Free RPG Games

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ParaSpace Role Playing System

April 28th, 2011

Whether it’s swashbuckling on the high seas, investigating a murder on Mars, or attending the court of King Arthur, the ParaSpace Role Playing System is a generic set of rules that can be used to play games set in a multitude of settings and styles.

This 60 page booklet is an abridged version of the ParaSpace Core Rules and is intended only as an introduction to sample some of the fundamental mechanics of the system. Whilst it is a replete work and, therefore, a stand-a-lone product itself, it does not contain all of the detail and omits many of the elements present within the Core Rules. However, it is completely compatible and consummates harmonious character transferral.

You are My Destiny – Wrestling the Fates

April 10th, 2011

A game for the Ronnies, entered in April 2011.

Keywords: Lust and Chains. Words not used: Queen and Amazon.

This is a game where you play teenagers, teenagers given awesome powers, these awesome powers perhaps are manifesting their emotions, driven by their desires, focused on another person, or perhaps it is not the emotions that manifest the powers, but being given those powers creates the emotional craving (as if they were some odd variety of vampires).


April 6th, 2011

This is a game about harsh mistreatment of a man chasing his dream.

What “Beholden” is:

– A diceless solo RPG.

– An entry in the April 2011 Ronnies, using the terms “chains” and “queen”.

– A (_____) of Ben Lehman’s game “Beloved”. Choose your preferred term from the list: recontextualization; inversion; retelling; pastiche; critique.  The draft of Beloved that Beholden is based on can be found here:

– A direct response to Beloved, and a dialogue starter.

What it is not:

– Original.  I wrote it, but it would not exist without Ben’s game.

– An “expansion” or “mod”.  Beholden is fully self-contained.

– A challenge to the value of the source game.

Within My Clutches

April 6th, 2011

For the April 2011 Ronnies 24 Hour RPG design contest Within My Clutches: A Supervillains’ Lament by David Berg

Tunnel Quest v3.5

April 5th, 2011

This is a home-brew game that’s seen about 3 years worth of play-testing (on and off). It’s a generic ‘vanilla’ fantasy game; I know there are a lot of these around but please bear with me.

The design is loosely based on a game by Paul Elliott (Mithras in the forums) called Dragons (and used with his permission).

Broadly speaking, it’s class based in that your starting point in the game is defined by the character’s class and certain tasks are easier or more appropriate for certain classes but it isn’t a black and white distinction, your warrior character can cast spells if you insist but that will ‘dilute’ his ability to kick butt in combat.

The game uses a standard 2-dice ‘roll-equal-or-over’ mechanic but keeps the modifiers to a minimum so there are very few numbers to juggle.

The system is ‘pass or fail’ with a slight difference in that if the PC’s roll fails, the opponent necessarily succeeds. So one dice roll determines the outcome of each combat round.

The upshot of this is that the referee never has to roll any dice. The game plays out on the strength of the players’ rolls. Not only does this give the ref. time to focus his or her attention elsewhere but makes the game quite convenient for play-by-board outings.

The magic system is quite strategic with magic-users having access to ‘magic points’ of differing colours. A spell can be countered if you can match it point-for-point and colour-for-colour so throwing an extra point into your spell makes it more difficult to counter.

Creatures are defined with a single attribute (like the Tunnels & Trolls Monster Rating) but special abilities are activated on specific dice roll results to keep the players guessing.

A sample dungeon adventure is included and if you haven’t guessed already the game is a tribute to old-school games in general and T&T in particular.

Tales of Lust

April 5th, 2011

Sleeping within the darkness of ruined castles clinging to a mountain peak, howling within the woods, eerie lights luring travellers to their deaths in the swampland and fair and cruel riders on black steeds; amongst these you count yourself. You’re a nightmare creature, naught but a monster within a fairytale told countless times across the lands; a nightmare creature chained to a fate worse than death by the power of words. With each telling of your tale, of the town surviving the darkest creatures thrown at it through sheer tenacity, you are put through the motions and must once more prey on mortals, once more battle with the other evils. But even a monster can wish for something better than chains of words and bestial lusts.

You know that with each telling, with each battle with heroes and other monsters, the tale changes and takes new turns. And one day that winding tale might just bring you freedom.

The Shackled Self

April 5th, 2011

A contestant in the third round of the 2011 Ronnies, using keywords LUST and CHAINS out of the “amazon lust chains queen” set. Written in very bad and sloppily revised English by a non-native speaker.

Queen of Thorns

April 5th, 2011

She is the pride of your village, a young woman gifted with beauty, grace, and a gentle spirit. Now she’s gone – cruelly taken by the minions of the Queen of Thorns to their mistresses’ dungeon. There she will stay chained until the new moon comes, and with it the dark ritual to preserve the Queen’s haughty beauty at the expense of a young maid’s lifeblood. And it is all your fault . . .

You and your companions would not heed the elders’€™ warnings. You would not accept the dark fate intended for her, you could not live under the shadow of your guilt if you did nothing. Instead, you took up what weapons and other items you have and struck out toward the bastion of the Queen of Thorns.

The hulking shape of the Queen’s fortress is on the horizon. You look to your impromptu company and take heart knowing you will not be going into that damned place alone.

Meanwhile, she lies in the Queen’s dungeon, imprisoned by twisted chains of thorns that tear at her flesh. She weeps, bereft of everything except a faint glimmer of hope.


April 5th, 2011

You are:
– Female.
– Hot.
– Broke.

You have:
– A computer.
– High-speed Internet.
– A webcam.

Welcome to the wonderful, wild world of amateur softcore porn. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to cajole Marks into buying you presents from your Amazon wishlist for the least amount of personal investment and physical depravity possible— while not letting it affect your real life.

Written for Round 3 of the 2011 Ronnies, using ingredients Amazon and Lust.

Her Son

April 5th, 2011

In your fantasy world, you are a prince and you are able to save your mother by defeating the black bugs that are invading her jungle kingdom.

A peer story game for 3 or 4 or 5 players.

This is an entry into the april 2011 Ronnies competition. It is an initial approach to the thing, which will later appear in a more fully realized fashion.