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Hell on Eight Wheels

PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:11 pm
by vulpinoid
If you've got me on Google+ (or if you read my blog), you might have seen that I've ambitiously started work on a board game called Hell On Eight Wheels. It is intended to do for roller derby, what Blood Bowl does for Gridiron.

Not so much a roleplaying game, but a sports simulation...with attitude. I'm intending to draw on certain roleplaying aspects for the game, such as specific types of rivalry between teams and players and the effects these might have on the game.

More to come soon...just thought I'd share what I was up to.

Re: Hell on Eight Wheels

PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:25 pm
by maledictus
I'm not very proficient in English and had to google for gridiron and now I feel ashamed.

I'm interested in sports tabletop games but find them difficult to design. I'll wait to know more of it.

Re: Hell on Eight Wheels

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:21 pm
by Thought
Sounds interesting... although now I'm imagining what a "Hell on Three Wheels" version might look like.

Re: Hell on Eight Wheels

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 2:40 am
by Rob Lang
Maledictus - I had to good Gridiron too ;) but not roller derby because I have a friend who is in a team in London!

It's a cool idea. I'd steer away from Forumla De because that works well on a track that isn't an oval. Each time you go round the circuit, your position is likely to be different. In an oval, you can work it such that each lap can hit the optimum.

Re: Hell on Eight Wheels

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:00 am
by vulpinoid
I'm trying to decide whether the last respondent is a bot.

Re: Hell on Eight Wheels

PostPosted: Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:36 pm
by Evil Scientist
Unfortunately, it is a bot. :twisted:

Any updates on them Eight Wheels?

Re: Hell on Eight Wheels

PostPosted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:33 am
by vulpinoid
Work is still being done...hopefully some updates shortly.