Free RPG Games

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Starcraft: Tactical Miniatures Combat

April 30th, 2008

Starcraft: Tactical Miniatures Combat is a game of skirmish-based combat set in the Starcraft Universe. This game was created by Neuicon and Sean Daniels, and play-tested over a period of time. The rules are fun, exciting and very simple to understand. If you have ever played Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures or Star Wars Miniatures, then you should know what to expect.

In the near future, we’ll be releasing new Army Books, Scenario Booklets and more for you to play out and enjoy! Now go, fight on, to the bitter end in the name of victory!

01. Introduction
This game is about winning in the glorious future of the Starcraft Universe; you will command small bands or small armies of soldiers, machines, aliens and more into battle against enemies to totally obliterate them as you shoot them, engage into close combat with them, blow them up, and more in this game of total war and destruction.

The idea for Starcraft: Tactical Miniatures Combat came from Neuicon and Sean Daniels in an attempt to create small battles on a tabletop, which meant that one could command forces of Terrans, Protoss and Zerg into battle and fight it out, without using hex grids or 1” grids; this game was meant to be played on regular 3-D terrain.

Quicklink: Second Edition

Comments are open!

April 29th, 2008

Comments are now open for the games and submissions on this site! You can now post your thoughts, reviews, etc. about the game submissions directly under the game’s intro page.

If you have an opinion or a suggestion on this, please post a comment below or email me.

Terribly Beautiful

April 28th, 2008

How will you be remembered after you die?

This is the question being faced by the Terribly Beautiful, former prostitutes who find themselves facing a slow death at the hands of the disease known as the Pale. Is there still hope to be found when life is slipping away?


It is the dream of humanity to escape death. No one lives forever, but we hope that our lives mattered, that we will be remembered by the next generation. We have a lifetime to create that legacy. All too often most of that lifetime gets squandered. We come to realize the importance of our
legacy only when it is almost too late.


They are the most desirable and seductive women in the city, the women of the night. Men are willing to travel into the most disreputable of neighbourhoods to meet them, offer money and gifts for but a few hours of their time or even less. They ply the oldest profession, selling their bodies into others’ fantasies.

Dying Together

For the streetwalkers of the red-light district known as the Kaz, death takes its time. The disease known as the Pale stakes its claim by transforming its victims into visions of beauty, alabaster skin and elegantly thin. But beware, for death is a jealous lover, who lays claim to any who might make love to those already ill, and so they become known as the Terribly Beautiful. Shunned by society, they find each other and face the remaining days of their lives.

The World

It is a world not unlike that which we live in today, with countries that war and trade. It is a city not unlike those found in many parts of the world today, with cultures that clash and blend. They are streets not unlike those that we walk in our cities every day, filled with people who have dreams both pursued and dashed.

The city sits on the water, industry and docks to the east, a thin strip of old docks leading to luxury shorefront property to the west, a downtown of skyscrapers and suburbs beyond. Nestled between them all, surrounded by stone walls, is a neighbourhood, the oldest in the city. It is called the Kaz.

The Kaz

“Ruined buildings, ruined lives…”

Once the beautiful, prideful, majestic centre of the city, the neighbourhood called the Kaz has been brought low by age. Grassy expanses were covered over by scabs of concrete, cheap apartments grow where flowers once bloomed, and treets that once wove gracefully around estates now snarl with traffic. Only a few of the buildings remain, protected by heritage laws, but impossibly expensive to maintain. They have fallen, one by one, to the ravages of time, becoming urban legend, the source of stories of ghosts, secrets and other mysteries that refuse to die.

For all the things that have changed, it is debauchery that remains a part of the Kaz. In times past a carelessly parted blind would reveal the parties of the rich, sumptuous, opulent attire carefully put on and carelessly thrown off. Today the sliver of light through a night window is reveals attire as carelessly thrown aside as ever. The Kaz has become a red-light district, a neighbourhood where prostitution is tolerated.

Around all this are the walls. Once they stood to protect the rich from would-be invaders. Indeed, they still do protect the rich, but now they do so by protecting the rich outside from having to see what the crowning glory of the city has become.

Warriors, Wizards & Wanderers

April 27th, 2008

Welcome to a world where magic exists and legends are true, a world where knights battle dragons to save the day, a world where cunning thieves try to outsmart powerful warlocks to snatch some of their treasures. Welcome to the fantasy world of Warriors, Wizards & Wanderers!

Warriors, Wizards & Wanderers is a complete fantasy RPG in 6 pages, including everything you need for some old school gaming action. It is intended as a beer & pretzel game but it can be easily expanded for a more serious kind of play.

