Hi all
Some of you will know that a gaming buddy and I are working on a game where the resolution mechanic is that the characters always succeed but there will be some negative consequences of their action- being seen and reported on to the Dean/Police etc.- (called demerits). The demerits build up during the game and in the Epilogue get converted into demerit dice, which the GM rolls to decide the ultimate fate of the frat house the characters are members of.
At a skill check the players roll a d6 pool based on their character’s skill point total, with demerits at 1s and 2s. During the last few months of playtesting one or two people have suggested using a different dice or demerit trigger to reduce the demerits a bit. The game is currently regulated by House Points (akin to plot points, style points, bennies or whatever) such that the demerit total can be brought down either by re-rolls and/or reducing the dice pool (which is inversely proportional to the skill point total). I’ve experimented with having demerits at 1s on d6s and 1s and 2s on d8s, instead of 1s and 2s on d6s. The results were interesting. They showed that with only 1s on d6s there were nowhere near enough demerits being produced, but the system worked fairly well with d8s, which is to say that the HPs have less work to do. I’m perfectly happy to go with d8s, but I’m aware that there’s been a bit of a movement away from using hedralities other than d6 unless absolutely necessary.
So, my question is this: would folks prefer a system that uses d8s, where the mechanics work an absolute treat, but you need upwards of 14 dice, or d6s- which obviously most gamers have in abundance, but where the demerit totals are relatively high (but can be brought down using the House Points)? Not everybody will be interested in playing this particular game, obviously, in which case the question is hypothetical, not to say academic, but I’d still like to hear folks’ thoughts.
You can either debate the pros and cons of each and then suggest a preference, or just vote in the poll.
Thanking y’all in advance.
Cheers Leo