Free RPGs

Welcome to the RPG section of 1KM1KT. Here you’ll find member submissions of tabletop pen and paper role-playing games. All of the RPGs available in this section are free for download and are generally in .pdf format. If you’re interested in submitting your own RPG for publication, please visit our submissions page for details or send it to us using our contact form.


Monday, May 17th, 2010

EverQuest is a fantasy roleplaying game set in western Europe. A group of friends is required to play, and one of them is the Game Master. The game contains 10 pages for characters, 1 page for combat, 2 pages for magic, 7 pages of monsters, a page for magical items, and a character sheet, totaling 21 pages.

Travellers Of The Wasteland

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

Travellers of the Wasteland (TOTW) is a fantasy role-playing game. It is set in a magical otherworld known as the Wasteland, a place of mystery, danger, and adventure. This is a world to be explored, through decision-making and daring; a fabulous realm as hauntingly familiar and maddeningly distant as a dream.

Travellers of the Wasteland is a nostalgia game. It seeks to emulate the author’s first fantasy game world, which was inspired by the Fighting Fantasy and Basic D&D games.

To play, you will need: pencils, paper, some dice (the ordinary six-sided kind), a few friends, a fair amount of imagination, and of course this game.


Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

This is a (so far) generic system (character generation and resolution system)that attempts to be a storytelling tool as much as a game. I’ve taken/liberated/borrowed many of the ideas I’ve seen in newer story-oriented games and tried to combine them with a bit of old-school magic. I have no idea if it is a successful combination, however; that’s where you come in… This is a work in progress, obviously, and created in a bit of a vacuum, so any constructive feedback is greatly appreciated.

Newsies and Pickpockets

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010

This is a game about, well, a bunch of newsboys living adventures in New Paris City just south of New York, but only in the very, very good maps.

It’s a low fantasy game set in the first years of the XX century, with bits of steampunk.

Updated 03/07/2011

This is the updated and much improved version of Newsies and Pickpockets. Underground treasures, spies, mechanical insects, witches, zombies and more, await a bunch of newsboy heroes with nothing but resourcefulness and tons of luck.

212 pages + 62 pages of introductory matter. Complete with two sample adventures, stock npcs, monsters and pre-generated character. Not to mention rules and setting.

Generic Fantasy Quest Game

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

You and a few of your friends have decided to become adventurers. Why? I don’t know. Ask yourselves! You know better than I. So where will you go? What will you do? Who will you find or fight along the way? And why? I don’t know. Ask your GM! He has all the answers.

44: A Game of Automatic Fear

Monday, March 8th, 2010

44 is a suspense and horror role-playing game set in the 1950s. A robot conspiracy is replacing humanity. You know they are here. And, you’re next. 44 is designed for single sessions with very little preparation required. It’s a great game for busy players looking for a one-shot session.


Monday, March 8th, 2010

Our imagination is the final frontier. There is more in a mind than there are stars in space. We can go anywhere in our imagination; we can fly, we can breath underwater, we can dig tunnels in seconds flat, we can go to the highest mountains and visit fresh water rivers for a break. Everything we can do in real life we can do in our imagination, but everything we do in our imagination cannot be done in real life…so we must be on our guard. We need rules, structure and guidelines to show us our strengths and weaknesses, our likes and dislikes. Sometimes these rules get out of hand, allowing more than the impossible. Sometimes it’s not enough, limiting the things we can do in our imagination to hinderances not found in real life. Either way, all that is possible is thought of first, which is why there is the GO Action.

My game, BATTLES ONE, is a game of the imagination. But it’s not the imagination that runs the game. The game is played with 2 people that gather together for the fight of their lives. With these rules you merely battle it out to the finish. Who cares about the imagination, all I want to do is fight. All I want to do is roll dice and my stupid imagination keeps getting in the way, because, let’s face it, we all don’t imagine the same things.

If you ever wanted a game that had everything, this is not the game for you. The rules, while somewhat extensive, is either for the foolhardy or the brave at heart. It is an all-out slug-fest of the fittest. BATTLES ONE is a fast paced, two player, head to head, fight to the death, dice game. Prepare yourself, BATTLES ONE has come.

The Impulse RPG

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

The Impulse RPG is a generic rules set that is easy to use and customize. The rules are modular, so you can adapt them to your particular style of play and the needs of your game. The simplicity of the system lets you get into the game quickly and not have to slow down for complex rolls. This makes it ideal for play over the Internet. The abstract nature of the rules makes it easy to implement into a variety of genres.

Characters are defined by their Traits, which are ranked on a competence ladder between one and ten. The core of the system is a roll of two six-sided dice, with the players adding the value of their Trait to the roll to generate the highest possible total. During the game, the players will accumulate Coins, which can be used as metagame influence to give their characters a variety of advantages and also to improve their Traits.

The core rules are augmented by a variety of extras that add extra functionality to the game. You can add extras to create rules for complex duels, ship to ship combat in space or the high seas, or the creeping threat of madness. Extras can also modify the core of the game, adding more player interaction, cinematic flair, or hack-and-slash style.

Our intent is to make a game that can fade into the background as much as possible so that you can enjoy playing your characters and their interactions with the worlds that inspire you.

A Strange Charm

Monday, January 4th, 2010

Play a mysterious and alien Traveler or his human and robotic companions in ‘A Strange Charm’. Based on a popular British science fiction TV show, this role-playing game tells stories of humanity through its alien protagonist.

In ‘A Strange Charm’, players adopt Roles in the story – Victory, Defeat, Love or Shadow – instead of specific characters. As the Scholar, an exiled Traveller, adopts different agendas he is controlled by different players. The humans and aliens he encounters are likewise run by different players as their role in the story changes.

Tunnel Quest 2

Monday, December 28th, 2009

TQ2 is a very simple fantasy role-playing game designed for players new to the hobby or those wishing to kick start a game in under 5 minutes.

The GM is not required to roll dice during play (unless he or she really wants to), the outcome of any event or encounter is based purely on the success or failure of the player’s skill roll.

Since the first edition, the magic system has changed (but version 1.0 magic is still compatible), character advancement is presented in a slightly different way and most things just make a little more sense.

There is no world background or fantasy races – that’s up to you. The system can easily be ported to other genres.

TunnelQuest or TQ for short is a brief set of Fantasy Role-Playing rules designed by Paul Elliot (of Zenobia fame) and developed extensively by Mike Hill (Tunnels & Trolls Sixth Edition). Paul’s game was originally designed to provide a simple but compelling set of rules that he could use with his family.

Although the game concepts and mechanics really are simple, it would be helpful if at least one player is familiar with role-playing games in general and such venerable classics as Tunnels & Trolls and of course, Dungeons & Dragons in particular.

To play this game and most role-playing games, you will need some dice; TQ only uses the readily available six-side dice. For ease of reference, dice rolls are indicated by the abbreviation: ‘xd6’ where ‘x’ denotes the number of dice to be rolled. For example, a roll of 3-dice would be indicated by the code 3d6.