With us judges hard at work reading your entries, you may long for more compo like thrills. Some may have even miss it all together an wish for some challenge.
well here you go....
(part one) roll a d8 for genre
1= clasic fantsy
2= clasic sci-fi
3= historical fiction
4= modern fantsy
5= arcaic sci-fi (ex: steampunk)
6= super hero
7= spy/war
8= roll twice ignoring 8's and cross them!
(ex: I hit the 8 when I did it, came up with 5 & 7. So I will be making a clockwork game set in a war.)
(part two) go to drivethroughrpg.com hit free and search for "core rules" find a rule system you like or pick at random.
(ex: I found and will be using the 4 color system....cause the chart thing is kind of neat in a retro way)
(part 3) post what you are doing and its name!
for me... see above and it will be call ginger bread men (I had a neat idea for this)
well there you go, have fun monkeys