Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.

Sword and Spell

December 21st, 2009

Sword & Spell is a generic, old-school FRPG based on Xavier Raoult’s Warriors, Wizards and Wanderers. It assumes knowledge of fantasy tropes and RPGs.

S&S is easy to learn, quick to play and adaptable to almost any fantasy setting with a minimum of fuss. House rules are encouraged.

S&S is presented as both an 18-page pdf rulebook and a 4-page “pocketmod” version for play anythime or place.

One Roll Engine Toolkit

December 14th, 2009

The One Roll Engine Toolkit is perfect for the advanced role player. Designed to allow a Game Master to convert any game to the ORE, as featured in such games as REIGN, GODLIKE and WILD TALENTS. This toolkit features the full One Roll Engine rules along with lots of optional rules to customize that rule set to any game. You will find that the One Roll Engine is a very versatile game that seeks to resolve dice rolls quickly and fluidly without skimping on the crunch. If you have a roleplaying game you love the background for but don’t feel the love for the system, this document will give you information to put together a system that will work for your game of choice. As an example, you can download the companion conversion notes for Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 edition to the ORE.

The One Roll Engine is used with permission from Greg Stolze and Arc Dream Publishing.

Dog Town: Stripped

December 2nd, 2009

Dog Town is a pure punk roleplaying game set in the seedy underbelly of dangerous and decadent 1970’s New York. It is a homage to gangsterism and street life as portrayed in uncompromising films such as Goodfellas, Scarface, Donnie Brasco, Taxi Driver and Carlito’s Way. What is in those films is in the game and in depth – the vices, the crimes, the greed, the betrayal and the violence. Players are criminals – heisters, brokers, thugs and thieves, pimps and hustlers flawed human beings that must hold back their own deep dark desires whilst attempting to cheat, beat, deal and steal a large amount of money that they’re unlikely to walk away with.

You start fresh out the joint with $40 bucks and a pack of smokes to your name, from there you must get your hands on $100,000 in 90 days in to be in on a deal that will change your life. How low you stoop and what lines you cross are down to you. Rob banks, collect debts, burgle houses, kidnap drug dealers and other low lives for ransom – you as the players decide. But everything you do in Dog Town has consequences, step on the wrong guy’s toes and your criminal might wind up stinking out the trunk of his Cadillac, make sloppy dumb ass moves and you’ll get busted by the Five O and sent upstate where you belong. Dog Town is a game where killers meet you with smiles and a handshake, where everyone is working an angle, and where the cops protect and serve their own interests.

A stripped and streamlined rule set for Dog Town the roleplaying game of crime, money and violence This book is to be used in conjunction with the other books in the series for setting information and flavour. The intention is to remove most of the crunch of character creation in the Core Rule book and to provide a more free wheeling rules lite version using the tenGINE (a system that combines familiar aspects of Bust and the Split System) that can be quickly picked up and played, but can still be integrated with the Core Rule book and Stray Bullets when more depth and detail is wanted.

Twenty One Turn Hero Minigame

November 29th, 2009

The world is in turmoil! THE SORCERER discovered a 21 turn spell that will destroy the world! YOU as a hero need to defeat the sorcerer! Good luck hero!

This is a game for single player where you becomes the unfortunate hero that need to defeat the sorcerer that wants to destroy the world with his 21 turn spell!

Chronicles of the Drenai

October 19th, 2009

Chronicles of the Drenai is an RPG based on David Gemmell’s dark and gritty heroic fantasy novels.

In Chronicles of the Drenai you will play a character struggling to be a better person in a world that is cold, cruel and capricious. This is a game of desperate last stands, painful sacrifices for loyalty and honor, and overcoming your weaknesses to become worthy of legend.

The game is very rules-lite, with a system based on rolling d20’s vs. a weakness, or Passion, of your character in the spirit of Gemmell’s tales. For example, in combat you don’t test Strength or Dexterity, but roll against your character’s Fear (possibly with modifiers if you’re facing something really formidable). Freeform Traits may add bonus dice to your roll. You only need to beat the target number with one of your dice to succeed.

This PDF contains the basic rules for creating characters and running a game, plus brief descriptions of the Drenai world and its nations. This is a fan work made in homage to David Gemmell, and in no way meant to challenge the copyrights of the Gemmell estate.

Desperate last stands. Agonizing choices between two or more evils. Searing encounters with the worst in man. The fate of millions resting on a grim and scarred antihero. Valor and sacrifice in a dark, uncaring world, with only faith in a nebulous and rarely evident Source to guide your way. This is the world of David Gemmell’s gritty, pulse-pounding, dark yet uplifting series of heroic fantasy novels revolving around the unlikely heroes of the Drenai people. In this game, you will walk in the same troubled paths as Waylander and Druss, rising from an unknown or troubled past and into the halls of legend as you fight to save the Drenai.

