Free RPGs

Welcome to the RPG section of 1KM1KT. Here you’ll find member submissions of tabletop pen and paper role-playing games. All of the RPGs available in this section are free for download and are generally in .pdf format. If you’re interested in submitting your own RPG for publication, please visit our submissions page for details or send it to us using our contact form.

Champions of the Gods

Thursday, March 2nd, 2006

It’s a roleplaying game where you play a commitee of Gods in Ancient Greece, trying to decide on which city-state should next host the Olympic Games. To do this, each God guides their Champion to steal Artifacts important to the other Gods in order to win Renown and therefore the games. But the success or failure of a quest depends more on the “backroom deals” between the Gods than the strength of a mortal’s sword arm or similar.


The Ancient Greek World, during the Age of Gods and Men: Zeus, father of all the Gods has decided that he wants a new religious festival for the Mortals to honour him. He has declared that it will be known as the ?Olympics? and shall be held in the most worthy city?state in all of the Greek World ? anywhere from Iberia to the Black Sea.

But there are more city?states than Zeus can be bothered to remember, so to discover which is most worthy, he has chosen a number of his Godly offspring to do it for him. They will be known as the ?Mount Olympus Committee?, and will report back in four mortal years, or Zeus shall rip all of Creation asunder.

Now, each of these Gods has a particular city?state where they are worshipped more than the others, and they want ?their? city?state, and by extension, them to receive Zeus? favour. So, to come to an agreement, the Gods each summon a Champion to champion their city?state, and then the champion who completes the most heroic tasks shall win the right for his city?state to host the Olympics.

But Gods cannot stop themselves from meddling in Mortal affairs, and the Committee is no different. They bicker, bribe, lend favours, call in favours and persuade the others to set ever greater challenges in the way of the other champions whilst doing the same to grant Boons to aid their own champion. The city?state to receive the games will have less to do with the exploits of champions in the mortal world, and more to do with the deals happening at Mount Olympus.

Hi/Lo Heroes

Tuesday, February 28th, 2006

Hi/Lo Heroes is a role playing game set in a city of costumed heroes. In role playing games, players imagine that they are the heroes in a great interactive adventure story. One player, the Game Master helps to provide the backdrop for the story and takes the roles of Villains and Normals that the other players (called Heroes) will meet and interact with.

Author’s Note: “Hi/Lo Heroes” is a more developed version of my EZ Supers 24 Hour RPG submission.

Wow! Hero City! I can?t believe that I finally here! Hero City!

This is so exciting! I keep looking up… up in the sky… trying to catch a glimpse of Double Shot or Atomic… Wow! Hero City!!

Oh… I know it wasn?t always called ?Hero City.? The name was changed when the first costumed heroes appeared to fight crime. You remember? Sure ya do! This is your home town. I?m the tourist here.,. But hey… did you hear that? Was that a cry for help?

What? You have to go? Sure, sure! Sorry that you have to rush off like this.., it was nice talking… Whoa… she sure left in a hurry.

Wow! Hero City! I can?t believe that I?m finally here!

Legends of Lanasia

Sunday, February 12th, 2006

Legends of Lanasia is a fantasy, pencil and paper RPG. It is set in a new environment that will allow players unique roleplaying and adventure opportunities. The system is designed to be easy to learn, easy to remember and fun to play. The characters will exist in a world that is both different and vaguely familiar. There are elves, trolls and humans, but they do not act or even exist as you would expect. Learn a new world, learn a new system and have fun doing it!

Read the authors blog at


Legends of Lanasia is a roleplaying game. The play style is between improvised theater and make believe. Players will gather and one will begin telling a story. Other players will explain what part their character is playing in the adventure and this rulebook will be used to resolve situations where there is no obvious outcome.

This setting is a fantasy setting. Everything is geared towards reproducing your favorite fantasy scenes from books, comics and movies. Bear this in mind when deciding what your character can and cannot do or what another character may or may not try.

This game is designed so that a group of hack and slashing characters should be fun to play, but deep enough that legitimate roleplaying is encouraged. One way this is accomplished is by reducing the amount of emphasis on ?character class,? your character will be more of a collection of skills and knowledge than a title. Two warriors may meet on the field of battle and neither may have a skill in common. This rejection of stereotypes is a common theme in this game world. The idea of a dwarf Archer or a goblin Archmage should not make Legends of Lanasia players laugh or even think twice. Furthermore, the idea of good and evil has been revisited. The idea that all orks are evil and that all elves are good has been challenged in a meaningful way. If the Judge tells you that your character notices a goblin in the woods, you will not know if your character is in danger or not until you investigate further.

As a final note, not only are we going for a fantasy setting, but a heroic setting. The players? characters are the stars of the story, and the rules reflect this. So, have fun and defeat evil wherever you find it!

