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Re: the Silent Void (Play Test)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 7:03 am
by Onix
Alex turns just as Patrice flew out the hatch. "I was so worried about this thing I let Patrice go." he thinks questioning his own values. Vance's voice comes over the radio. "Alex, you okay?" and he pauses, wanting to berate Vance for failing to do the same thing he had failed to do. He steadies himself "Yeah I'm fine, can you see Patrice? We gotta try and save her."

Alex looks around the shuttle for something that he could use to try and get her back. He pushes to the shuttle hatch to look out and see what's going on outside.

"What went wrong?" He looks at the exterior of the shuttle to see if there is damage anywhere.

Alex uses one MAP to plan a rescue for Patrice. If I'm right, he gets this MAP back? He also uses one MAP to try and access or turn back on the shuttle's systems.

Re: the Silent Void (Play Test)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:43 pm
by J.K.Mosher

Point Spending/Bids are all up to the players when they wish to use the points to boost chances at
succeeding in actions. For the most part a check will only be made if what is being described requires
effort to complete . . . ie holding on for dear life, planning an escape/rescue, rebooting the shuttle.

This points out that maybe I need to expand on the rules and make it definitive when bidding should
be considered.

MAP Bid on "indirect or Planning" Actions is still used, but is available for any actions related to the
planned activity. So if you Bid 1 MAP to gauge distance and handholds to jump from one shuttle bay
to the next and the planning works, when you actually do make the jump you have that "EXTRA CUSHION"
for the actual action of making the jump.
A second point to a "Planned" Action is the MAP spent by one player is available to any other players as well
who undertake the action. So if Alex Spends 2 MAP on a jump from the shuttle to the station (for example)
and Vance follows Alex's lead when the jump is made, Vance also gets access to the MAP Alex bid to pad his
own Check on the jump. (Clear as mud I bet.)

Re: the Silent Void (Play Test)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:48 pm
by Onix
Then Alex is trying to plan out a rescue of Patrice. He's also spending the MAP to try and get the shuttle rebooted/see what it's still capable of.

Re: the Silent Void (Play Test)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:43 pm
by J.K.Mosher

I'll run the next turn on Friday. 24 hours seems a little short, but 72 is a little long.
So I'll try and hold to a 36 to 48 hour limit. (I do hate changing deadlines).

So next Post Tomorrow by me will advance the game.

Re: the Silent Void (Play Test)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:09 pm
by J.K.Mosher
Upon looking at the cargo air lock Alex notices the shredded remains of the docking sleeve, without
really inspecting it closely and without access to a diagnostic record he can only surmise from the damage
that the sleeve was over pressurized . . . but that couldn't happen, not with all the automatic fail-safe systems
on the shuttle and the station.

Letting his gaze drift he sights the free floating limp form of Patrice drifting just a few meters away.
To his left he notices several lengths of rigid wire conduit. At a glance they all look about 2 meters long and free
floating less than a meter away from his face appears to be the threaded joint connectors and elbows.

Looking back over his shoulder Alex sees Vance's wave and hear's him over the comm system. It's a weak signal
but clear. With the shuttle's circuit breaker box just to the right Alex keeps formulating a plan to get Patrice while
opening the box . . . all the breaker's have tripped. Flipping them on one by one some of the systems like lights
flicker back into existence. Reaching the bottom switch he flips it as well . . . The shuttle shudders as the back up
systems attempt to engage, at the same time with the practiced precision of an IT Guru; Alex attempts to type in
a backdoor OS override code . . . the cursor blinks for less than a minute before line upon line, upon line of code
error messages rapidly scroll by . . . a second later the shuttle shudders again before everything but the emergency
lighting go offline.

Alex knows from the glimpse of the code scrolling by he could trouble shoot a complete coding correction, or possible
try a separate proxy backdoor, or viral-worm base function re-writer to over the issue. Nothing too difficult to
accomplish with enough time . . . or if he can find a way to cross link his HDD to the shuttle's system.

Vance notices all of Alex's activity and while loath to release his grip decides it's better to be possible in danger, but
close enough to help, than stay secure and watch helpless as something goes wrong. It is when he begins to move he
notices the small shards of visor drifting near where Patrice was last standing . . .

Alex -0 PEP / -2 MAP / -1 AR (Cur: 2 PEP / 5 MAP / 32 AR)
Vance -0 PEP / -0 MAP / -1 AR (Cur: 5 PEP / 5 MAP / 32 AR)

Flip Checks:
Onix spent 1 of Alex's MAP on a Planning Action, and got a PERFECT SUCCESS Result. (No Complications)
- Alex sees everything he needs to try and recover Patrice . . .

Onix Spent 1 of Alex's MAP on rebooting the shuttle, and got a SUCCESS Result. (Minor Complication.)
- The shuttle reboots, but coding errors cause a shutdown. Alex is can easily over come these errors
with a little bit of work and time.

Koipond spent none of Vance's points, and did not actual describe/propose any actions that would require


Just considering this . . . biding costs points, but when a Player Bids, but gets a Perfect RESULT; like
Onix's character Alex (twice in a row now) should IF the bid is for a DIRECT APPLICATION ACTION
(ie Holding on for PEP, or Re-wiring a EVA SUIT for MAP); the player. character get the points back?

Seems kinda harsh if you bid, and get a PERFECT RESULT (which can only happen with 3 Heads on the flip)
to still penalize the player/character . . . or am I being to nice in considering a non-point loss option when
Triple Head Results happen during a bided action?

Re: the Silent Void (Play Test)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 12:30 pm
by Onix
Alex calls over the intercom "Vance give me a hand!" and grabs some conduit screwing it into one of the connectors that will point vaguely at Patricia.

If we don't hear from Koi, Alex will go out and grab her and pull her in by himself. Otherwise having a spotter to hang onto the conduit would be a good idea, Vance has more PEP than me anyway.

Re: the Silent Void (Play Test)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:44 pm
by koipond
Vance hears the request for help and raises his eyebrow. "Save what, Patrice is dead, man. Let that go, let's just find a way to get things back online. What do you want me to do?"

With that Vance, like any other ZG, begins to make his way carefully towards Alex, to see what he can do to physically help.

Okay, I'm going to spend a point of PEP here on what action Alex tells him he needs. He's not really big on the tech stuff, welding or something physical sure but whatever Alex is doing is out of his league.

Re: the Silent Void (Play Test)

PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:21 pm
by Onix
"Let's just get her back in here." Alex is clearly frazzled by the suggestion that Patrice is already dead. "Just, here, I'll hold on to the end of the conduit and make sure it doesn't move. Climb out there and pull her back in. Come on man we gotta try."

Re: the Silent Void (Play Test)

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:30 am
by koipond
Vance looked at Alex, "No, her visor got smashed. There are bits of it by my head right now, unless she's got a talent for breathing in a vacuum she's gone. Let's worry about saving ourselves."

Re: the Silent Void (Play Test)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:28 am
by Onix
Alex glares at Vance, turns and climbs out to get Patrice.

Alex is going to go out anyway. He's freaked out and not sure. I'm going to purposely not spend anything on this, considering that I did the planning and that should help out.

Nothing against you Koi, just playing what I'd imagine feeling like and doing. Not eminently practical but just making it interesting for myself. I guess I'm playing that guy that you cringe at when you're watching a movie and shout "No you idiot, don't go out there!"