Monster Faire Card Game

October 7th, 2009

The Monster Faire Card Game is a card game (obviously). In it, the players take on the roles of Mad Scientists. They live in crumbling old manors near the town of Beastly Vale, and compete in building Monsters from parts of dead bodies and bringing them to life. Requires two standard decks of playing cards, and recommended for three to six players. While not a true role-playing game as such, possession of role-playing skills will enhance the play experience.

About this Game
The Monster Faire Card Game is (at present) a free PDF game that may be distributed freely
and played by anyone, provided no one (other than the creator) makes any profit from it.

Beastly Vale
The town of Beastly Vale lies in a forested valley. It is a simple rural woodland town that
never has anything interesting or important happen to it – or so they say. For there are plenty
of dark and scary stories told around town about the Mad Scientists who live in manors outside
of town, and nobody likes to be caught outside after nightfall.

Mad Scientists
A number of Mad Scientists live near Beastly Vale, experimenting in their manors and not
keeping healthy hours. Strange lights are seen at night, and paths leading from the manors to
the local graveyard are kept in suspiciously good repair. Oh, whatever could they be up to?

The Monster Faire
Being in correspondence with each other, as members of the New Prometheus Society, the
Mad Scientists have decided to hold a Monster Faire. They are going to compete in creating
hideous new life! Whoever’s monster is the last one standing wins. If their monster is
especially fearsome, they may even win the Promethean Scholarship.


September 25th, 2009

In just one page, MULRAH (My Universal Lite Roleplaying Adventure Heuristic) integrates and streamlines the best elements of acclaimed generic RPG core systems, primarily PDQ and FATE. MULRAH marries the “everything is a character” concept from FATE with the “story effectiveness” and “story-telling damage” dynamics of PDQ into one game in a clear, strong way, using a simplified dice mechanic.

Turn-based combat, Techniques/Skills, and other copycat efforts could be grafted on, but that would take MULRAH over my self-imposed one page limit!

MULRAH v0.4 (aka “Microlite11”)
MULRAH v0.4 (aka “Microlite11”) was the first version to be based on Microlite20, essentially turning it into a point-buy system. Although it hasn’t been playtested, it’s basically the same as Microlite20, so it should work fine.

MULRAH is a two-page variation of the Microlite20 role-playing game that incorporates various modern innovations into an SRD-compatible system. This game is ideal for introducing players to indie games by way of a rule set that should be familiar to anyone who has played the world’s most popular fantasy RPG.

MicroFudged DIP

September 14th, 2009

A year or more ago I found 1KM1KT and discovered a whole world of innovative game designs delivered for free to the roleplaying community. Among them, Timothy Dedeaux has given us two gems, Edge of the century and DIP-Styx. When I read these two games I realized that I could seemlessly adapt their conflict resolution system to Fudge and make Fudge even more abstract, which is, in my opinion a required feature for a universal gaming engine. No need to flip tens of pages anymore to compare the various weapons and vehicles listed by technology eras to build a complete weapons and armour list for your gaming universe. But Tymothy Dedeaux’ works also gave me the opportunity to implement the Story Element detailed in Fudge. The goal is to get rid off the rigid turn based resolution system inherited from the “Great old one” and to produce a cinematic action resolution system where fun is the key.

Based on Steffan O’Sullivan’s Fudge RPG, David Bruns’ Micro Fudge,
Timothy Dedeaux’ DIP-Styx and Edge of the Century.
Psionic powers based on Empire Galactique by François Nedelec,
range table taken from MegaTraveller published by GDW


September 3rd, 2009

I have put together an RPG of what I hope is mythical fantasy (hence, the name). It deviates from a number of RPGS by having a relatively streamlined character creation process and by emphasizing epic (in the traditional sense of the word) storytelling over hack-n-slash gameplay.

Mythic is slightly different from other role-playing games in that the focus of the game is on the play, not the creation, of heroes. Mythic is, as its name suggests, based heavily on the sorts of heroes found in, well, myths. Gilgamesh, Achilles, Odysseus, Heracles, Beowulf, Siegfried, Arthur; the characters you create in Mythic may not be as famous as these, but their deeds will be no less heroic.

Though set in a fantasy world, Mythic strives to maintain a fair level of historical accuracy. Also, Mythic is set up to conduct play beyond the simple level of hack n slash dungeon delving often expected from fantasy rpgs. Characters are expected to be part of the game world, not some nameless killing machine.

City of Rain, City of Darkness

August 24th, 2009

Imagine a city where it never stops raining, airships rule the skies, and desperate citizens fight for survival. The wealthy build higher and higher into the sky, seeking to escape the damp while they leave to the darkness the laborers on which industry thrives. Technology and industry march on through the shadows and the downpour, and every citizen must make a living somehow. Welcome to City of Rain, City of Darkness…

City of Rain, City of Darkness is a free, simple RPG setting designed to work with any roleplaying system. It is available for free under a Creative Commons license.