Free RPGs

Welcome to the RPG section of 1KM1KT. Here you’ll find member submissions of tabletop pen and paper role-playing games. All of the RPGs available in this section are free for download and are generally in .pdf format. If you’re interested in submitting your own RPG for publication, please visit our submissions page for details or send it to us using our contact form.

All Growed Up

Wednesday, September 7th, 2005

All Growed Up is a game about teenagers in suburbia – how they hate their lives, how they cope and what happens to them after they grow up. There are 2 ways to win – either by strategising the number of dice in your 3 pools (Rebellion, Suburbia and Self-Hatred) or by winning a group vote as having created the most hateful character.

Teenagers growing up in suburbia. Teenagers who hate their surroundings and their lives. In this game, they have 3 ways to express that hatred: by rebelling, by pretending it doesn?t exist, or by turning it on themselves.

Your job as a player is to try and keep the three in balance ? and to share your personal experiences with the other players.

The stories you?ll be telling in All Growed Up go from when a group of friends in a suburb all turn 13 till the end of their 19th year. Basically, from entering high school to moving out from under your parents? control and starting to figure out life on your own.


Wednesday, September 7th, 2005

Cutthroat is a Gamist RPG where players take on the role of 197’s bikers. The object is to become the Top Dog of your Gang and dominate all the other players. This game is an entry in the inaugural “Ronny awards” being sponsored by Adept Press.

The game is about dominating your fellow player-characters through coercion and force. You take on the role of an early 197?s biker gang member. The object is to become the undisputed Top Dog of the Gang. This is accomplished by using your opponent?s vices and weakness against him, as well as using your talents and assets to assist yourself. Humor is definitely a part of the game, so play up on the stereotypes and mythos surrounding biker gangs. It is possible for play to become contentious at times, but no one stays on top for very long. Be cool, let things go, and see how they play out.

Rats in the Walls

Tuesday, September 6th, 2005

Rats in the Walls: Lance Allen’s Ronnies submission. Rats in the Walls is a game about people who are the ‘rats in the walls of time’, going back to change the past in order to deal with their hatreds in the present.

Imagine, if you will, that time is an endless hallway, down which humanity walks. This hallway is only one way; Behind you walks everyone you have been, and ahead into who you might be is the only place you can go.

Now imagine if the walls of this endless hallway had rats. Rats in the Walls of Time itself. They scurry back where no man can go, and their chewing and tampering could change the flow of time?

Me and the Rat

Tuesday, September 6th, 2005

Benjy was just a mild-mannered engineer, working on a government research platform…until he found out his girlfriend wasn’t a PhD candidate at all, but actually an international spy, bent on nicking the station’s database. What’s a poor boy to do?

Benjy Jackson works for the government. He?s an engineer. An engineer on an offshore laboratory?which ostensibly studies marine life but actually spends most of its time monitoring undersea weapons tests. Benjy likes his job, and even gets along reasonably well with his boss, Jacob Hodges. When Sierra Annis joined the team a few months ago, they struck up a relationship. In fact, Benjy has plans to marry the woman.

Last night, however, Benjy found something out: Sierra is a rat. She?s not here to do her PhD research, she?s here to steal the lab?s data, using it to expose the entire operation to various international agencies?everything the lab does breaks half a dozen treaties and international law. Sierra is due to leave the base in just four days, her research ostensibly complete. She asks Benjy not to reveal her, and tells him that after she?s left, he can meet up with her in Paris…but only if she knows she can trust him.

I Think My Girlfriend Hates Me

Tuesday, September 6th, 2005

It’s a game about what happens when your girlfriend decides she’d rather kill you than break up.

The Boy, portrayed by the Player. He’s a pretty run of the mill shmuck, most noticeable for his considerable lack of knowledge of what his girlfriends feels about or does to him.

The Girlfriend, portrayed by the GM. She’s one of those girls that just won’t step out of a bad thing no matter how much she hates it, paired with a tendency to not take her meds. This leads to tonight’s entertainment…

Best Friends

Tuesday, September 6th, 2005

Best Friends is a role-playing game about girlfriends and their petty hatreds. You all role-play girlfriends of each other and gameplay involves who you hate for being prettier than you, richer than you, etc.

So, what?s this book all about?

Well, it?s a role-playing game about being a girl.

Yeah, everyone plays a girl. If you?re not down with that then just put best friends back wherever you found it and walk away. No hard feelings, eh?

So, still here?

OK, it?s a game about being best friends and all the little hatreds that best friends have for each other. Oh, I know. You?re gonna say that y?all get along just peachy. Well, that?s fine too. No one said any of this was true.

But, between you and me: it probably is.

Anyway, you and some friends all play girlfriends and try to do stuff together while secretly hating each other. And getting little frissons of excitement out of getting one up on your best friends.

One Can Have Her

Tuesday, September 6th, 2005

A game in black-and-white inspired by film noir. Driven men in a dark underworld trying to stay alive long enough to set things straight. The Police Chief’s daughter seducing them all, but only one can have her. If one of them rats on the others he gets the girl and peace of mind, but the rest of them die. If two of them rat, there are no winners.

Munch-Mausen Tales

Monday, September 5th, 2005

Once More Unto the Game…

In this endeavour, termed by some a role-playing game, you the merry players take the role of one of those intrepid daredevils the Munch-Mausen. Indeed the Munch-Mausen account for the entire company. There is no need for a shadowy Games-Master, lingering like some pofaced god…

In Munch-Mausen Tales, you play a pack of trans-dimensional swashbuckling were-rats. You?re trying to impress this hot demon chick, so she?ll go on a date with you. This sort of thing usually ends in a punch up but who knows, maybe it?ll be different this time…

Attack of the Giant Rats

Monday, September 5th, 2005

What? You want me to tell you about history? How the conflict between the great rats and the humans started? I suppose I can do that for you, as knowledge is a precious thing and I do wish to gift you with it.

Some say it started with the Great Swarm. The Great Swarm started shortly after the second decade of the 21st century began, but rats had been the most heavily used laboratory animal since the middle of the twentieth century, and this was no less true in the beginning of the twenty-first. Genetic experiments on rats met with little protest from most people, as rats were not seen as especially sympathetic creatures. Some argue today that this lack of sympathy led the humans to their undoing and the fall of mankind from their special place on earth. Certainly some rats argue this today: humans had made quite a mess of things, and it was simply time for mother nature to choose another species as earth’s steward.


Sunday, September 4th, 2005

We all came up from different places an? sometimes we didn?t get along too good, but there we was. Rascal, Lulu, Stinky and Whitey. We made it to da promised land. Somehow, some way, we got outta the dirty, dangerous city or crawled up from some grain silo in East Dullsville. Untold riches await, they all said back home. An? dey was right! Now we jus? gotta play it cool and get our piece o? da American Dream.

Ratpack is a roleplaying game where the players portray rats living in the crawlspaces and cupboards of your average American suburban home. Each game session is based around a ?mission? (usually involving food, people and household pets). The default play style is a fun, adventure-fi lled romp?like a cross between The Dirty Dozen and Goodfellas (except with rats as the protagonists).