Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.

Those Dark Places

August 14th, 2009

When I was very young I was introduced to a movie that would change the way I looked at science fiction cinema. The movie was Ridley Scott’s ALIEN.

I had never seen anything like it. I was brought up on the Star Wars movies and one of my favourite shows was Star Trek – it was all very bright and full of adventure. There were heroes and baddies and cute bleeping robots.

Then darkness. The universe was suddenly a dangerous and scary place to be.
This game has been designed with the science fiction horror genre in mind, films such as Alien, Aliens and Event Horizon, even films with the atmosphere of Blade Runner or Outland. It is also influenced by survival horror games like Dead Space.

This document is simply a playtest version and so is incomplete. Please feel free to send comments and constructive criticism to with the subject header THOSE DARK PLACES. The rules will need refining and editing, that much is for sure, and any help or ideas are appreciated.

Pikmin RPG

August 7th, 2009

Explore with the help of pikmin, small plant creatures. You should be familiar with the Pikmin series of videogames or you won’t understand this game.

This is my first shot at writing a full rpg.

I do not own Pikmin or any of it’s trademarks.
Pikmin and all of it’s trademarks are property of nintendo.

The Planet of the Pikmin…

Ever since Captain Olimar discovered this plant-filled planet, explorers from Hocotate have come by the dozens in search of treasure, creatures, and knowledge. Some suceed; Others are killed by the indigenous wildlife. All of them, however, are aided by the Pikmin, the small plant creatures that first helped Captain Olimar. Since Olimar left the planet for the second time, several new species of Pikmin have been discovered. Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple, White, Green, Orange, and the elusive Bulbmin will all help you on your adventure. So strap yourself into your ship, cross your fingers, and blast off!

Pikmin Rpg is a role playing game based off of the popular Pikmin videogame series.

To play this game you need:

At least one 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, 1d20.



Imagination! =)


August 6th, 2009

Radiance is a game which takes you to the primitive roots of storytelling. You and your friend will tell stories where anything (a mountain, a gust of wind, a bike, even a war or a celebration) can become a character, and while you’re listening to your friends’ narrate, you’ll be able to introduce redirections which can change the plot in fun and unexpected ways.

Requires: four players, one small bag, ten read beads, ten white beads. Optional: five candles. Session Length: Typically one to three hours. Number of Sessions: Varies.

Ironsilk Kingdom

August 5th, 2009

Ironsilk Kingdom is a medieval martial arts setting full of mystery, drama, adventure, and mystical secrets. It is a 24-hour Savage Setting for the Savage Worlds RPG. You need the Explorer’s Edition rules to use this setting. Here you can play an honorable samurai warrior, a stealthy ninja saboteur, or a philosopher who has discovered hidden powers through the martial arts. You can channel the powers of a ghost, tap into the hidden energies of universal harmony, or command an army of plantwalkers. As you travel the land, you can be involved in political struggle, covert rebellion, duels of honor, or open warfare.

Roguelike Solitaire

July 31st, 2009

Roguelike Solitaire – The hack’n’slash adventure

This is a single or up to 3 player pen and paper RPG. This is a playable demo version that contains a random dungeon generator,random treasure tables and Character generation including 3 races and 4 classes. You will also be able to wield 2 weapons simultaneously or a weapon and shield.All that is required is as follows: dice-1d6,1d8,1d10 and 1d20. Players-1 to 3, pen and paper. Thats it – Have fun.


July 31st, 2009

Ever played a roleplaying game where only thieves can pick locks, or where rapiers do the same type of damage as clubs? Or where each character has hundreds of different skills, or you have to buy twenty rulebooks to play? FEAR RPG was born out of frustration with games that are so simplistic that any realism is lost, or so complex that they become unplayable. It has been designed from scratch to be realistic yet flexible. It’s a free and complete paper-and-pencil RPG that can be adapted to any fantasy world you care to use. Hopefully there’s enough depth to satisfy experienced roleplayers (e.g. simultaneous second-by-second combat) and enough explanation to give novices a chance too. Comments please via Thanks.

FLAG: Fictional Lands Adventure Game

July 16th, 2009

A game that never was… I got two pages into making notes for a fast and simple RPG I was going to release but felt that I had gone into too much detail. I dropped it in favour of my much simpler SKETCH system.

I’ve now dug it out, added some more notes and done a bit of fleshing out, and I’m presenting it to the RPG community to see what they think. It was desgined as a simple and fast game, but I also wanted a sense of advancement in the characters so I added a basic experience and career system. It was based around generic fantasy. Have a look, see what you think, and get back to me if you think it’s worth delving into some more. With the vast amount of fantasy-based RPGs out there, some of which are trying to recapture the ‘golden age’ of dungeon-bash RPGs, I felt it wasn’t worth adding yet another one to the long growing list

Doomed Planet

July 6th, 2009

This game is a head-on crash into a world on the verge of collapse. Players take the roles of survivors fighting to save everything they have ever loved or villains hell-bent on bringing the Earth to its knees. There are no dice, there are no cards. Each character has a reserve of points they can allocate to the tasks they want to undertake but they better spend them wisely because when a volcano erupts in the middle of their neighborhood, they’re going to need all the points they can get just to escape with their lives. It’s short and sweet and was created in under 10 hours by an elementary school kid with passion for catastrophes.

One Mask

July 6th, 2009

Just when the people needed a hero the most, a mysterious figure appeared. The iron fist of oppression is beginning to tremble with fear and frustration and the downtrodden citizens are lifting their heads for the first time in years. They are looking up to see if they can catch a glimpse of that masked marvel that has changed everything, given them hope and allowed them to dream again. They may never know the truth about the phantom stranger. They may never find out about the dedicated team of concerned citizens who have banned together to create a mythic icon greater than themselves. You will play the part of one of those brave souls. You will don the disguise when the time is right and do what you do best. United, you and your trusty team of talented nobodies will rock the foundations of a cruel and corrupt society and you will do it with one mask!

Magic Pants vs. Power Squid!

June 30th, 2009

Magic Pants vs. Power Squid! is a 24 hour rpg for Rob Lang’s contest. It is a simple low level supers rpg where gear and motivation are as important as stats. The right pants can save the world!

Did you ever wonder why superheroes wear their underwear on the outside? Are they in too much of a hurry to dress properly? Or maybe they’re confident enough to be flashy? The truth is that their underwear is the secret of their power. A mysterious individual, known only as Keeton, has discovered how to make what he calls Magic Pants. They give the wearer powers beyond what normal people could achieve otherwise. He has also learned how to make masks, capes, and shoes, but every super hero needs Magic Pants. He gives these items to a select few willing to take up the fight against evil and those who try to tear down society. In this game, you are one of those lucky few.