Submission problems!?

Heya, this is your darling psychopathic submission sitter Evil1 reporting in. I have seen some people on rpglab saying they have submitted rpgs here and i have checked my box to no avail

So i will flat out say this: I am online EVERY DAY and my yahoo client alerts me to ALL new mail inside my inbox folder. BUT now i am setting up a filter (cross your fingers…)  that will send ALL emails that have the word RPG in the subject to my inbox instead of into the spam folder. Hopefully with this new filter in my yahoo you will no longer have to cry like a baby to my pal keeton. Aaron is austrailian and i forgot who else is also on the role of adding your submissions but i know that its about time i helped a bit.

1km1kt itself is sort of a inactive place at the moment, but hopefully when summer starts we will start seeing more people and more submissions! I myself can be contacted @ my email/yahoo messenger robbiemackmeed(at)

I look forward to posting your submissions, guys!

4 Responses to “Submission problems!?”

  1. Xbox » Blog Archive » Submission problems!? Says:

    […] wrote an interesting post today on Submission problems!?Here’s a quick excerpt Heya, this is your darling psychopathic submission sitter Evil1 reporting in. I have seen some people on rpglab saying they have submitted rpgs here and i have checked my box to no avail So i will flat out say this: I am online EVERY DAY and my yahoo client alerts me to ALL new mail inside my inbox folder. BUT now i am setting up a filter (cross your fingers…)  that will send ALL emails that have the word RPG in the subject to my inbox instead of into the spam folder. Hopefully with this new f […]

  2. Aaron White Says:

    To answer Evil1, I am also online each day. I think the problem has arisen from people posting games that have their own webpage (such as the Nucleus RPG, which looks neat). I have not posted these simply because I felt that it did not need to be done – they already have an excellent page for their material.
    However, this raises a question. Simply because a game has its own webpage, does it omit it from being posted on 1km1kt. I always imagined this site to be a place to post your RPG if you did not have your own site, so what are the thoughts of the other people on 1km1kt?

  3. Keeton Says:

    1KM1KT’s original mission was to act as a game repository for people that don’t have their own web site outlets to publish on. As we’ve grown, however, we’ve also become a good source for people who want their games promoted (even if they have their own sites).

    Either way, my rule 99% of the time is that they have to submit a file to be hosted on our site. If they do that, I don’t mind linking to their site from the landing page, but if they’re just looking for free links I direct them to our free banner exchange program.

  4. Evil1 Says:

    Either way, people will probably not see about that filter so after a minute i was clever enough to realize all rerouted emails sent to me have a small thing at the bottom saying it came from 1km1kt. So i made it also that anything with 1km1kt in the body text will also go to my inbox.

    Keet, do you got yahoo or something?