Free RPGs

Welcome to the RPG section of 1KM1KT. Here you’ll find member submissions of tabletop pen and paper role-playing games. All of the RPGs available in this section are free for download and are generally in .pdf format. If you’re interested in submitting your own RPG for publication, please visit our submissions page for details or send it to us using our contact form.

Spade vs. Indy

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Created for the 2011 24 Hour RPG Project “Movie Mashup”.

“Spade vs. Indy” pits two archetypical characters against each other – a hard-knuckled professor of archaeology and an evenly hard-knuckled private eye. This deceitful, backstabby game inherits the effective pulp storytelling of Indiana Jones and the dense, dark noir atmosphere of The Maltese Falcon. With playing card-based game mechanics.

Ghost Runner: The 9th Layer

Saturday, February 26th, 2011

This RPG was created for the 2011 24 Hour RPG Contest.  It is a mash-up of the two popular films Ghostbusters and Bladerunner.

It is the year 2099 and humanity is about to pass into the next century, but doom looms over everyone’s heads at the prophecy made by the internet hacker Dante – Humanity has reached the 9th Layer, they have made the ultimate betrayal.  Now, as a Ghost Runner, you the players must track down rogue Ghosts, pulled from the afterlife and embedded into cybernetic SHELS which are used to hold these spirits to the world.  Set against a not-so-different-but-still-dystopian future, be sure to bring your Flying Car.

This game uses the SotC SRD and features the use of Fate Points and Aspects.  It also uses the new DOOM 8 d8 Rules Lite system.

The Great Garbage War

Friday, February 25th, 2011

A 24 hour game for the 2011 Movie Mash-Up contest, combining “Mars Attacks” and “Wall-E”.


Thursday, February 17th, 2011

Djinnbusters is the perfect mix between Disneys “Aladdin” and the classic supernatural film “Ghostbusters”.

Play as a ghost hunter in the kingdom of Al Aalam, where djinns, ghouls and gray old ladies spreads fear with their ectoplasmic beings. Gather your friends, hop on the ivory flying carpet, and pull out your trusty old oil lamp – I ain’t afraid of no djinns!

A Fistful of Darkness

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011
A Fistful of Darkness is my first submission to the 2011 Movie Mash-up RPG design contest.I’ve always liked westerns, and the Man With No Name trilogy is my favorite. Originally I planned to use The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, but the warring factions from Fistful of Dollars turned out to fit better, so I made a switch.I’m also a huge fan of Dark City, so trying to put the two of them together into something fun and interesting was the first idea I had. Many thanks to the organizers for giving me a reason to watch both of them again.The system itself was inspired by the one Fred Hicks used in Don’t Rest Your Head. I loved that idea of rolling multiple dice pools at once and determining the action’s results from the results. Hopefully my version of that idea turns out to be even half as fun.Most of the game ideas that I have worked on have been for open sandbox-y settings, with long-term play in mind. This is a bit different, probably working best over a few sessions, then ending. If it works as intended, that is.
Let me know what you think of it.

Alone in the Woods

Wednesday, February 16th, 2011

Alone in the Woods is a mashup of two famous movies-Home Alone and Robin Hood: Men In Tights.  It was made for the 2011 24 Hour RPG Contest.  The game uses a very simple version of the d20 system, but has been modified heavily; the game features the LoL mechanic, a comedic stimulation mechanic.  The game focuses on the children of Robin Hood’s Merry men, who are left to defend Sherwood Forest from Keeton, The Sheriff of Nottingham’s henchmen.

West Side Horror

Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

An entry for the 2011 24hr Movie Mashup contest:

West Side Horror is a Romance Horror Comedy Musical gamed based upon the idea of mashing together West Side Story and Little Shop of Horrors.  In it you play two sides of a rival gang that just happens to be full of romance, each side is in love with someone from the otherside, while a Monster, named Keeton, is trying to take over the world and possibly eat it.

Zombie d6-lite

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

Zombie d6-lite is a free 1-page RPG system brought to you from the mad scientists at

Kevin Oedekoven 1 Page Games

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

A group of games played with nothing more than d6s.

Memory Quest

Wednesday, February 9th, 2011

by David Berg (bobsurface at gmail) for the February 2011 Ronnies

1st draft, 2/8/11 using “whisper” (as a thing players do) and “morning” (as “reset” or “new beginning”)

An amnesiac agent trapped in a strange place on a secret mission hears whispering voices. Can the agent recover a lost identity and complete the mission before the Nemesis arrives? If so, then what? And what’s the whispers’ role in it all?