Adventures Into the New World

Thursday, February 2nd, 2006

Adventures into the new world is a role-playing game where the characters are explores of a new continent. The players are from a 17’s style setting. The characters walk on a map made by the GR (game runner), and the GR tells them what they see in words. The characters name things and make maps, but the action comes mostly from the players dealing with the inhabitants( who could be Indians, or oriental or anything). The GR makes the whole thing before hand, and the players choose where to go and what to do.

The GR makes events about what the players have decided to do to keep a story going. If they did not, the players would simply show up and what they did would just work.

Combat is not intended to be a major part of this game. However, combat is handled like this. Each action takes a certain amount of seconds. The GR counts off the seconds and any completed actions take place at the end of the second. The players can choose an action from a list or they can make their own and time it (or just guess how long it would take).

The players have an “advantage”, which is like a class in other role-playing games. The player picks a category like trait, skill, possession, etc. and the gets advantage powers with it.

I hope you enjoy this game as much as I have enjoyed making it.


The players make all the decisions about where to go and what to do. When the players move, the GR has a map of the continent which he marks with tiny dotted lines, each dot represents on day journey. The GR tells a description of what the players see when the hit rivers, can see mountains, etc. Most of the interest will be in dealing with the natives. When the players move, they make a map (themselves) and name things. plains, forests, mountains, rivers.

When the players decided to do something (called their goal), the GR creates “trigger events”, things that will happen to the players when they do something. This is to prevent the players from simply doing something that just works. The trigger events do not have to be bad or a problem. They could be good, bad or just a reason to stop. An Indian who wants to sell something to you, a hostile road block or an invitation to dine with the Japanese style noble are examples of trigger events.


Often times what happens is uncertain. Will the people accept the players trade? will the player hit it with his gun? These questions are resolved by the GR setting a percent chance that it will wok and rolling two ten sided dice to determine it.


Combat begins by tearing off little pieces of paper where the players are, making a ‘five foot’ ruler on another piece of paper and drawing the places on the sheet. The GR then counts off seconds and completed actions happen at the end of the second. How many most common actions take is listed below. The players can make their own actions and time them. After estimating the fixed time, the GR adds a d2, d3 or d4 or to the total time. The players do not know how long the enemies are going to take to finish an action.


Wednesday, January 18th, 2006

NecroSticknomicon is a horror supplement for StickGuy, the Roleplaying Game. In this supplement, the Sticks head out over the Bridge to spend a nice weekend in a cabin. When they get there, they find a tape recorder, which when played releases the evil power of the NecroSticknomicon, the Book of the Stick Dead. And after that, all hell breaks lose, and what are the Sticks to do, except fight the evil or become part of it.


The floor boards rattled and tossed their nails straight out of the nail holes, and the deer head on the wall twisted and turned with the ugly look of terror in it?s eyes. The group, stickguys and their stickgirlfriends had retreated to this cabin in the woods outside of Sticktown for a quick weekend getaway from the turmoil in town. The weekend had been relaxing until Sticky slid the lever on the reel-to-reel player to play. Then over the tiny stickspeakers, someone claiming to be an archeologist began to speak of a book so evil that it had been hidden for a thousand years until he found it on a dig. The tape spoke of the translation and the transformation of his wife from kind loving stickwoman to ugly crazy stickzombie…


Wednesday, January 18th, 2006

BLYSS is a generic system for guiding the action and establishing the results of roleplaying scenarios, and I think it would make a good addition to 1km1kt.

It is intended to be simple at heart, everything based on the same mechanics: All abilities, powers, and skills are measured on a scale of -1, with each rank corresponding to a certain dice combination. All resolution tasks are rolled in the same way.

BLYSS is meant to be generic, easily adapted to any conceivable setting or situation. Most importantly, it is intended to be modular ? with lots of Options and Variants that can easily be slotted into the system to fully customize it ? and easily adaptable, so that if the right Options and Variants for a person?s game don’t already exist, they should have little problem with simply making their own modifications to the system.

The distinction between the two types of BLYSS ?modules? mentioned above is as follows:

An Option is an entirely new set of guidelines that is added onto the BLYSS system to change the way you play the game.

A Variant is a change to the game which modifies rules that already exist.
Current Options:

  • tems and Equipment (more or less what it says on the cover, includes optional vehicle guidelines and pet/steed statistics)
  • The Big Guns (a simple system for the creation and application of Magickal and Psionic effects, Powers, and Technology)
  • Morphic (a useful system in conjunction with the Basic Rules and The Big Guns for dealing with shapechangers and flexible powers, and also ideal for use with Deific Characters)
    Deific Characters (a system for dealing with Deities in your BLYSS game)
    Current Variants:

    SimplySys (Makes a simple system even more simple. Ideal for silly games on the fly)

    BLYSS is a constantly evolving project that has changed greatly in response to my own analysis and the critique of others. I?m still looking for ways to make it better, and I feel the best way to do that is by exposing it to a greater audience and forum for critique than the small following it has developed.

