Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.

Hell For Leather

July 26th, 2010

On the world’s bloodiest gameshow you must kill to survive.

  • Tell gory stories of escape and mayhem!
  • Build a tower of dice to survive!
  • Describe horrible violence and earn some extra dice!

Hell for Leather is the zero-prep storytelling game of explosive death and murder. There’s no GM, no lengthy setup, and it plays out in under 4 hours. If it were a food, it’d be a pizza delivery…

Using a tower of dice, tell the story of contestants on the world’s most dangerous gameshow. It’s grim, explosive and spattered with blood.

Warning: Contains sexy gore.

Hell for Leather, the game where Murder = Extra Dice!


July 3rd, 2010

You’ve been screwed…

At least one person wants you dead…

The only people you almost trust are people who don’t necessarily trust you…

but you’ve got skills and talents that might just get you through…

…might just let you get some revenge…

…and might let you achieve your destiny.

An easy to learn game for 3 to 6 lowlifes; requiring a few six sided dice, some scraps of paper and no preparation time.


July 1st, 2010

LIGHTNING, by J MaC game
pic included for better explanation.
please tell me what you think

1. the same teams offense line cannot cross its defensive line (opponent wins) (this would cause confusion) teams defense kills the other teams offense by forcing them both to meet at the end (defense line will always kill offensive line)

3.offensive lines can go through the middle of the defensive line but not the end

4.both or all teams offenses are alowed to cross each other at any piont even at end (defenses get the same rule)

5.any line can loop its self or go through its self, unlike the game “snake” (but the end of the line cannot retreat to the squar it was previosly in)

6. offenses try to make it to the goal, while the defense try to stop it

7.played on 10×10 grid (as showed in photo)

thank you for your time

TunnelQuest 3

July 1st, 2010

This is the third incarnation of my rules-lite old school fantasy game. It still draws heavily from Tunnels & Trolls but this time around I’ve tried to make it more of a complete game. I’ve included a character sheet and dungeon crawl adventure, a new colour of magic (prismatic), sample enemies and suggestions for incorporating non-human player characters.

To keep the file size down I’ve stripped out the public domain art and used basic fonts and layout (bit dull, sorry). Given that the adventure runs to 20 pages the game has blown out to 58 but remains easy to play.

On that topic – only the players need to roll the dice, the GM can focus on planning and running the game.

I hope you enjoy this latest version.

Truth, Inc.

July 1st, 2010

Truth, Inc. Cyberpunk Revival Contest Edition!

Welcome to Truth, Inc. – a game of drama. Yes, drama. What does that mean you ask? Its a game about what happens when all hell breaks loose and shit hits the fan and, well you get the picture. Truth, Inc. is the center of the game, a large sprawling company in the distant future that has grown a little too powerful for its o w n good. In order to play you’ll need to keep in mind three tenets, each a concept critical to the game.
These are: Its the goddamn future, These are cool motherfuckers, and The question shits on everyone. GODDAMN

Last Res0rt

June 28th, 2010

Far into the future, humanity has managed to survive an alien invasion… thanks to the hordes of the undead! Adventure alongside strange new alien races, take on all sorts of characters from the devilishly crafty Celeste to the terrifying Dead Inside, and use your senses to figure out how to survive… because the technology may be better, but that doesn’t mean your life is any easier!


June 28th, 2010

History turns on moments, and one single change has created a world where Islam, not Christianity is ascendant. An agency called the Kaabayeen seek to hold together the fracturing world of Islam and root out terrorists and traitors. However, a new threat has appeared, computer users are finding that Hebrew characters have power in the netscape. Those who master its power say that God is speaking to them through the virtual world, but is this heresy or a new truth?


June 28th, 2010

Nanopunk is a FATE-based scenario of the near-future. After the world collapses under ecological and economic pressure, the corporations step in to save us. But we’ve sold our soul to the technology they use. Now we all have swarms of nanobots that keep us alive and healthy, but they have more control than you think. Fortunately, a new entity has emerged to save us: Keeton.

During the game, players control a character and a corporation. The characters are looking to survive and make a little headway in the post-modern world. The corporations want to wipe out Keeton and assume sole control of the hearts, minds, and bodies of every person on the planet.

Prepare to enter a world of hostile takeovers, subterfuge, high technology, and complete paranoia. Everyone is watching.

Telgrathia 1st Edition

June 21st, 2010

Basically, this is what I’ve been working on all weekend (it’s been in concept longer, I just started writing Saturday, and now it’s Monday).

It’s a new fantasy role playing game that stands beside the others by being entirely class-free, magic focused (but optional), and based on Blackjack-style “draws” for conflict resolution (combat or obstacle bypassing).

I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is the core rulebook, made more for reference than actual gameplay, a successor Gameplay Guide will be released in the “complete” rulebook, which will include guides to running games and also a sample adventure (and play-by-play of it).

Cyberpunk Revival Entry (Cyberpunk Remix)

June 14th, 2010

This game is about a world that might be if we aren’t careful, a world were everything is a lot weirder, where people’s brains can be hacked, mutant rats build temples to Mickey Mouse in the sewers, cranky droids run shops and complain about the old days, and your hippy mom’s new hobby involves genetic sequencing new breeds of mutant flowers. And it’s a world where people have to fit in, are desperate to fit in, because if they don’t, they get kicked out and don’t have rights anymore.

Your character has never fit in. This means two things. Your character is always in trouble. And your character is significant to the world he lives in. People notice your character, for good or ill.