Free RPG Games

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Letter of Patent

January 25th, 2008

Letter of Patent, Tim Morgan – 1 page RPG, 2007

In Letter of Patent, players take on the roles of knights at a late medieval tournament. Knights participate in jousts and melee competitions, while trying to meet ladies and better themselves socially.

Characters are made by creating their letter of patent, a list of the knight’s ancestors. Depending on the stock of their forebears, their own stats and abilities are formed. Combat is simple, yet includes rules for damage to self, horse, equipment and even reputation.

LoP uses six stats: Melee (used to attack while on foot), Joust (used to attack while on horseback), Shield (used to defend, either on foot or on horse), Romance (used for influencing women), Honor (used for interactions with men), and Wealth (a measure of the character’s fortunes). Each are abbreviated with their first letter.

Crime Fighter RPG

January 25th, 2008

Crime Fighter RPG is a roleplaying game that requires this rulebook, some copies of the Crime Fighter RPG character sheet, some pencils, two six-sided dice, and at least two players in order to play. One player takes the role of CM (Crime Master) while all other players will take the role of PCF (Player Crime Fighter). The CM will oversee all gameplay, put forth adventures for the PCFs to interact in, and play the role of each NPCF (Non-Player Crime Fighter) and NPC (Non-Player Criminal). The PCFs will create superheroic detectives which they will then play the role of.


In the superheroic world of Crime Fighter RPG, there are no super powers. Instead, all crime fighters and criminals are highly skilled human beings armed with advanced technological gadgetry. Technology and science are at modern day levels, with some breakthroughs being made by a few. Despite the lack of super powers, many individuals exist that are quite formidable due to great physical prowess, genius level IQ, and advanced weaponry. Because of this, many ‘super’ criminals exist which the normal authorities cannot handle, so the law has been taken into the hands of a select group of ‘super’ heroes known as crime fighters.


November 1st, 2007

FLASHBACK is a game about identity and the power of choice. The Players assume the roles of characters (PCs) that awaken in a strange place, with no memory of their former lives. As the game progresses, Players receive Flashbacks which represent the slow trickle of memory returning to the character. Although the cards indicate the content of the memories, it’s up to the individual Player to decide its specifics. Does the memory of committing a crime make one a criminal or is it the choices made from here that matter most? The game is designed to function as a one-shot RPG, however, there is no reason the game could not be continued to extend the story of any characters created during the session. You could even use this game as the prequel of another RPG altogether! Though the game could be played with two people, it really shines with a GM (guiding action, mediating conflicts, and controlling pace through Triggers) and four or more players. If you really want to play with only two people, both should be Players and simply share GM duties between them.

The game is heavily inspired by the film Unknown which utilizes all of the desired themes perfectly and will be used as the Example Game, but there is no reason why the game can’t be played in an alternate setting or using entirely new Triggers or Flashbacks.

Your head pounds as your senses grudgingly float back from the depths of unconsciousness. A shrill noise pierces the silence. Your heavy lids lift to reveal strange and unfamiliar surroundings, hard walls of thick concrete, tiny windows barred with heavy iron, and one ominous steel door, with no handle. The noise assaults your eardrums again, resonating painfully inside your aching head. Around you lay the motionless bodies of unfamiliar foes… or are they friends? You can’t remember anything, how you got here, where ‘here’ even is, the identities of those around you, or even your own name! The high pitch ring echoes once more and you realize a phone is somewhere nearby. Maybe you should answer it. Maybe you should find out what the hell is going on, before someone else does…


November 1st, 2007

In kalma, you will take the role of old, old people who have stolen the breath of others. Now on their last breath, they have one more thing to achieve. kalma was submitted for the 27 Sight & Sound game design challenge.

Characters in this game are old people who have lived past their rightful age.

Some time ago, perhaps as a child or perhaps last week, they stole the breath from another person. In doing so, they took the remainder of that person’s life as their own. The act may have been deliberate, malicious, accidental or for another reason entirely, but the breath-taker was forever changed. Since stealing breath, the character has lived on the edge of life, able to see or sniff out elements of the underworld.

Perhaps they can occasionally glimpse the gloomy fate that awaits others, can smell impending accidents or can touch and weave the wisps of life connecting everyone. But most importantly, they have lived beyond their allotted span.

