Free RPGs

Welcome to the RPG section of 1KM1KT. Here you’ll find member submissions of tabletop pen and paper role-playing games. All of the RPGs available in this section are free for download and are generally in .pdf format. If you’re interested in submitting your own RPG for publication, please visit our submissions page for details or send it to us using our contact form.

Methods of Terror

Wednesday, December 1st, 2004

Methods of Terror is set in a Game Runner (GR) made world where the government of the country you live in is being taken over by an evil regime that is executing, torturing and doing horrible wrong to people. This is done unknown to the people of the country who think they are letting in a new kind of liberal government. Only you and a handful of people know, and you have formed a good guy terrorist cell to try to bring down the government.

The players begin by making their cell with details like their “basement”, a modus operandi, a plan, and other features. Then they make their characters who have an “advantage”. An advantage is basically the source of the characters powers, and is made by the player from categories like skill (chemist), talent (conman), trait, etc.

When the players are done with talking about their plans, they go do something, which is called an “operation”. The preplanned actions of GR controlled characters, the events the GR has planned and the players actions are co-ordinated with time. Depending on the events that are happening, the GR checks off each hour, minute or second and lets the events continue or stops the players and tells them some event interrupts them. Combat comes up in operations

This game is a difficult one to play. Not everyone can think of a plan to bring down a government or sneak into a building. I have included a list of ideas to use if the players can not think of anything.

I hope you enjoy this role-playing game as much as I enjoyed making it.

Scene Stealers

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004

Play as a member of an ensemble cast on a science-fiction television show. Survive the episode and upstage the other actors! An RPG where you can actually win.

In Scene Stealers, you’re playing a member of an ensemble cast of a science fiction action show that’s primarily watched by teenage boys. Teenage boys that belong to the science club. Each game takes place during one episode of the show. During the episode the cast members are not only trying to overcome obstacles, they’re also trying to steal the spotlight from the other cast members.

Each episode is broken up into several ?scenes?. These scenes are basic major chunks of time: The crew breaking into an abandoned space station is a scene, running from a bunch of angry natives is a scene, fighting a bunch of bad guys with zapguns is a scene.

1.2 These Games We Play

The crew is captured by the Gamesters of Omegacron-5 and are forced to fight in a gladiatorial arena. Between battles, they try to convince their fellow slaves to stage a revolt against the Gamesters.

Here’s the section where every role-playing game describes what a role-playing game is. It’s pretty straight forward. It’s a GAME. Where you PLAY a ROLE. Look, just go to and read a delightful comparison between Our Town and a cyberpunk game.

There’s going to be a group of people sitting around a table or at least in the same room with each other. All of the players (except one) control an actor in a television show. (This character is referred to as either an “actor”, “character”, or “cast member” intermittently throughout these rules. They all mean about the same thing.) The other player controls everyone and everything else as well as describes the settings, determines the results of the cast’s actions, and pretty much knows the whole plot of the episode before the others start to play. As this is a game that is about a television show, we’re tempted to call this player something cute like “the Director” or “the Executive Producer” or “the Gene Roddenberry”, but we’ll call him “the GM” instead. (“The JMS” would work in a pinch.)

All the people that aren’t the GM are referred to as “players”, even though the GM is playing the game with everyone else. Role-playing game terminology is pretty silly that way.

1.3 Set Up

On a botched attempt at rescuing a stranded vessel, the crew is mistaken for pirates. Can they prove their innocence to the system authorities before the third moon rise? Each player chooses a character sheet (or creates his or her own cast member using the incredibly simple actor creation rules that follow). The other characters aren’t used in this episode. Separate the plot cards from the script cards and place both decks face down in the center of the table. You’ll also need a couple six-sided dice and some markers to keep track of how much star power the actor has.

The script deck contains 36 cards, all of which can be used to help your cast member outshine the others or add complications to the plots. Each player gets to draw five of these cards. With a full cast of six people, six of these cards will not be used.

If you have more cast members than six, go ahead and divvy up the cards so everyone has the same amount. For this version of the game, there’s just some squares you can cut out and use as cards. If this was created for something called ?7 Day RPG?, these would be actual cards with artwork and everything.


Monday, November 8th, 2004

Everybody wants something. How far would you go to get it … how far will the world change to make your wishes come true? And what happens when everything you ever wanted becomes the thing you most despise?

Adventures and Luck

Sunday, October 24th, 2004

A just for fun RPG about a bunch of people just ending up in all kinds of crazy adventures. Setting is contemporary modern, rules are simple… well at least I hope. due to 24 hour time limit, mechanics still leave something to be desired, but should be playable as is

Dice Chucker

Friday, October 15th, 2004



Dice Chucker is a simple and fun system designed for the gamer looking for something different. It can be used in any genre from fantasy to sci-fi . The basic system is straightforward. A gamer will be able to begin playing after only a few minutes.

As its name implies part of the fun of Dice Chucker is throwin’ the dice. Have you ever gotten a rush of adrenaline when you pick up dice for a crucial roll? Dice Chucker takes the usual, boring dice rolls and adds a new twist with Power Dice. Power Dice can drastically alter what happens to the character and the players in the game! They create a whole new dynamic to your normal game session. Not only what action you choose to take is important, now the dice you and your friends hold in your hands can be just as important.

The Monitors

Sunday, October 3rd, 2004

“The Monitors”, a combat-free RPG about conflict and domination in the near future.

The Hidden World

Monday, September 13th, 2004

The Hidden World is a game of mages and magic set in modern times. White Mages and their aides use any of several styles of magic to defend the world against various kinds of evil.


Monday, September 13th, 2004

A really generic game system designed to be easily extendible.

Virtues and Vices

Monday, September 13th, 2004

Church groups seens as a bunch of holier-than-thou backbiters: can you stay more virtuous and less sinful than the rest? Inspired by requests for an “anti-KPFS”.

Heavy Metal Magic

Monday, September 13th, 2004

Heavy Metal musicians find magic in their rock and roll.