Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.

Tunnel Wars

June 30th, 2009

Tunnel Wars is a simple, easy to play game about subterranean combat in magic pants made of copper.

In Tunnel Wars, you play as either a dwarf or a goblin on opposite sides of the decades long Copper War.

It isn’t a serious game by any measure of the word “serious,” and this was a first attempt at a 24 hour RPG, but it’s probably playable.

A game about goblins and dwarves running around in magic pants made of copper fighting a war
No, really, that’s actually what the game is about

The Penguin Harlequinade

June 30th, 2009

The Penguin Harlequinade is a fast-paced comic role-playing game based on Commedia dell’Arte, an ancient Italian style of masked comedy theatre. The game focusses on ludicrous plans, ridiculous plots and very silly action. If you don’t mind playing a character with the mental attributes of a brain-damaged ant high on caffeine, you’ll really enjoy this unique game.

First, a disclaimer. There are no penguins in this game. Or at least, we have run many sessions of it in multiple tournaments, and there are yet to be any penguins.

The source of the name was as follows: we were going to a tournament in Wellington called KapCon. We needed a name for this new system we’d come up with, and we were stumped. Eventually one or other of us came up with “The Penguin Harlequinade” because there are penguins in Dunedin (where we’re from) and not in Wellington; and because the system was designed as a Commedia Dell’Arte system and the Commedia was called a Harlequinade in England.

If you really want to play a game with penguins in it, look out for The Penguin Masquerade, a forthcoming game which we have yet to write. Its premise is simple – you’re a penguin, just keep it under your hat…

Santiago Joe

June 30th, 2009

A free, diceless, fast paced Role Playing Game
Where you are the movie STARS and the WRITER-DIRECTOR
Of the many Adventure B-Movies of Oblivion
Movies that never were, but that you would have loved to see.

Enjoy them during college, your coffee break, when you can’t sleep on the phone, while you’re on the bus, or just when there’s nothing on TV.


June 29th, 2009

This is a little RPG I came up with while I was suffering a bout of insomnia. It is an attempt to create a fun, simple arena-style combat game that is supposed to be a 1/2 day diversion while the DM makes an adventure. This has been slightly playtested, but if you think values should be changed or some rules should be modified, PLEASE contact me at as I really want to improve this game.

Appliance Adventures

June 29th, 2009

Appliance Adventures is a narrative role playing game where the players take on the role of intelligent kitchen appliances. The game emphasizes teamwork and exploration over combat.

This is arguably a playable game, but it doesn’t look very good. There is much missing from this first draft: graphics, fit & finish, a fleshed-out sample adventure, and a Narrator’s section.

The world of Appliance Adventures is very similar to our own world, advanced fifteen years into the future. Science has made great strides in the field of simulated intelligence. True artificial intelligence beyond the level of simple animals has evaded researchers to this point, but futurists and pundits (ever a reliable source) think that it is right around the corner.

Geodesic Gnomes

June 26th, 2009

In the cities of the future, people who find themselves with no place within society because of unemployment, criminal behaviour, or just mental illness find themselves pushed out of the domes that protect them from the hazards of the world around them. And since no one wants to live outside the domes, they move into the one place left for them into the superstructure of the dome itself.

The game is a cyberpunk-styled RPG where the players take on the roles of the gnomes the descendents in culture if not genetics of those people who moved into the superstructure of the domes. This is a world that is entirely off the grid. They have to scavenge for everything from food to water and in some domes even for air.

Geodesic Gnomes is a full RPG – setting, character creation rules, physical, social and political conflict resolution mechanics, a unique equipment system, character sheet and even a multiple scene adventure to play through for your first game to get into the setting and game.

Start Anywhere: The Hunt for Green January

June 25th, 2009

The End of Everything

Since the day the world ended, maybe the multiverse hasn’t finished with you. Some of you claim to know, but who’s to say, really? Whatever the case, as the cold closed in, each of you reached out, from some resource you never knew you had, for any way to go on. Your world died, but you coursed elsewhere, scattered around a happy and unsuspecting new variant with different lives and different names. Over the years, you found each other, those who wanted to be found, and another thing: a purpose.

Players take the roles of refugees from a destroyed universe – not destroyed by accident: they’ve come to realise that the consumption of their world and countless others fueled the establishment of a far distant utopia, a place of endless spring and the best of good fortune. What the players choose to do in this green January, if they ever find it, is up to them.

Doom and Cookies

June 23rd, 2009

Something is coming, something dark and terrible and if you cannot escape it a vast and horrible fate awaits you.

You must escape the orphanage, your home with the other children for as long as you can remember before this doom finds you.

But what is this doom? What exactly is coming for you? Is it fire, darkness, a murderous Mr Keaton? It is up to you to decide, and the worse it is the more cookies you’ll get.

Mother’s Milk

June 23rd, 2009

I have always been fascinated by anthropomorphic creatures in mythology, literature, and fictional sources such as cinema, video games, and comics. I would ask of the reader not to label this game as a ‘furry’ game as that term has garnered a negative connotation with some portions of the role-laying community lately. In many ways, this game is homage to one of my favorite obscure tole-playing games, the Justifiers RPG. The Justifiers RPG was written by Gideon and published by StarChilde Publications in 1988.

Keeton Must Die! Teddy Bear Blood Sport

June 17th, 2009

At one time their stores were once populated every strip mall in America. Children would line up to create their new friend: pick a skin, eyes, a nose, the mouth and then fill it with fluff. It was magical experience and every child wanted one. However, soon the economy failed and the stores were left to decline, leaving thousands of empty husks hanging lifeless on the shelves, waiting for someone to give them a home and love them dearly. This love never came.

Dr. Reginald Keeton, the CEO of TeddyBears, Inc. took three popular things and combined them into a marketing frenzy unlike anything anyone had seen before. Reality TV, Blood Sport, the cute wasted husks of the Teddy Bears of his empty stores and created entertainment that took the world by storm.

Dr. Keeton was as astute and powerful if misguided student of the occult and used his talents in dark magics to invest the empty husks with lost souls he pulled from the depths of Hell. This act of desperation led to many of the bears to be home to some of the most vile and twisted souls ever seen by humanity. However, this worked to his advantage…for a time. The bears were bloodthirsty killers and performed exactly as he directed.

Children and their misguided parents lined up to watch their favorite stuffed animals slash and tear each other apart, ripping the enchanted fluff from their guts, all while the audience screamed in sheer joy. The show became a massive hit and things were great for many months and TeddyBears, Inc. saw huge profit margins and Keeton was hailed as a master businessman. He named his creations ScareBears.

Then the trouble began. The souls became restless and unhappy in their condition. Frankly, they were a little pissed they had been trapped in puny little furry bodies, can you really blame them? People began disappearing from the set of the TV show, the telltale sign of a little fluff left at the scene of the crimes was a dead giveaway as to who was at fault. Initially Keeton did all he could to cover the problem and continue his show. Quickly the bears out smarted him and began plotting.

Recently, a few bears failed to appear for their performance. Their cages were checked but found empty. The ScareBears have been released upon the world. Keeton nervously now watches his back.

Enter the world of

Teddy Bear Blood Sport!