Free RPG Games

Welcome to 1KM1KT, the largest collection of free rpg games online! Please take a moment to subscribe to our mailing list and check out our RSS feed. We offer freely downloadable rpg games to our readers and accept submissions of all kinds. Please check out some of our reader's latest work below.

Dark Stories

December 21st, 2011

Originally made for NaGa DeMon. This is dark stories, my first role-playing game I made and brought out to download for free. It’s a modern-day diceless role play where the characters have encountered something of unnatural origins, these encounters give the characters quest and the players motivation to go on with the search to the unknown.

There is a system in the game that allows the players to use dices and a few demons and spells for game masters to use. there are also a character sheet with explanation for first time players.

The cause of the game is that the players use their knowledge and contacts to find clues to the current problem, this could include a horrible monster or some thing supernatural that has happened or is happening.

This role-play can be used for a single session or a campaign of multiple sessions.

This is the first role-play I made and want to know what’s good an what can better, it’s a trail and if you think some parts can be better please notify me. If the results are good ill bring out a supplement and if there are bad ill try to make the game better, if you have some criticism on the document be specific about it.
Have fun.


November 28th, 2011

Pantheon is a storytelling game about a hero’s journey and the trials devised by the gods. It uses mythic Greece as its setting, and is designed to emulate such stories as the Odyssey, though it can be adapted to other mythologies. Pantheon was designed for National Game Design Month 2011, as a game with multiple GMs and a single player.

The Trouble With Rose

November 20th, 2011

The Trouble with Rose is a story telling game where players go around the table telling tales. Game play is character driven with dominoes used to help set the stage based on the character’s nature and their hidden agenda. Each scene is scored and possibly embellished by the audience (everyone else at the table.) And, once all the dominoes in the player’s hands have been played, the winner gets to deliver the epilogue and wrap up the story.

Nights of the Crusades

November 20th, 2011

Nights of the Crusades is a roleplaying game set in a land and time that is familiar on the surface, but within its cracks lie tales of sorcery, madness and violence. It is a world that could have happened and then been lost to barbarity and time. Players take on characters that can explore the places involved in the Crusades, from Egypt, through to Damascus and Jerusalem. The Tale-Weaver is their guide, allowing them to unearth the horrors of war and fanaticism as they pursue their goals. As the main characters come across storytellers in their travels, they will take part in a new story within the story of their main narrative. Magic, djinn and foul beasts lurk within the minds of the storytellers, yet many secrets and shards of knowledge can be found within these tales.

And the real world is not free from horror. The land is rife with dark cults, creatures that dwell in unseen places and bloodthirsty warriors. This is a time when anyone’s thoughts, from king to slave, are enough to condemn them to death and hell, and many are they that will line up to cheer the execution. Nights of the Crusades is a mixture of the Arabian Nights, the history surrounding the Crusades and both modern and ancient tales of terror.

The rules hope to reflect mature and gritty issues that are not catered to in many popular RPGs, such as the psychological impacts of combat and killing. The gameplay also allows for tension in every form of conflict, whether verbal or physical. A group of companions made up of an artist, diplomat and physician will be as enjoyable to play as one made up of a warrior, archer and thief.

Force Battles Advanced

November 2nd, 2011

This is the most user friendly, concrete and sublime directive of the force community.  If you have ever wanted to, or will become, a force user, this is the true advancement for becoming more than anyone could possibly imagine, including yourself.  For what makes all of us a force user is the dynamics of life itself, wrapped up in a game I call FORCE BATTLES ADVANCED.

Download and enjoy!


October 26th, 2011

“Two people, trapped in a tiny sub, alone in the dark waters at the bottom of the sea. Will they be rescued before they succumb to the elements…or each other.”


The entirety of this game is presented as a single image, sized to print on an 11 by 17 piece of paper. There is a reason for that…


This was a combination of two different “thought threads” on the forums. The first goal was creating a game where the story takes place in a single confined space, and the second was to try and create an entire game not as a rulebook, but as a poster.


Because of the poster restriction, it assumes a lot from the players, in that they are generally familiar with narrative-styled games and board game conventions. For example, it doesn’t explicitly state that you should shuffle a deck of cards at the start of the game.


Additionally, the rules are not “ordered” as one would find in a rulebook. Instead, they are linked to various graphic game elements, so you’ll definitely need to read the entire thing and puzzle the rules together.


Anyway, I am hesitant to add any rules outside of the poster; the whole point was that you needed nothing else but the graphic. And I am more than fine with players ‘making up what they need’ outside of what is presented.


Quick Play – a diceless, universal, quick RPG

October 26th, 2011

Quick Play came about from a simple idea, and was written over the course of about two hours on a rainy Saturday afternoon. It is a very simple universal system designed for the kind of day it was created on. Meant for short games with quick startup, it is a diceless game that contains within it full character creation, conflict resolution, supernatural/superhuman abilities, and even a few optional rules – all contained in three pages.


The Reservoir Dogs and Sad Dam (Who’s Sane?)

September 30th, 2011

An Essay From A Constructionalist Point Of View

Snuff: Downloads Of Death

September 20th, 2011

Snuff – The dark disturbing role playing game of horror and survival in the sick internet phenomena that is Murdertainment where the players are the unwilling cast in a snuff production and must try to rewrite their ending.


The free pdf contains all that you will need to play and uses the simple yet versatile tenGINE rules system.


Snuff can be played as a one of survival horror game or as a series of games to establish The Mongoose Squad – a group of embittered survivors that have vowed to hunt and kill those working in the snuff industry.


Play the ten snuff sites included and create your own.



September 9th, 2011

In the world of Disparity 2% of the people hold 99% of the wealth most people scrape by with what they can grow, or make.

Others however, have learned to make a living by selling their unique skills to the rich, in order to fuel their petty spats and lust for power. These men and women are known as the Nujahara, though others may call you thief, conman, rogue or even pirate.

By searching out both useful bits of information and arcane items of power from other noble houses, ancient tombs, mazes, and vaults you will earn your wages and live a life much nicer life than your dirt farming contemporaries. Rumors say that those items have the ability to bend reality to the users will.

While there is no formal organization for the Nujahara you probably will not find it hard to find others of your kind, if you pay attention the world around you.