The racks of sleeping capsules make the hotel look like a vending machine for people. So what if the rooms are barely tall enough to sit up in? There's no place cheaper to sleep, not even on the street outside. Metropole Luxury Coffin capsule hotel is sanctuary for stranded businessmen, migratory urban workers, street tribes, and for now, you. Welcome home.
- a custom system, tuned to capture the spirit of cyberpunk
- the world of the beautiful downtown Metropole Luxury Coffin capsule hotel and the Datanet
- a dystopia to us may be utopia for a cyberpunk
The Cyber:
- it's not people's relationship with their machines, it's their relationship with their data
- everyone's got face, a reputation-linked interface with the datanet and the world
- data fog, the sheer quantity of data generated makes finding anything a greater challenge than data security
- banks don't hide your personal information, they promote it
- whatever can be done online is, whatever can' probably done at Metropole Luxury Coffin
The Punk:
- resistance against incompetent corporate authority
- urban tribalism
- net tribes, organized by interest, not locale
- the fracturing of subcultures into insanely specific niches
- a do-it-yourself approach to misusing consumer goods, "The street finds its own uses for things."
* image of an Osaka capsule hotel from wikipedia