Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.

Drop Kick

December 21st, 2010

Drop Kick, is a fantasy role playing game in which players take on the persona of a “character” that they create. This character is a professional wrestler.

You will live the life of a professional wrestler having matches, interacting with other characters and wrestlers, managers, and other personnel associated with wrestling.

You will create your own persona, all of your own interview material, and your comments about your opponents.

Hunter Rose

December 17th, 2010

This game sets the players in medieval France on the border with Germany. It is a mythic time when vampires, werewolves, and demons walk about. Nestled in a small valley, the Huntsmen fight against nightmarish forces to protect their little village.


December 17th, 2010

Hereafter is a 24-hour RPG designed to explore the many and varied manifestations of the afterlife. Players take the role of the recently deceased from any era, and wander through a shifting landscape shaped by belief. Escape from hell, or go in search of it. Run with the puppies in Dog Heaven, or sit at the right hand of an august and serene God.


December 17th, 2010

Geasa is a co-operatively competitive share narrative storytelling game where you play people trying to realize their dreams and the Faeries that get in their way. Build your setting as you build your characters and get involved in each other’s stories with a simple bidding mechanic that allows you to help others, but rewards you when you get in people’s way.

The rules here are all under a creative commons BY-SA copyright which allows you to modify the rules as you see fit and even publish your own games with what’s been produced here. Geasa – Just the Rules is the free pdf that is distributed with only the BY-SA rules that are found within the book

Mind Game

December 7th, 2010

The year is 2084, and you somehow find yourself having to go to a distant planet known as Gamaron Prime for your agency. It seemed like an ok sort of planet, as far as you could tell from being there no longer than you had, but you knew it wasn’t. you would not have been sent there, had there not been something wrong. Some of the planet’s art treasures had been hijacked. You are a member of an elite team of professionals working for the Interplanetary Bureau of Defense, in the section known as the Art Retrieval Unit ARU for short. Your mission is to get back the stolen art treasures. On the following pages, the rules you will familiarize yourself with, will explain everything you will need to know to play Mind Game.

Mind Game stands for a game that is played in the mind. You have only a hand drawn map on graph paper that is filled in as your characters move about, and the descriptions read to you by the game advisor. Most of the game is inside your mind, as most fantasy role playing systems are.

Mind game starts with simple rules and builds up to greater detail, as you get more familiar with the system. Here you will find the complete starter system. This is everything you need to get started. This is not just a hack-and-slash game, the rules are written to make true role playing possible – and to encourage it. In Mind Game, you pretend for little while to be someone else.

HALO: Combat Miniatures Evolved

December 2nd, 2010

Halo: Combat Miniatures Evolved is a miniatures game created by Neuicon, Sean Daniels and Kathy Ahern in where you control the forces of the USNC and wage war against the Covenant.

All you need are the rules from S:TMC and the stats from this project and you’re ready to go!

This game is currently in the beta stage and runs off the original rules for Stacraft: Tactical Miniatures Combat. In order to play this game, you will need the original S:TMC game, which can be downloaded here.

As the Crushpop Gaming System (a universal miniatures gaming system, by Neuicon) is currently in development, this game will be run under the original S:TMC rules, so look forward to an updated universal system which will allow you to play in the Halo universe in the near future.

Way of the Samurai

October 18th, 2010

This is the first look at my RPG WAY OF THE SAMURAI, no way is it finsihed, but i thought it would give people at little taste of what is to come.

The Land

September 23rd, 2010

The Land RPG – is a set of rules for roleplaying in The Land – a series of fantasy novels created by Stephen Donaldson. In this pdf are five character races: Stonedowner, Woodhelven, Giant, Ramen & Haruchai. There are seven classes: Fighter (Eoman & Swordmain), Lorewarden, Gravelingas, Hirebrand, Haruchai Warrior (& Bloodguard template), Ramen Hunter and Seafarer. The pdf layout isn’t pretty but there is enough there for you to get playing in the fantastic Land.

Witless Minion

September 17th, 2010

Witless Minion is a role-playing game covering the daily lives and travails of the low-level mooks, agents, numberless hordes, administrative staff, and minions of Mad Scientists, Criminal Masterminds, and Supervillains. In this role players desperately try to pull off capers, avoid the bad graces of their superiors, stock away cash, escape capture, and negotiate for a better dental plan.

Witless Minion is a low-detail, high-trust game system. The rules are fairly abstract and assume a group familiar with role-playing games. It is a more narrative-driven game but GMs with a desire for greater crunch can easily expand on the rules presented here. Each player assumes the role of a minion, selects an archetype and picks their own talents and flaws. Depending on the campaign frame, players may be trying to climb the hierarchy in a single organization or move between a number of masters.

Players will need a bunch of d10s, the usual pen and paper, plus a number of tokens or coins to represent drama points.

While the game uses a standard dice pool mechanic for resolution, it does provide a number of new systems tailored to the genre:

  • Flashbacks: This mechanic allows players to ‘retcon’ preparation for a caper or operation. This encourages creativity and allows the GM to move forward into heists and the like without having the players spend hours debating the details.
  • Limits: A system of drama point rewards for play based on a character’s disadvantages.
  • The Hierarchy of Villainy: Minions operate at the bottom of the food chain– with a number of ranks above them. This mechanic simulates the difficulty faced by minions when fighting named characters.
  • The Prisoner’s Dilemma: An optional system which offers a tangible incentive for sticking together and at the same time for bugging out on your teammates.

Never to Die

September 17th, 2010

This is a game about a bunch of lads having a night out on the town; they’re looking for trouble, looking for a laugh, thinking they’ll be young forever and the night will never end.

They’re wrong.

WARNING: This game is rated ’18’ and contains strong language from the start, as well as portraying scenes of violence, drug use and sexual activity.