Silent Archaea

November 1st, 2007

In a war-torn future, an elite unit of soldiers roams the depths of space exploring Palaces, huge warships frozen in space and time. They use their training and sense-enhancing drugs developed by the military to defeat unknown enemies and to learn straight from the Palace’s Memory Flow. But beware, for without teamwork they could easily fall into the mouth of madness.

What is Silent Archaea?

Silent Archaea is a role-playing game. The characters will be elite troopers exploring huge abandoned spaceships in a distant future. They will use weapons, teamwork and sense-enhancing drugs to complete their mission. Some may go mad. Some will never return.


August 27th, 2007

The OMNI-GENRE grows with ArKaNa. Designed in 24 hours. With rules and character sheet (and FREE blank campaign sheet on back!) all on the same, single page, ArKaNa is just begging to be fitted with the genre of your choice and test-driven until it’s engine (multiple d6 opposed rolls comparing character stats. Easy-peasy!) EXPLODES!!! From the maker of TROLL-BLADE and FREYO.

I Play Jeff Moore’s HEX!

July 18th, 2007

I Play Games!

HEX is a one page solitaire game by Jeff Moore, an established game designer and author on HEX soon after it was created, inspired the author to issue The Character Sheet is the RPG Challenge, that has been on now for two years running, with 27: The Character Sheet Is The RPG Challenge II currently going, issued by Errin Famiglia. This game was one of the first that I ever downloaded from, and I’m glad I did. I was attracted by HEX as a solitaire one page dungeon adventure, featuring random dungeon generation, complete with encounters, treasures and goals. Its single page also holds a character sheet with XP advancements, all the rules needed for play and even the game’s dialogue: “A curse has infested an ancient keep near your town. The evil magic has filled the keep with monsters. Can you save your home from this Hex?” -a powerful hook.

HEX is an amazingly whole game, simple and clear in its one page presentation. The questions that are asked at the end of the game, should you roll 9 and Exit the Dungeon, along with the author’s encouragement to “Chronicle your adventures!” gave me the idea to write this review and include the following play record with my analysis.

So, I played HEX and after a few minutes of rolling dice and taking notes here is what I came up with:

Play Record 1

turn 1 Roll 5 Room Monster Corridor Action Fight Result H-1,E-1,X+1 HEX 5,5,1 lvl 1 Keys

turn 2 Roll 4 Room Monster Room Action Fight Result H-1,E-1,X+1 HEX 4,4,2 lvl 1 Keys

turn 3 Roll 6 Room Treasure Action Roll 2 Result get keys+1 HEX 4,4,2 lvl 1 Keys 1

turn 4 Roll 4+1 Room Monster Corridor Action Run Result move on HEX 4,4,2 lvl 1 Keys 1

turn 5 Roll 6+1 Room Stairs Down Action — Result lvl +1 HEX 4,4,2 lvl 2 Keys 1

turn 6 Roll 6+1 Room Stairs Down Action — Result lvl +1 HEX 4,4,2 lvl 2 Keys 1

turn 7 Roll 4+1 Room Monster Corridor Action Run Result move on HEX 4,4,2 lvl 2 Keys 1

turn 8 Roll 2+1 Room Empty Room Action Rest Result H+1,E+3 HEX 5,7,2 lvl 2 Keys 1

turn 9 Roll 5+1 Room Treasure Action Roll 1 Result get keys+1 HEX 5,7,2 lvl 2 Keys 2

turn 1 Roll 3+2 Room Monster Corridor Action Fight Result H-2,E-2,X+1 HEX 3,4,3 lvl 2 Keys 2

turn 11 Roll 5+2 Room Stairs Down Action — Result lvl +1 HEX 3,4,3 lvl 3 Keys 2

turn 12 Roll 3+3 Room Treasure Action Roll 5 Result get X+3 HEX 3,4,6 lvl 3 Keys 3

turn 13 Roll 5+3 Room Boss Action lose Result H-6,E-6,X-1/2 HEX -3,-2,3 lvl 3 Keys 3


I earned 3 experience points, I coudn’t buy any upgrades to magic weopon or magic armor.

I reached the 3rd level.

I found 3 keys.

I faced the level 3 boss. (evil Vampire)

I was forced to flee the dungeon after 13 turns of play.


