ll get it posted right away.

Good luck to everyone!

Read the contest thread and rules at
Download the artwork (31.8 Mb .zip file)

Royal Battles

April 16th, 2007

Download (.pdf)

Royal Battles is a strategic board game of small scale battles played with playing cards and chess pieces. In Royal Battles players compete to defeat each other in head-to-head combat. Each player builds an army of 4 units (represented with chess pieces) and maneuvers them on a battle board made from a tile grid of playing cards. Each unit has a special ability that sets it apart and it is the combination of units and abilities that will determine the difference between victory and defeat.

Requires playing cards (standard poker or bridge decks) and chess pieces.