    In the near future I will also be publishing BLYSS: Multiply!, a system created using the same design ethics and featuring the same basic elements, but with entirely different task resolution rules ideal for high powered games and establishing degrees of success, as well as even more BLYSS goodies. I also welcome others developing using my system, and I would dearly love to see the BLYSS community grow.

    Simply Scribed Productions

    It’s been a long ride for BLYSS, mostly due to my attempts at detours on the road to completion. What you see before you is BLYSS 3.5, Basic Rules. The Basic Rules has the same content as the Core Rules, with the exception of Option and Variant sidebars and Appendices. It is for the StoryMaster who wants to run a basic game, or has no need for the options and variants presented in the Core Rules.

    BLYSS had humble origins. Someone I knew was working on a roleplaying system, and it inspired me to make my own. No reason, no eventual intent ? just to have a system and say “This is mine”. It wasn’t my first attempt at system creation, so I knew by then what wouldn’t work (guess how), but even that didn’t stop the original ruleset being messy and unbalanced. Since then the system’s been through lots of little edits and revamps, eventually reaching version 3.5 (ironic, I know). Hopefully, there should be few things wrong with the system presented before you and a lot of things right ? though I can’t account for personal taste, of course.

  • Marinci

    Wednesday, January 18th, 2006

    Marinci is a SF rpg of gripping action and horror. The players play roles of Colonial Marines cleansing alien, demonic and zombie infestations thorough the galaxy. The game uses a very simple system, and is easy to set. With a level-type advancement scale, new and old gamers will find it easily run over several sessions. The character generation is simple and fast. Highly customizable the game offers many hours of play.

    Note: The English version will be up as soon as I can spare the time.

    Izrada lika

    Svaki lik se sastoji od sljede?ih atributa: Borbenost, Preciznost, Brzina, ?ivci, Zdravlje i Psiha. Oni se kre?u od 1 do 18. Ime, izgled i ostale stvari su opcionalni.

    Borbenost ? jest atribut koji se koristi u bliskoj borbi. Bliska borba zapo?inje kad se dvoje protivnika na?u jedno do drugog. Ona pokriva borbu sa ?akama i nogama i raznim hladnim i ne toliko hladnim oru?jem. Borbenost se mo?e testirati kog konflikata koji zahtijevaju fizi?ku pripremu, izdr?ljivost i tehni?ka znanja.

    Preciznost ? jest atribut koji se koristi za dalekometnu borbu. Ona se koristi prilikom upotrebe vatrenog i drugog oru?ja, bacanja stvari itd. Preciznost se mo?e koristiti za one konflikte koji zahtijevaju pokretljivost, eleganciju itd.

    Brzina ? predstavlj koli?inu kvadrati?a koju lik mo?e pre?i u jednom krugu.

    ?ivci ? predstavljaju koliko se lik mo?e nositi sa stresom. Oni se testiraju kad su likovi izlo?eni stravi?nim i opasnim situacijama. Padanje tog testiranja rezultira u Panici. ?ivci se mogu testirati radi rje?avanja razli?itih intelektualnih konflikata

    Zdravlje ? predstavlja koliko je lik zdrav. Ono se smanjuje sa dobivenom ?tetom. Zdravlje se obnavlja izme?u misija, posjetom zdrasvenim ustanovama i kori?tenjem stimpakovima,. Kad zdravlje padne na nulu lik je mrtav.

    Psiha ? predstavlja psiholo?ko zdravlje lika. Ona se smanjuje kad god lik padne test Panike. Kad ona stigne na nulu, lik poludi i njegovu kontrolu preuzima DM.

    Postupak izrade lika je sljede?i :

    1. Izaberite klasu
    2. Odredite atribute bacaju?i koce koji su napisane u klasi
    3. Pokupite opremu
    4. Izaberi jednu osobinu
    5. Odredite ime, izgled , karakter itd.

    Casefile: ZODIAC

    Sunday, January 8th, 2006

    A Free RPG – Weird 1970’s Espionage

    Behind the velour wallpaper, under the bean bag, crouching in the grimy recesses of the shag pile carpet there is strangeness. A deep, messed up kind of strangeness that goes beyond the mind altering effects of macrame? or the strange popularity of the Bay City Rollers. You may live your grim 9 to 5 life, worry about the energy crisis, worry about the bomb, worry about freaks and punks next door but what you really should be worried about are the things you don t even know exist.