Even though I lost, I enjoyed playing, and in real life I feel like I gained experience points, because I learned a few things and I was inspired by the concept. Now I am working on my own game Dungeoneers RPG! Unfortunately, the “Keys and Level” system for rolling on the Dungeon table, borrowed from Doom Semper Fidelis has a few small flaws as implemented in HEX. In order to have the opportunity to regain Health or Endurance, you must roll 1 or 3 on the Dungeon table. That means if you find a Key (meant to be a “Treasure”), you lose a chance to heal -and once you have a chance to roll a 9 and exit the Dungeon successfully (keys +3), you can’t heal at all. That could be a problem, because monsters always do damage if you fight them, and you can’t avoid taking damage from Traps or a Boss. If you gain even more Keys, it becomes possible to roll off the table. It also looks like it might be possible to roll too many 7’s and quickly reach way too high of a dungeon level, and therefore have the monsters, traps and boss become impossibly deadly. Making the “stairs down” optional until the character chooses to leave the level might help this last issue.


July 16th, 2007

I Play Games!

The game simulates some of the plot from BOGGY CREEK II: AND THE LEGEND CONTINUES a movie that can normally only be survived by watching it as an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3. The legend of the Fouke Monster aka the Big Foot of Arkansas aka the Creature continues and continues in the movies and you just want it all to end. The RPG took the hokey events of the movie and turned them into a “serious” game with out the humor of MST3K or the flaws that made the movie worthy of an MST3K episode. In the game, you want the search for the Creature to continue as you explore Murky County,gaining bonuses.This is because meeting the Creature is deadly, especially if you aren’t “prepared” with the various bonuses. Most of the places you search in Murky County will either send you on further along your search, present danger or provide opportunity and sometimes all of these. Many places are different depending on whether it is day or night. This increases both the amount of possible play and the length of time you could play this single page with out getting bored or seeing the same things happen.

Murky County’s creator, Errin Famiglia, is a prolific game designer on and the person responsible for The Character Sheet Is The RPG Challenge II 27. The one page game is growing into a new cutting edge genre of role playing games, and solo RPG games, such as THE CREATURE OF MURKY COUNTY RPG definitely have a place in it.

Here is my play records for two games:

Play Record 1

Physical 6 Mental 6 Spiritual 4 Class: Professor
Status: wounded twice, horrified
1 roll 3 Lone Stretch Of Road, roll 3 day, roll 4

2 roll 3 Lone Stretch of Road, roll 6 night, roll 6 Creature Encounter
Creature Encounter:
roll 3 + Physical 6 = 9 < 11 I am wounded, roll 6 + Mental 6 the Creature is Outsmarted, roll 4 + Spiritual 4 = 8 I am Horrified

3 roll 4 Desolate Farmhouse, roll 3 night, roll 5

4 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 1 Murky Creek Swamplands, I don’t camp here overnight

5 roll 4 Desolate Farmhouse, roll 1 day, roll 4

6roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 4 The River Bottoms, roll 6 Creature Encounter
Creature Encounter: roll 3 + Physical 6 = 9 < 11 I am wounded for the second time, so I lost.

Play Record 2

Physical 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 final 8 Mental 4 + 2 + 1 =final 7 Spiritual 6 + 1 = final 7 Class: Professor
Status: wounded, stop being wounded, horrified no longer horrified,
1 roll 3 Lone Stretch Of Road, roll 4 day, roll 2

2 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 5, Old Man Crenshaw’s Place, roll 1 I am wounded

3 roll 4 Desolate Farmhouse, roll 4 night, roll 3

4 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 5 Old Man Crenshaw’s Place, roll 2

5 roll 1 The Town Of Murky, roll 5, Post Office, roll a die the next time

6 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 2 Murky Creek Swamplands, camp here overnight, roll 3

7 roll 5 Murky Creek, roll 6 The Creature’s Den, roll 5

8 roll 5 Murky Creek, roll 4 The River Bottoms, roll 5

9 roll 1 The Town Of Murky, roll 2 General Store

1 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 3 The River Bottoms, roll 1, roll 4 + 1 physical

11 roll 2 The Town Of Murky, roll 1 Local Library, roll 3, Physical + 1

12 roll 4 Desolate Farmhouse, roll 1 day, roll 5

13 roll 5 Murky Creek, roll 3 The River Bottoms, roll 5

14 roll 1 The Town Of Murky, roll 5 Post Office, roll 6 Mental + 2, no more bonus here

15 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 3 The River Bottoms, roll 1, roll 4 < 6, Physical + 1

