Free RPGs

Welcome to the RPG section of 1KM1KT. Here you’ll find member submissions of tabletop pen and paper role-playing games. All of the RPGs available in this section are free for download and are generally in .pdf format. If you’re interested in submitting your own RPG for publication, please visit our submissions page for details or send it to us using our contact form.

The Stalk Across All Worlds

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005

This is a game about ice age hunters using magic,spirits and drumming to follow blood thirsty creatures and monsters from the world to other worlds, to the spirit realms to seek them out and destroy them.

Jackals and Hounds

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005

Jackals and Hounds is a game set in three time periiods. Players are Hounds, once known as the Invincible Children of Re, who use their ability to exist in the past, present, and future to do battle with the oppressive Jackals. Game mechanics are based on single die roll resolution and the use of hieroglyph cards to enhance the power of their Personas. Ultimately, their goal is to tip the balance of power in favor of enlightenment and learning, as opposed to the ignorance and stagnation promised by the Jackals.


Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005

In XVIII, players take the role of gangsters during the Prohibition Era, seeking to achieve victory against their competitors. The game uses a unique limited-resource die pool system, which leads to heightening tension and excitement as the players must maximize their assets to be the last man standing.


Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005

As WWI begins, the U.S. government battles the free speech campaigns and unionization of the woman-accepting, miscegenating IWW (wobblies). Hobos drinking wine from paper bags, singing songs, and traveling the country by train are, by and large, union organizers trying to change American society with the government and company thugs fast on their heels…

Like the ownerless anarcho-syndicalist system the wobblies faught for, Sedition! does not require a GM.

Guilty Before God

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005

GBG is a game about dueling in 19th Century America using dice, cups, imagination and honor.

Proletariat: The Uprising

Monday, May 2nd, 2005

Proletariat: The Uprising vaguely satirica RPG/strategy game based on Russian nihilism and communism. Avenge yourselves upon the bourgeoisie!

The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.

-Marx and Engels, The Communist Manifesto

A+ Fantasy

Monday, May 2nd, 2005

A+ Fantasy is an original RPG system that is easily accessible and adaptable to any fantasy setting. The system emphasizes character evolution over character creation allowing new players to begin play quickly and grow as play progresses. Task resolution is simple and quick and uses only two six sided dice. A new approach to assigning experience is fun and effortless for the referee.

  • 2d6 system
  • Non-opposed Task rolls based on Character Ability
  • Rewards for rolling Doubles
  • Character evolution supersedes character creation
  • Skill based system without classes or levels
  • Spell casting based upon Elemental Spell Weapons
  • 28 page PDF format document with black and white illustration.

A+ Fantasy and the A+ RPG System are (c) 25 by Jeff Moore
All illustration included in A+ Fantasy (c) 25 by Rebecca N. Mikesell


Monday, May 2nd, 2005

Gaming is a strange thing. It’s one of the few endeavors where people will buy a product because it has a big grinning demon on the cover and then complain about those who think that the hobby is satanic. So much for the correlation between intelligence and adolescent rebellion?

If you’re one of those players who likes games that run down religion because you’re still mad about your parents making you go to church, stop reading. This ain’t that kind of game. If you like a game that allows you to have some good, clean fun while at the same time offering opportunities to explore religious themes and moral questions ? whether you believe in God or not ? this game is for you. Immaculate is a deliberate departure from the “Hell this, demon that” school of game design that assumes that the forces of evil are going to win. In this setting the war between good and evil is still very much anybody’s game. The reality of Immaculate isn’t that evil is more powerful and will inevitably triumph, but that the soldiers of light can’t go on fighting the good fight unless they continue to win their most personal battles. Let other games take you through a world of darkness. In Immaculate there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel ? but the only way to get there is to make a conscious decision to keep walking.

Lost in Smaragdis

Sunday, May 1st, 2005

Lost in Smaragdis is a pulp-style science fiction adventure RPG inspired by the lostrace, lost-world type stories of authors like H. Rider Haggard, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, A. Merritt and Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Smaragdis, the Emerald World, is an alien yet earthlike planet inhabited by a collection of lost tribes and civilizations living in terror of dinosaurs and a tyrannical Conquistador kingdom. Scattered across Smaragdis are the relics of a vanished alien civilization – mysterious mind-gems that can grant strange powers but at the risk of madness, gangly robotic Demons, gigantic flying machines that can rain down lightning on command, and enigmatic monuments of stupendous scale that may hold the secrets of the cosmos. A portal in the Upper Amazon jungle can transport those who wander into it to Smaragdis, but if there are any portals leading back to Earth they have yet to be found.


Friday, April 29th, 2005

A while back, I found out about the 24-Hour RPG project and though to myself, “Damn, that’s a cool idea.” Making a whole game in 24 hours perfectly suited my attention span, so I started thinking about ideas that would make a good one. After sifting through a few in my muddled mind, I decided upon an idea that had occurred to me after reading a Wikipedia article about occultism.

Apparently, there’s this kind of magic(k) called “Chaos Magic,” that works around the idea of paradigm shifting and such. The idea of a modern magic game suddenly seemed really cool. Of course, I quickly realized that stuff like Mage and Unknown Armies had already treaded this ground, but I thought I could do a good job and bring something different to the table. So here it is, Discord, my 24 hour game about modern mages and casting your way through life. Enjoy.