The game is very rules-light and minimalist by design. You can learn how to play and create your first character in less than 10 minutes. The rules assume you’re familiar with tabletop role-playing games and with common fantasy tropes and conventions. No default setting is provided but the GM can use his favorite fantasy kitchen sink or any other existing fantasy setting instead.

To play you need good old six-sided dice (d6), at least one twenty-sided die (d20), pens, paper and some friends. Drinks and something to eat can be useful too, as well as a table and some kind of chair for everyone. And now, have fun!

II The Basiics
When your character needs to do something difficult like solving a riddle or avoiding a cunning trap, you make a Challenge roll to see if the character succeeds: roll a d20 and add the relevant Trait modifier (such as Might for breaking down a door). If the result equals or exceeds the Difficulty of the Challenge roll, the character is successful. In the following rules, this will be noted as a Challenge roll. The Difficulty is set by the GM and is usually between 10 and 20.

Opposed rolls are used only in case of a conflict between characters. Each involved character make a Challenge roll with a Difficulty equal to the result of his opponent. That means the character with the highest total is the winner of the contest.

Star Wars: Great Hyperspace War

April 26th, 2008

“The galaxy is in great peril. With the advent of the Sith invasion of the galaxy, the Jedi order is calling on their members to take an active role in the defense of the galaxy. The Sith are ruthless enemies with nothing to lose, so the characters must out forth their every effort to stop them. This game takes place during the Great Hyperspace War, a time of Sith expansion, and the players assume the role of Jedi in order to combat the threat to galactic safety. With a variety of Force powers, classes, and species to choose from, the Sith won’t know what hit them.”

A Note from the Author
This title borrows heavily from the Star Wars line of games (both revised and Saga editions) from Wizards of the Coast, and from West End games. It also uses the crystals, emitters, lenses, and energy cells from the Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords with little change in their effects. Most similarities between those products and this game are not coincidental, and are, in fact, intended. I thank the creators of those products profusely, and gives them full credit for their work.

Five by Five

April 26th, 2008

Five by Five (fīv-bī-fīv)

1. In radio communication on a scale of 1 to 5 measuring signal strength and clarity, “Five by Five” indicates the best possible strength and clarity of signal.

2. Condition or state of being the best you can be; perfect. (slang)

Five by Five (fīv-bī-fīv)

1. An original game system and RPG Toolkit by Jeff Moore.

Five by Five is a “choose your trait” style RPG that makes unique use of six-sided dice to create an easy to learn and easy to play universal task resolution system. The game is meant to be flexible enough to satisfy a variety of settings and easy enough to pick up and play right away.

The core of the Five by Five game system is the 5×5 die roll. Players roll two dice (counting any result of 6 as zero) and multiply the results. This basic mechanic gives an average unskilled person around a 30% chance of success and each ranks of skill improves this chance by 5 and a half percent.

The game includes sample adventures for both a fantasy setting and a superhero game, example characters and a character sheet.

Powers-Brawl RPG

April 26th, 2008

Powers-Brawl is the RPG of superhero battles with the emphasis on POWERS! Creating a character is as simple as choosing a few powers. There are no points to spend or attributes to roll… just select some powers and start playing right away! Players who are not sure what kinds of characters they want can even roll some powers randomly and be ready to play in moments with no prior exposure to the rules.

Combat resolution uses standard 6 sided dice and is simple enough that each player can control multiple heroes or villains. Characters can advance during play improving existing powers and adding new ones allowing for an ongoing gaming campaign with the same characters lasting as long as the players desire.

For players in a game of super powered heroes, what one element about their characters is the most important? It’s the POWERS!

Powers-Brawl is a combat oriented miniatures game based on the battles of super powered comic book heroes and villains. Players can create characters and battle head to head or one player can take the role of the Referee shaping the story in an imaginary game world where the other players work cooperatively to defeat evil.

In a 2-player head to head brawl, each player can control up to 3 characters a piece. In a game controlled by a referee, any number of players will possess 1 character each and will compete against collections of villains controlled by the referee.

Characters are comprised of Values and Powers.

Values serve as a template for all characters and come in two forms: Action Values and Opposition Values. Action Values modify die rolls when you attempt to do something. Opposition Values represent how difficult it is to do something. Values can become temporarily damaged during combat but base values do not vary from one player character to another.

Powers vary for every character. They will continue to grow and evolve through play making the character more versatile and effective each time you play.

