Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.

Bad Day CA

July 16th, 2007

Its been a long day. The first place you find yourself going when you get home is the bed. You hear the scratching of some sort of animals at your door, you hear something chirping at your windows, you hear something knocking around your trashcans, you hear the dull sound of fists beating at your walls. They must still be outside. As these un-comforting sounds fly around your room and thoughts; one thought emerges. “I never should of moved to california”

Common knowledge is that its currently summer. since i have not had to do any intense work for awhile I have slipped out of sight or sound and actually have not gotten anything done (Meaning “The Looking Glass” may be on the shelf for awhile, and other projects….maybe). I really had to get up and write something. Suprisingly, i actually got inspired by one of the most boring things possible. I pulled up, and looked at the archive of free games. Not actually clicking on anything. just looking at the names. Then it hit me what i could fire off a quick 1 pager about. By the power of window shopping (And viking metal, all hail dragonforce!) I actually think i can get a good 1 page rpg out.

The point of the game is simple. You live in California, and all hell breaks loose. And the goal is to simply…. survive one day; being the worst possible day ever. Literally the game is about turning the DMs flock of gamers into ping pong balls for the DM to swat around. The players will find themselves running from B-movie and modern movie monsters (the movie “8 legged freaks” comes to mind as what made me think of this), along with surviving natural and not so natural disasters, and whatever god or whatever deity exists throws at you.


A character must survive 24 game hours. in short: a day. sounds simple still? surviving masses of disasters and hundreds of monsters, and other things athat go bump in the night.


July 9th, 2007

FREYO exists as a SINGLE page RPG containing both rules AND character sheet together (with a handy blank side for all those important campaign notes!). FREYO is an OMNI-GENRE game (I.E. – a “clothes horse”. Hang any setting you like on it.). FREYO is free to use as you please (unless you aim to make $$$ from it or want to claim it as your own creation.In which case put it back where you found it!!).

…and that’s all FREYO is.I like it. I hope you do to!


  • Any action may be decided by rolling 2d6 and adding the scores together. This is called the TASK roll.
  • This total is compared to the numerical value of the ability most relevant to the action at hand.
  • Success is achieved if the total rolled is LOWER than the numerical value of the ability.
  • Each point that the TASK roll is lower than the ability is considered 1 success, thus the lower the roll is in relation to the ability?s value means the greater the level of success achieved.
  • The exception to this is were an ability has a value of 2, in which case a roll of 2 counts as 1 success.
  • Occasionally the rolls are HINDERED. A HINDERED TASK roll has an additional die rolled and the 2 highest rolls are added together with the lowest roll discarded. Circumstances which HINDER rolls can stack.
  • Should someone or something be deliberately acting against the character?s action then the TASK roll is OPPOSED. Both sides make the TASK roll and the most number of successes rolled is the winner.
  • TASK ROLL examples include- FORCE – lifting, climbing, jumping. RESIST – hold breath, avoid disease. REACT – riding, balancing, dodging. AWARE – listen, spotting. IMPOSE – charm, seduce, bully. OPPOSE – resisting IMPOSE TASKS.


July 9th, 2007

Lucidity is a game about dreaming. In the world of Lucidity, for reasons unknown, what people dreamed started to become real. But, for the most part, people didn’t realize that it was happening. The characters are lucid dreamers in a world made out of dreams. Can they save the world from this menace? Or do they even want to?

Lucidity is a 24-hour RPG. That means that all the actual work was done in 24 Hours. The idea for the game was bouncing around in my head for a couple of days before I actually sat down and Took the Challenge, but all of the typing, editing, and layout was done during the 24 hour period of Wednesday, June 27, 2007.

This is not my first RPG. This is not even my first 24-hour RPG. I’m also the William Prahl of N/ AI, a really cool digital-themed pen and paper RPG. I can’t bear to look at the thing now, but it’s still on the web. I have, in the past, tried and failed to create games with no time constraint, and most of them have ended in failure. Let’s hope this one joins N/AI on the very short list of games I have finished.

Caught Between Planes

June 11th, 2007

One night, when i was walking home in the dark, a thought hit me. “What if there was a game, where you could be good or evil, and fight the deamons of hell or the angels of heavon”. for while, i ignored the idea, but then i figured i could get away with it, im not that well known. Besides, people have written much more drastic things.

In this game, you play as a alternate version of yourself (As you do in my other games). One night walking through the park, you notice a red light. you walk closer, and witness the horrors appearing. you see bums being drug into a portal to the abyss, you witness late night joggers being sacraficed, you witness graveyard shift policeman pumping rounds into they who cannot be dead again. Your choice? to run. Your town is in danger, and it needs a hero, or a villian. It all depends on what team you are rooting for.

Will you side with satan and aid his minions in their quest for total control? or will you side with god, and beat back the minions of the pit back to whence they came?

This game is designed for a DM (Death Master) to run with a group of players (preferably 2 or more) in a open, purerly DM ran story. this game is to hand the creative tools to a creative person to create a story with their freinds as the heros (or villians). Note that this game uses terminology used by christians, but i myself am not of the christian faith, but have some information of various demons and traditions. and obviously i know what heaven and hell are. This is made only for pleasure, and this is not any attept to bash a religion. I myself though am a bit pissed that christians seem to think their faith is bloodless though, but i will rant later.

