Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.

Super Crusaders

June 20th, 2011

Super Crusaders is a superhero RPG designed with ease of use in mind. It has a minimum of jargon, a thorough index and the full color version contains bookmarks and internal links to help you find anything with ease.

Characters are made by choosing 1 of 4 Stats to specialize in and then picking any 10 customizable powers or bonuses. Taking disadvantages can allow extra powers.

Galactic Guardian: Twenty-First Century Schizoid Man

June 15th, 2011

As MAP crossed the Square of the Dancing Cell, close to the building where he was completing his junior internship as a medico, he happened to glance up at one of the cameras. In the early days of the ‘watchers-in-the-streets campaign there’d been that mingling of fear and loathing on the faces of people brought up in the shadow of the prophecy of ‘Big Brother’, but MAP’s look was rather one of affectionate tolerance than hatred. As a deterrent the ‘eyes-in-the-sky’ had worked perfectly; street criminals couldn’t operate beneath them and, after a while, noone even bothered to monitor what they recorded. Consequently, when the Bureau of Pschology wanted to study crowd dynamics, permission was secretly granted for them to view the tapes.

The idea had been around for a long time, but careful analysis had proved that there were certain individuals which society – behaving much in the same way as a living organism defending itself against cancer – persecuted. MAP had been given the task of identifying, locating, and interviewing these pariahs. He smiled as he remembered how one of his first subjects had turned out to be the chief of a sub-department within the Bureau itself; the Music Therapy section. His smile widened as he recalled how, ‘phones tuned in to the newest music-satellite, Leslie Rusher had been totally oblivious of the hostile reactions he’d been getting from the shoppers in what was now, thanks to the success of their work, Micheal Jackson Prospect.

Deus Ex Machina

June 15th, 2011

‘It appears, MAP was saying, ‘that the craft are of extraterrestrial origin.’

Adamson had heard the rumours but – like everyone else involved with the excavation – he didn’t believe that such a thing could be possible.The consensus was that it was all a hoax. His bark of laughter was, however, greeted with a blank stare.

‘I hope,’ MAP spat each word with bullet-like accuracy, ‘the Professor can continue to see the funny side.’

Adamson revolved upon his swivel chair to locate the implied audience of more than one. When he’d entered, MAP’d been alone at his desk; now there were two other figures seated at the back of the room – a man and a woman.

Vhraeden. Blood, Steel and Iron Will

June 10th, 2011

Eleven hundred years after the God’s War, the world is still in chaos, trying to claw its way towards some semblance of normality. That goal remains a distant dream. Nations war with each other for dwindling resources, increased power and for revenge. Cultures clash over ideals and the right to exist. Meanwhile, the Cults of Darkness, long thought destroyed, slowly drag the world ever closer to the Abyss. Vhraeden is a place of stark contrasts where there are no limits for those cunning or violent enough to make their own rules and carve their own destiny.

Vhraeden is in turmoil and each aspect of this setting presents its own unique challenges and rewards. From swords, sorcery and guns for hire, to espionage, criminal and military operations, the world of Vhraeden is dangerous and multi-faceted. Characters are forces of order; professional spies, mercenaries, soldiers or police officers expected to keep the forces of chaos from spilling over into their nation. It is their job to keep their country and their people safe against those who would do it harm. Those enemies run the gamut from warlords to cultists. Do you have the strength to save yourself, much less your people?

This a complex and dark world where billions of sentient beings live and interact with each other as well as gods, devils and other unique beings. Within this milieu, conflict is inevitable. There is violence inherent in a world with over three billion beings spread over scores of nations, tens of races, hundreds of cultures and countless loyalties.

Love Bugs

June 9th, 2011

‘How can I tell the created from the uncreated,’ MAP asked.

He wasn’t quite sure if the question had any validity or not. Analysts at the bio-labs insisted that there was a new breed of Subverter indistinguishable from human kind and with a ‘hidden purpose’. It was his job to discover what that might be. But first he had to learn as much about this secret enemy as he could:

‘Any quirks, quarks, habits or imperfections?’

Running with the Dead

June 3rd, 2011

Running with the dead is an entry to the 1km1kt 24hr RPG contest. This year’s flavour is a Movie Mashup competition. There is an extensive list of movies to choose from, all of them very good ones!

I’d decided not to choose before hand, but select two at the beginning of the 24hr period. Some called this “going in cold like an echo”. However the truth is, I’m so busy with work, study, fatherhood and everything else life throws at you, I decided not to pressure myself with the competition, until I was ready to do it.

I present to you; Running with the dead, a mash up of Blade Runner and Dusk till dawn.

I don’t intend to adhere strictly to the source material. I consider it inspiration. Almost like a ronnies competition. This game is inspired by the movies and not a deliberate attempt to fuse them wholesale.

Inside you’ll find the setting, the rules and a sample adventure. I hope you have fun.

Feedback is encouraged and should be delivered to

Battles Armageddon

May 28th, 2011

The end is near. The sounds of battle pound helplessly in the hearts of your victims as you choose from an array of deviants and miscreants, and of noble and honorable characters who dare enter the midst of bloodlust. Take one step in the wrong direction and it is over. Step over the boundaries and you suffer. Release the anguish of your alter-ego and pulverize your enemies to a quick and painful death. Or simply rearrange their plans so that they pant, waiting for a chance to commit their own crimes. Battles Armageddon gives you the power to control various Mobs whose abilities and spells are at your very whim. With over 35 Mobs and 75 Spells and/or Abilities, you are charged with millions of combinations in which you, the Player, may gain Rank and master the Mobs within. Choose well, for as soon as it begins, Armageddon will take over and there will be only one victor, you or your best friend.

Princes of Arabia

May 22nd, 2011

We are thieves, rulers of the streets. Ours is the world. We are the Princes of Arabia.

This game was written for the 24 Hour RPG Movie Mashup Competition hosted in 1KM1KT. The idea was to mix two movies and make a game out of it. I picked Aladdin and Riders of the Lost Ark. From this movies came the idea of tomb riders in a fantastic version of ancient middle east, getting into trouble to find treasures protected by genies.


May 19th, 2011

Necronautica is a short role playing game of brave heroes and heroines who have taken up arms against unfathomable alien forces from beyond space and time that threaten the human race and, indeed, the very fabric of reality itself. It is also my first attempt at a 24-Hour RPG since the Summer of 2004 – that is, Necronautica was designed, written, and laid out in 24 hours (so expect a few mistakes).

The Droog Family Songbook

May 4th, 2011
I posted in the original mashup thread when I started and finished this. The Droog Family Songbook is a mashup of A Clockwork Orange and The Sound of Music. Yeah, that’s right. I had a blast writing this!
I would appreciate feedback and comments. I also ramble quite extensively about my goals for the game and creation process on my website. Happy for comments to that post to come here. Website is here:

– Nathan