16 roll 2 The Town Of Murky ,roll 3 Police Station, roll 6 Search Old Man Crenshaw’s Place instead.
16 Search Old Man Crenshaw’s Place roll 6 search The Creature’s Den instead,The Creature’s Den roll 6
16 Creature Encounter: roll 4 + Physical 7 = 11, I end the Encounter

17 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 2 Murky Creek Swamplands, camp here overnight, roll 1 Physical + 1

18 roll 1 The Town Of Murky, roll 4 Doctor’s Office I stop being wounded

19 roll 4 Desolate Farmhouse, roll 3 night, roll 4

2 roll 3 Lone Stretch Of Road, roll 5 night, roll 6 Creature Encounter roll 5 + Physical 7 = 12 the Creature is beaten, roll 6 + Mental 6 the Creature is outsmarted, roll 4 + Spiritual 6 = 1 I am horrified

21 roll 1 The Town Of Murky,roll 6 Old Church I am no longer horrified

22 roll 2 The Town Of Murky, roll 3 Police Station,roll 4 search Desolate Farmhouse instead,
22 roll 5 night, roll 1,roll 4 < 6 Spiritual + 1

23 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 5 Old Man Crenshaw’s Place, roll 4 Physical + 1 Mental + 1 Spiritual + 1, no more bonus here

24 roll 6 Murky Creek,roll 6 The Creature’s Den,roll 1 Creature Encounter
24 Creature Encounter roll Creature Encounter roll 6 + Physical 8 = 14 the Creature is beaten, roll 6 + Mental 7 = 13 the Creature is outsmarted, roll 5 + Spiritual 7 = 12 the Creature is dominated Victory!


The longer you survive in Murky County, the better your chances of gaining the sometimes required bonuses to beat the Creature. The higher your scores are the more likely it is that you can take advantage of an opportunity to gain bonuses.The Creature, Old Man Crenshaw and other dangers through out the game add a strong element of risk.The Creature is a powerful and elusive boss type since it takes above average scores in all areas obtained through game play to beat, outsmart and finally dominate the Creature, while as the Creature can easily wound,traumatize and horrify you with each failed rolled.

the game is copyright by Errin Famiglia, this review is copyright 27 John Lennon Goodwin, but please feel free to copy or repost unmodified

Trollblade 2nd Edition

July 16th, 2007

TROLL-BLADE 2nd edition. One single page could never hope to hold it. Expanded from both previous releases to a MASSIVE 13 pages, TB2 provides the most comprehensive (and compacted) rules in FRPG. FIVE races, FOUR classes, TWENTY-THREE spells, limitless monsters and magic item creation are all included. Old-skool gaming never had this clarity. Enjoy.


There is no one who denies the existence of a Creator God. But his power is considered beyond mortal concerns. In his place there exists a pantheon of deities, all created to aid with the needs of men and all vying to increase their power and influence. The gods accept worshippers from all races, their appearances humanoid but without being one race over another.

The following list lists just some of the deities and includes any INFLUENCE spells they bestow on their priests.

AEYONUS – the warrior god (strike, healing)
IBRATO – the trickster (illusion, transform)
MEH?DIAH – goddess of retribution (cripple, energy bolt)
KUHL – god of war (energy blast, destruction)
NOL – god of learning (detect, dispel)
BELLOC – god of travellers (flight, teleport)
KHURN – god of strength (boost, holding)
SOLLAH – goddess of compassion (healing, warding)
MANAR – god of the dead (shielding, turning)

Dungeon Party

July 16th, 2007

Dungeon Party RPG is a solo roleplaying game representing a diverse party of fantastic adventurers delving into dangerous dungeons wherein horrible monsters and magical treasures await, all in a far off world of fantasy…

In Dungeon Party RPG, a single player takes the role of a party of dungeon explorers. Instead of playing a single character, the entire party of characters is the role played by the player. Instead of characteristics, the characters within the party represent the only factors that define it, and no characters are individualized or have characteristics themselves. In a way, the dungeon party is the “player character” and the characters in the party are it’s “characteristics”.


In order to play Dungeon Party RPG, you need the following components:

  • A player (you!)
  • A six-sided die
  • A pencil
  • A copy of the Dungeon Party RPG Character Sheet
  • Copies of the Dungeon Party RPG Dungeon Map Sheet
  • Counters cut out from copies of the Dungeon Party RPG Counter Sheet
  • This Dungeon Party RPG Rulebook (read on…)