The main goal of the game is to make your own choice on what to do. Take the path of evil and kill god, or take the path of good and save heaven and earth from satans attacks. This is a war, demons and angels pour out of portals, phase in, and appear all to fight. As combat sways in one side, then you can expect to see war advance to one of the realms.

As you do your side proud. you will eventually be granted a familiar(or two)by your diety. You never know how much they can save you. Familiars are linked to you via soul. therefore as long as you live, they are unable to die, only be knocked out. Same goes with you, if you fall in battle, and your familiar survives, then you will be reborn. Your side will also grant you powers and spells if you serve them well. Your a important peice in this game of chess, as not any person is granted power like this. All around the world, people have been imbued to the greater causes, to help fight this war.

Character Creation is divided into several steps. all being fueled by a supply of creation points. I call this the “Every Man Made Equal System” (EMMES), Since my games tend to use alot of passive and npc elements, but require dice rolls. You start with 3 points to use to shape your character.

I have renewed and brought back some skills from BR RPG, but many are completely new.

The Hive

June 6th, 2007

The Hive is a game set in a world that has been taken over by mobs under the control of an alien mind. Sometime in the late 196s, London Transportundercovered an alien spacecraft while excavating an extension at the Hobs Lane underground station. There was a lot of publicity about the discovery of Martians in London. However, it ended when a force in the craft awakened. The force took over the minds of those nearby, and welded them into a mob dedicated to killing any who would not join them.

At some point it all fell apart… I don’t know how. One day, everyone was normal – the next day, the mobs had arrived. Blank, mindless and with strange powers: they roamed the streets, killing everyone they met who wasn’t one of them.

A few of us are immune, but there are less of us everyday. The mob takes us. Some of us think that the controller lives in the structur e thay have been building in central London. Some of us think they’re Martians …
Just like poor Bernard did.
– Diaries of Professor Roney

Dungeons and Vigilantes RPG

May 24th, 2007

Dungeons and Vigilantes RPG is played using a six-sided die, a pencil, and a copy of this character sheet. This game is be played with another player with a character sheet from Dungeons and Vigilantes RPG or with a character sheet from the game Villains and Dragons RPG.

Dungeons and Vigilantes RPG is played using a six-sided die, a pencil, and a copy of this character sheet. This game is be played with another player with a character sheet from Dungeons and Vigilantes RPG or with a character sheet from the game Villains and Dragons RPG.

Villians and Dragons RPG

May 24th, 2007

Villains and Dragons RPG is played using a six-sided die, a pencil, and a copy of this character sheet. This game is be played with another player with a character sheet from Villains and Dragons RPG or with a character sheet from the game Dungeons and Vigilantes RPG.

Villains and Dragons RPG is played using a six-sided die, a pencil, and a copy of this character sheet. This game is be played with another player with a character sheet from Villains and Dragons RPG or with a character sheet from the game Dungeons and Vigilantes RPG.

Dawn of the Dumb

May 24th, 2007

The zombie invasion had swept the nation… City after city had fallen to the zombie horde… Starting on the east coast, the horde had moved steadily to the west… As the zombies descended upon the city of Oakland, the horde never saw it’s defeat coming at the hands of the Hyphy Movement… One by one, the zombies fell as the words of E-4 filled the air, beats blasting out of cars as fools danced around their moving vehicles… “Tell me when to go! Tell me when to go! Go DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM…”

The zombie invasion had swept the nation… City after city had fallen to the zombie horde… Starting on the east coast, the horde had moved steadily to the west… As the zombies descended upon the city of Oakland, the horde never saw it’s defeat coming at the hands of the Hyphy Movement… One by one, the zombies fell as the words of E-4 filled the air, beats blasting out of cars as fools danced around their moving vehicles… “Tell me when to go! Tell me when to go! Go DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM…”

Fear on Four RPG

May 17th, 2007

Fear On Four was a BBC radio program that aired from 1988 to 1993, then returned to be aired anew in 1997 and 1999. The radio drama featured horror stories and was hosted by The Man In Black, as played by Edward De Souza. Fear On Four RPG is a one page roleplaying game based on the radio program.

Fear On Four RPG is played like a standard roleplaying game. Two or more players play the game with one of the players taking the role of The Man In Black and every other player taking the role of a Doomed Victim. This game is best played by two players, and may not be played by more than four players. Each player will get a copy of this character sheet and read the section of this game that pertains to the role they will play.

MACE: Martial Arts Card Engine

May 14th, 2007

MACE is a game for 2 – 4 players. MACE simulates the fantastic martial arts battles common to fighting games and anime. Each player is represented by a Fighter, a master of the martial arts complete with vicious Strikes and powerful Blasts of energy. The goal is to Knock Out all other players Fighters, with the last one standing the winner.

MACE uses a deck of playing cards, a hex sheet and some tokens, so is easy to play and requires no book keeping. MACE also features a unique order mechanic called Momentum, which allows you to choose when you act.

If you are interested in anything anime or martial arts and like a fun simple system, then check out MACE!

Place one deck of playing cards in centre of play area. When a player plays a card from their hand, draw a card to replace it. All cards played are discarded to the discard pile next to the deck. If a player cannot draw a card because the deck is empty, shuffle discard pile and place as new deck.