Free RPGs

Welcome to the RPG section of 1KM1KT. Here you’ll find member submissions of tabletop pen and paper role-playing games. All of the RPGs available in this section are free for download and are generally in .pdf format. If you’re interested in submitting your own RPG for publication, please visit our submissions page for details or send it to us using our contact form.


Monday, April 8th, 2013

You have this really cool cyberpunk scenario and want to run it, but you don’t want to bother with too many rules and thick rule books? Then this game could be of use to you. [digital_shades] is a small, fast paced role playing game for the cyberpunk genre. It allows you to run and play all kinds of (post)cyberpunk adventures with focus on your character, the role playing and the scenario. No need for dice roll orgies, many pages full of complex rules and time consuming character creations. But don’t worry, the toys are still in here.

Two-Page Space

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Two-Page Space is a complete d20 sci-fi game, including spaceship rules, that can be printed on the front and back of one piece of paper. There is no implied setting except that the PCs fly around in their spaceship and have adventures.

The rules are creative commons.


Friday, February 22nd, 2013

Pirates!, a free tabletop rpg inspired by Polanski’s eponym movie. It’s a funny and lighthearted game that runs almost on its own, the game master doesn’t have a lot to do while the players perform all sort of foolishness, smiling from ear to ear.

More available at:

Journey through Mirkwood

Friday, February 22nd, 2013

Another dangerous journey in Middle Earth awaits! You have forty days to travel from Rivendell to the palace of Thandruil with many perils and enemies on your way. Will you be able to reach your goal?

“Journey Through Mirkwood” is very simple and rather short, one page RPG adventure game for one player. I hope you’ll enjoy it

RPG: Rocket Propelled Gaming

Friday, February 22nd, 2013

This is version 1.1 of my simple and balanced, rules light, narrativist roleplaying game. It draws on inspiration from the likes of John Harper and Robin Laws to produce a balanced and free form game. Any constructive suggestions or comments would be gratefully received.

7th Seal: Armageddon RPG

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013

7th Seal is a cinematic role playing game based on post-apocalyptic anime. Within this book you will find all the rules and inspiration you need to create heroes, build adventures and save the world, or what is left of it.

7th Seal reveals a world in chaos, ravaged by the Last War, Armageddon, a viral contagion and an alien invasion. From this disastrous beginning, though, emerges a new breed of heroes. Forged in the fire of war, fueled with Old Testament faith, alien technology and psionic mutations these heroes fight to bring order out of chaos, to rebuild and protect their world, and to defeat the Leviathan. So don you power suit, say your prayers, grab your lucky plasma rifle and your psionic friend, too, and let’s kick some mutant-demon-zombie-alien-butt

Dark Ronin RPG

Monday, January 28th, 2013

Dark Ronin is a Cthulhu Dark hack about Ronin in feudal Japan.

Shotguns and Zombies

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

A B-movie Horror RPG about (what else?) Zombies! Cliche ridden characters try to survive a direct to DVD release night of terror.

Now with a package of  nearly completed character sheets to quickly get your body count rising.

Produced by AJ Ferguson.

Nuns 2 Ninjas 24 Hour

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

Nun 2 Ninjas is a simple and generic RPG played with two sided dice, written by Nathan Carmen.

Arcana Agency: The Thief of Memories

Sunday, December 9th, 2012

Arcana Agency: The Thief of Memories is a gamebook, or solo adventure, about paranormal investigators in 1930’s New York City.

This file, The Case of the Unghostly Ghost, is a prequel created (and distributed for free) for the Kickstarter project of The Thief of Memories. The file is fully-playable and contains all the rules for the system.

Arcana Agency was made in the style of “Choose Your Own Adventure” books but with proper RPG mechanics and dice rolls, akin to “Fighting Fantasy” or “Fable Lands.” It’s written in third person (“he,” “she”) instead of second person (“you”), which is a departure from other gamebooks, and allows the reader to control multiple characters at once (like an adventuring party).

Arcana Agency: The Thief of Memories (PDF)