Pillaging the Pitiless Palace

April 26th, 2008

As the prisoner of a selfish, cruel dictator who swiped all your merchandise, you can get mad and you can also get even. You just need to get out of your cell and escape the palace with all the loot you can carry, before the helpful staff put you on the menu for their pet ogre. This is a solo RPG that can be played with pencil, paper, and six-sided dice. A roll of the dice reveals whether you are a human, an elf, a dwarf, or a space alien. You also get to have one spell and two weapons. You need all the help you can get, as you roll to find out what lies behind each of six doors. Is it a passage to freedom? Is it more doors? Is it a big, ugly mummy or a nasty skeleton? Do they have any treasure worth stealing after you kill them off with your screwdriver or your sonic force spell? It’s all a matter of chance. Along the way, you can keep most of the sixes you roll and stockpile them to either convert them into Reward Points (your loot) or transform them into Life Points. Naturally, you want to get out of the palace but you also want to make up for the loss of your livelihood, so you hope to get at least 50 points in the bargain. You’ll have to decide sometimes what’s more important to you: that extra piece of treasure or staying alive a little longer.

Yesterday, you were just an innocent wandering merchant with a stock of wine. Today you’re a prisoner in the heart of the local overlord’s sprawling palace complex at the mercy of his henchmen. They have the wine and you have one day to get out before they use you as bait in a game of “tease the ogre.” Luckily, they left the slackest guards in charge of your cell. They’d rather play cards than watch you closely. A loud argument over a good hand was your chance to get the keys off the floor,
where they landed after the table got turned over. Now the guards are being summoned to the commandant’s office for discipline. You make your way out of the dungeon and start looking for the exit. Before you exit the last door, you have time to grab some weapons off the wall.

The Dream Merchants

April 26th, 2008

My Game Chef 2007 entry: The Dream Merchants

The Pitch: In the future…memory is currency. The players take the role of Dream Merchants who trade in forbidden and special memories in a world where strong emotions are punished. Will these memories hold the key to save their souls? Or will they end up like the rest of the Fallen; drained of their memories and forced to live in squalor?

“I remember now. The night of true passion and understanding, until our worlds came crashing down. The Judgment say that to feel too much is a sin. But the feelings inside of me cannot simply be turned off. I remember too much. It courses through me like steam through a vent, powering my brain and awakening my soul. I can’t let it go…I won’t let it go!!”

“Citizen, welcome to the Contentment Center. You have been selected for a MemWipe because of your troubled thoughts. We are here to guide you.”

“But I don’t want to be wiped. I need to remember!”

“No, citizen. None of us need to remember. What we need is to be Contented. That is what we…”

“…No!! Those are my memories…our memories! Please stop!!!”

“There…now isn’t that better? Feel the MemDrain moving through your veins. It’s already freeing your pain. Let it go…let it go…let it go…Okay, he’s out. Drain the last two weeks. That should do it. Is the girl ready yet?”

Dark Spell Diceless

April 26th, 2008

Dark Spell Diceless is a collaborative fantasy role-playing game that puts authority into the hands of the players. Features an unpredictable diceless resolution system with almost no resource management, no bidding, and absolutely no GM fiat. Simple rules to create any sort of fantasy monster or hero. Flexible and powerful but well defined magic. Can be played with a traditional GM, distribution of traditional game master roles, or no GM whatsoever.

About Dark Spell
Dark Spell is a dice-less, cooperative fantasy role-playing game. By dice-less, I mean that the game involves no randomizers. By cooperative, I mean that authority over the game is decentralized. Every player will share some of the responsibilities of a traditional GM, including framing scenes and playing multiple roles.

Playing Dark Spell is hard to play if everyone isn’t on the same page. Everybody has a lot of authority to change and introduce new elements into the game setting. Everybody is assumed to be at the game to have fun, build an interesting story, and challenge one another. The players may frequently be sporting and competitive, and the characters under their control will often be in direct opposition, but everyone’s at the game table for he same overarching purpose.

Differences in vision and other issues are bound to come up now and again. At the first opportune moment (say, between scenes, or during a pause in the action) take a brief pause in the game to deal with them out of game. Everyone doesn’t have to want the game to go in the same direction, but everyone must respect the vision of the other players. Make compromises.

The inspiration behind Dark Spell is the excellent story hour on ENWorld, “The Tales of Wyre,” by the
poster SepulchraveII. A game of Dark Spell should feature powerful characters conflicting over big issues. There should be might, magic, and drama. The main characters should have strong goals and strong convictions, and change the world as they pursue their course. Read the ENWorld thread if you need a bit of inspiration.

Dark Spell is not an immersive game. Players will be frequently called upon to operate at the meta-game level, and will need to portray multiple separate characters. Even though there may be many things that an individual does not know, there are no secrets between players in a game of Dark Spell. Don’t hide things from the other players. Try to keep your out-of-game knowledge separate from the in-game knowledge of each of your characters. Don’t be afraid to state actions for characters that land them in trouble. Trouble creates tension, excitement, and drama. These are good things. Want these things. Want trouble.

Read. Enjoy.

Go Play!