    I am talking about aliens without fashion, big crime, 18 degree angels, funk sucking ghosts, discotheque gods, Agents of D.I.R.T., demonic swinger parasites. All these and more. The worst thing is they are organized, they call themselves ASTROLABUS and their plans for the future do not involve you. If they had their way, you won t be here to see the eighties in. That nice new suburb of yours? Just a death camp with lawn ornaments.

    But, what do you know, we are organized too. Since the late fifties we have come to know about them (all the different thems). At first we were castigated, called nuts, the men in white coats came like seagulls on a sandwich. But slowly and surely we made connections, found out there were others who had seen what we had seen. Most of us came from the espionage scene, it was our business to go poking around where no one was meant to be. But we made other allies too, occultists, mad, er fringe scientists, ecologists, hustlers and funk cosmonauts.

    We knew the world was in trouble. We knew no one else was going to do anything. Steve McQueen is dead. We formed ZODIAC.

    Casefile: ZODIAC can be downloaded from

    Mr Chairman, I am afraid that I can offer little more information to this inquiry. The ZODIAC organization exists, clearly, but they are so covert, so shrouded in secrecy we have discovered little of their agenda or even their modus operandi. This much is certain – they have compromised national security, have destroyed key strategic plans in the South American theatre of operations among others and, Mr Chairman, I don?t think it is an exaggeration to suggest that ZODIAC are as big, if not bigger a threat to the United States and the free world as the communist menace.
    – Agent James Casey Jones, to the Select House Committee on International Cabals and Terror

    I have seen some nasty shit over the years, hell I have been the cause of a lot of it. One thing is for sure, when the cards are down there is no one you want in your corner more than those ZODIAC guys. Whether it?s a genital eating demon or an alien home appliance with a fierce imagination, ZODIAC always comes through. They?ve tapped into a special brand of mojo, they?ve pulled the world off the brink of disaster more times than I can count, and no one even knows they exist.
    – Willard D. Merton, the ?Bananas in Pyjamas? Killer, two days before execution

    Now my pretties, you must destroy ZODIAC. You must destroy them utterly with your groovy stings of stingy doom. Bwahhaahahahahahah. -hack- -hack- owww!
    – Mycroft Penningworth, ?The Bee Master?, agent of ASTROLABUS


    Monday, January 2nd, 2006

    The King called for the aid of all those who would help in the dire situation. The Castle was under siege, a Monster ravaged the countryside, and wicked Creatures had breached the Castle walls. Among many, a young Squire came to the King’s aid…

    Squire solitaire RPG is a simple roleplaying game played solo by one player using only a regular deck of poker cards, a pencil (or pen), and some paper. In the game, the player plays the role of a Squire on a quest to save a fantastical Kingdom from a deadly and powerful Monster.


    The King called for the aid of all those who would help in the dire situation. The Castle was under siege, a Monster ravaged the countryside, and wicked Creatures had breached the Castle walls. Among many, a young Squire came to the King’s aid…

    Squire solitaire RPG is a simple roleplaying game played solo by one player using only a regular deck of poker cards, a pencil (or pen), and some paper. In the game, the player plays the role of a Squire on a quest to save a fantastical Kingdom from a deadly and powerful Monster.

    In order to play the game, the player must first divide the 52 card poker deck into two decks: a 4 card deck consisting of all cards 1 through 1 (ace equals 1) and a 12 card deck consisting of all face cards (Jack, Queen, King). These two decks will be drawn from to simulate all gameplay. After a card is drawn and looked at, the card is immediately returned to it’s respective deck, then that deck is shuffled. Never draw from a deck with less than it’s full amount of cards. Never draw more than one card at a time.

    Jack of all Trades

    Sunday, January 1st, 2006

    “It’s not fair, but neither is the universe.”

    Jack of All Trades was intended as a broad, universal system that allows gaming groups to explore whatever setting they would like. This project was started at noon on December 3, 2005, and ended at noon on December 31, 2005.

    Because of the time limit, there are several elements missing from the game that will be added in later versions. First, while a task resolution system is in place, the combat system is not included. Second, the introduction to the game promises a sample setting for a Jack of All Trades game entitled “Green England’s Shore” that could be used as a model for creating your own game environment. This sample setting is not present in the game at this time.

    And finally, I think the game falls short of its stated goal of “simplicity.” In future versions I intend to look for ways to simplify the rules without sacrificing potential depth.

    Jack of All Trades is intended to be a broad universal system that can be applied to any setting that the game leader and the players wish to explore.

    Also, part of the point of Jack is to create a role-playing game that ? while retaining the complexity found in many RPG?s ? is quick enough to pick up that it can be learned by somebody with little experience.