Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.

Big Bad Ball Busting Bloody Battles

January 30th, 2014

Tabletop RPG. Exactly what a rules-lite, combat-heavy miniatures game should be. Fun, fast and furious! This game is for serious players only! Hordes of Heart-Pounding, Heavy-Hitting, Hack-and-Slash action adventure await! This game is not for sissy players who don’t want their characters to die. In a BRUTAL game, your characters get killed all the time.

Hero’s Mag

January 7th, 2014

Hero’s Mag is a superhero game that takes minutes to make a character and provide hours of fun. The only dice you need for this game is a 20 sided dice.

Cruelty and Gothic Tales

January 7th, 2014

Set in a Victorian World somewhere in time on The Misty Continent. There are five giant cities of the Misty Continent and these are their Gothic tales. Based on Wuthering Heights roleplay By Philippe Tromeur.

Other Skylines

December 21st, 2013

Other Skylines is a rules-light generic game that uses a narrative character creation system and encourages collaborative storytelling through a task resolution system that uses die rolls to determine who narrates an action’s outcome.

Tiny Quest

December 21st, 2013

A tabletop RPG is a roleplaying game played with other people. One of those people takes on the role of the GM, who creates the world and controls all the characters in it, and also resolves any questions about the rules. The other players make player characters (PC), special characters the GM does not control. The players each control one PC, and use them to explore the world the GM has created. Due to the GM being there to make on the fly rulings, tabletop RPG’s allow you to try almost anything.

1KM1KT Monkey Hangout #1

December 16th, 2013

1KM1KT Monkey Hangout #1 is now available on YouTube!

It’s the product of supermonkey, Rob Lang, who’s also the brains behind The Free RPG Blog. Featuring 1KM1KT activists Chainsaw “Jason” Aardvark, Emmett O’Brian, Jeremy “JK” Mosher, Jonathan Lavellee, and Mike Hunt.

Streamed live on Dec 1, 2013

A free pencil and paper RPG Q&A with Chainsaw “Jason” Aardvark, Emmett O’Brian, Jeremy “JK” Mosher, Jonathan Lavellee, Mike Hunt (on the chat) and Rob Lang.

We talk about our favourite RPGs and what we would like to see them do more often (or less often), name check our RPG heroes and spread some free RPG love.

Check out the forum thread here

Pocket FU

December 16th, 2013

This is a pocket version of the excellent Free Universal RPG by Nathan Russell. The abridgement and layout is by A.Lannan. The intended use is as a quick reference for players already familiar with the full rules available at, or as a tool for experienced players to quickly introduce new players to this great rpg.

Wacky Love

December 16th, 2013

What? You though you were born a Protagonist? Not a chance! If you want to be the Protagonist of this movie, you’ll have to win the Love Interest’s heart before the other Protagonists-to-be do.

Wacky Love is a game where you take the role of a Protagonist-to-be and square of against the others to become the Protagonist of a Romantic Comedy Movie. Think you’ll be the one?

Artifacts and Ambitions

December 3rd, 2013

Sentient Artifacts with magical powers help people through their troubles. For a price, of course. You play both a person in desperation and an artifact and barter for use of powers with the very essence of your being.

Submitted to the 2013 Harder Than Granite 24 Hour RPG Competition.

The Bodhisattva’s Smile

November 30th, 2013

At the ends of the known world, hidden in a sacred cave, there lie a group of ancient semi-divine beings who have remained in the physical plane to assist those who have yet to achieve divine peace. This game tells the stories of the wanderers who seek nirvana, and the enigmatic guides who determine if they are worthy.

Designed in 24 hours for the 2013 “Harder than Granite” challenge. To play this game you’ll also need some tokens, a magic eight ball, and a copy of the “Mandala of All Things”.