Free RPGs

Welcome to the RPG section of 1KM1KT. Here you’ll find member submissions of tabletop pen and paper role-playing games. All of the RPGs available in this section are free for download and are generally in .pdf format. If you’re interested in submitting your own RPG for publication, please visit our submissions page for details or send it to us using our contact form.

Cold Soldier

Monday, January 3rd, 2011

The dead walk. A dark master has called the recently buried to serve in his army, to avenge the wrongs committed against him. You are one of these beings. You shamble on, tearing apart anything in your path to achieve the tasks he has given you, his orders tolling in your mind over and over like a bell. A soldier in his army, a skull that sees once more because of his will.

But who you were still glimmers in your mind. Perhaps you can resolve the things left undone. Perhaps you can save those you loved. Perhaps, shattered fragment that you are, you can still make who you were a greater person.

War of the Sheaves RPG

Monday, January 3rd, 2011

The men all went to war, and the women never saw them again.

The remote farming community of Durum had to learn to make do without its husbands, fathers, and brothers, and 200 years later, things look very different: women run things now, the men all stay at home with the children, and no one can say for sure if the empire, what took the men to war back when, still stands.

But the patrols have brought back word of finding someone not-from-Durum on their rounds. Who could it be? Is there still an empire out there? What became of those ancestral, missing men?

You’re the heroine of a strict, Spartan culture, forced to face the world again after all this time. May you live into your Third Age, sister!

The Keen Edge of History

Monday, January 3rd, 2011

Keen Edge of History is a game developed for The Ronnies, of The Forge fame. It is a game about magical swords and their stories. Players create these swords to be their characters, and then experience quests through generations, building up their legends and guiding the human hands lucky enough to hold them.

The Knights of Twilight

Sunday, January 2nd, 2011

This is my entry to the Ronnies award.

My game is called the Knights of Twilight.

It is a game about fencing.

Quite a lot of RPGs have tried to construct a realistic simulation of a sword duel or swordplaying, so far. As far as I understand swordplaying, with almost 10 years of fencing competitions on my shoulders, they all failed. This game, or at least the state of development in which this game is so far (very starting), wants to bring to the players the very thrill of instant-decision that is both tactical and practical; that a “life on the edge” which is the very momentum in the life of a fencer. An edge that is sharp, quick, and deadly.

I added some dark-fantasy color to it, because I always found interesting to explore a character that is a hero, but because of his ties to darkness. A double-edge that is both source of hope and damnation.

Empire of the Jade Fist

Friday, December 31st, 2010

In Empire of the Jade Fist, players talk on the role of young experts and master the ancient arts of wushu in the mystical land of Zhong-guo, also known as the Empire of the Jade Fist, after the magical artifact owned by the Emperors of Zhong-guo. Zhong-guo is a vast land full of advanced cities, tiny villages, huge farms, dangerous wildernesses, thick forests, parched deserts, forbidding mountains and wide rivers, populated by wushu masters, scholars, monks, merchants, bandits, villains, magical monsters and many simple common folk trying to avoid all of the above. Will you master wushu or die trying?

Feast of Goblins

Tuesday, December 28th, 2010

You are a goblin, made from the left overs when God and mother nature got it on. Doomed to spend your life in a half finished world. Only to be recycled into new goblins, OR ARE YOU?

Every so often gates open into other worlds. LIKE OURS!

The feast upon other realms has started, are you ready?

Grab a fork and join in.

  • Unique and random Character creation
  • Simple caltrop (d4) system
  • Lots of silly weapons to wield

Fate Weavers

Monday, December 27th, 2010

A gambler trying to win the next hand…

A doctor desperately trying to save an innocent life…

A swordsman fighting to save his own…

All these people are unknowingly weaving the threads of destiny to improve their odds. But what if you could knowingly control these abilities, would you be a great hero? Or will your actions unbalance fate and threaten to destroy yourself and the world?

World of Xantus

Sunday, December 26th, 2010

In World of Xantus (WoX), players take on the roles of the descendants of humans captured by aliens and transported, for unknown reasons, to another planet. However, soon after depositing the humans on this new world, the aliens promptly and mysteriously died, leaving behind their huge Ship, its nearly incomprehensible technology, and 1000 scared-out-of-their wits people. The planet, called by the aliens “Xantus” (human pronunciation and spelling, and one of the few things the aliens communicated to their abductees), is large, hot, and covered in deep, thick jungles filled with very hostile plants and animals. Many of the humans died not long after the Abductors, due to starvation, alien diseases, and conflict, but about 300 survived and managed to master to some degree the aliens’ technology.


Thursday, December 23rd, 2010

UPDATE 03/21/11: File removed per author’s request.

Several years ago, myself and Dave Sharrocks met with B7 Media (the current owners of Blake’s 7) to discuss the possibility of a rpg in the Blake’s 7 universe.

Talks went quite well, so we produced a draft of a game that would hopefully form the basis of the full B7 role playing game.

However, during our meetings it became evident that there were huge licensing issues with the property and talks stalled and then all went quiet.

In the attached zip file is a word.doc of the rules together with a pdf with some artwork taken from all over the web to pretty-fy the rules a bit. There are also 2 cover designs that Dave was playing with before the whole thing went kaput.

I hope that rather than just gathering cobwebs on my hard drive, somebody might like to see the beginnings of what might have been had the B7 license been easier to negotiate.

Please don’t expect a polished &  playtestyed product. The rules probably hang together but may need some work if you are going to use them for any length of time.

Colony Space

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010

A campaign setting, with supplemental rules, for the Those Dark Places game system, by Jonathan Hicks. In the year 2704, humanity, after nearly eliminating itself several times through war, disease, financial collapse, cultural malaise, environmental devastation, or all of these at once, has spread out to inhabit a volume of the galaxy approximately 10,000 light years across.This book, with its sourcebooks, describes the politics, culture, economics, militaries, religions, etc. or this universe, and includes rules additons and refinements to TDP.