Doth the mighty forces that gather here know if the classical art presented in wikipedia is free art? or is there away to find out - if it helps i could put links..... or you could tell me to sod off an go away.
This applies to faithful reproductions of a work; for instance, a modern artistic frame in the image may render it not public domain, but if you cropped out the frame, it'd be in the public domain. Basically, if someone puts a picture of a painting from their private gallery online, you can crop out that picture from the file and it's in the public domain (though the whole image may not be public domain, because it's an original work).
I've gotta crash, but feel free to message me more; Rob already posted the general times that things expire.
Kyle, Head Honcho of Loreshaper Games
I write frequent on game development, storytelling, or life in general, in case you want to follow what I'm up to.