Free RPGs

Welcome to the RPG section of 1KM1KT. Here you’ll find member submissions of tabletop pen and paper role-playing games. All of the RPGs available in this section are free for download and are generally in .pdf format. If you’re interested in submitting your own RPG for publication, please visit our submissions page for details or send it to us using our contact form.

Rage, Precognition, Grace (RPG)

Wednesday, February 15th, 2012

RAGE: primal force, strength, and fury!

PRECOGNITION: intuition, perception, and magical power!

GRACE: agility, beauty, and composure!

I once wrote a one-page RPG called, “Rage – Precognition – Grace.” It was a few years ago. I wrote the game to be a rules-lite RPG/character sheet in one. I felt that it was possible to put everything you really need to play an RPG on one page. This game uses the same three core character traits, and shares that game’s name, but except for that, this RPG is NOT that RPG.

The desire to keep RPG rules and materials concise is still a priority, and although not the “one-page RPG” this document is as compact as possible. This RPG is a basic reworking of the Old School Fantasy RPG “The Fantasy Trip” published by Metagaming back in 1980 and written by Steve Jackson.

The PDF document covers character creation and basic task resolution. At only 8 pages (that includes the character sheet) this is a pretty tight package. The rules use a 2d6 roll high task system rather than TFT’s 3d6 roll low mechanic.

This should be considered a “Players Manual” for the game and it is intended to be used by a GM who has experience with RPG’s in general and old school style RPG’s particularly.

Included are descriptions for skills, spells, classes, races, weapons and armor and experience costs for character advancement. If I receive any interest in pursuing this project, it might be fun to follow up later with a Monster Compendium/GM Manual.

The entire document is being shared under the Creative Commons: Attribution; Non-commercial; Share-alike agreement – BY-NC-SA.

Tiny Dragon Rider Battles

Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

Tiny Dragon Battles is a stand alone game that was inspired by a cute little application program developed by Snailsanimation and published by WildTangent.  In the .pdf there is a link to the program on WildTangent’s website that you can print out on the same sheet that the instructions are on.  If you do it right, you’ll only use one sheet of paper.  I hope you enjoy this game, and many thanks to Snailsanimation and WildTangent for their wonderfully imaginative and decorative games.

Fishing Battles

Saturday, February 4th, 2012

I tell you it was THIS big!!!  Catch fish at an alarming rate as the Ticker ticks time on by.  Catch Huge Fish, Small Fish, Large Fish and Sharks.  Played with just 3D6 per player, families and kids, as well as adults and supervisors, will love this game.  The are no extra playing pieces except for 3 six-sided dice per person and there’s no limit on how many people can battle it out.  The person with the most Small Fish Standard stacked together wins!  I hope you enjoy my game, I enjoyed making it.

Paul Lopez

MACE: A One Page RPG

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

MACE is a one page RPG in the classical (old school) style. The default rules seem to indicate a Fantasy Setting, but Skills are included that represent Sci-Fi or other genre possibilities. Skills are customizable, so the possibilities are as unlimited as the players’ imaginations. Materials needed for play are 6d6 (max) per player. Poker chips or other Tokens may be desired to represent Fate but are not mandatory. The sheet is designed so that every player has access to the rules along with their character sheet. Game is not play-tested and takes some previous experience with role-playing to interpret. Enjoy and comment with questions and concerns. If you do play MACE, let me know how it went.

USR: Unbelievably Simple Role-playing

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

Have you ever fancied yourself as a space-faring adventurer, exploring the vast regions of an alien-filled galaxy? Or what about a master sleuth in Victorian England? Perhaps you want to live out the exploits of a thief in a fantasy realm? With the USR system you can do all this and more. Using the simple rules in this booklet, you will soon be creating exciting stories with your friends while munching on high-carb snacks.

USR is an easy game to learn but there are optional rules throughout if you fancy making it a bit more advanced. Feel free to add your own rules or change current ones to match your preferences. The most important thing is that you and your group have fun with it.

In the future I will be releasing a number of role-playing games based on the USR system, from pulp action to time-travelling sci-fi, so stay tuned!

I really hope you enjoy this system and have a lot of fun with it. It’s always been a dream of mine to get a role-playing system published and put out there for everyone to play.

Scott Malthouse – February 2012

Dark Stories

Wednesday, December 21st, 2011

Originally made for NaGa DeMon. This is dark stories, my first role-playing game I made and brought out to download for free. It’s a modern-day diceless role play where the characters have encountered something of unnatural origins, these encounters give the characters quest and the players motivation to go on with the search to the unknown.

There is a system in the game that allows the players to use dices and a few demons and spells for game masters to use. there are also a character sheet with explanation for first time players.

The cause of the game is that the players use their knowledge and contacts to find clues to the current problem, this could include a horrible monster or some thing supernatural that has happened or is happening.

This role-play can be used for a single session or a campaign of multiple sessions.

This is the first role-play I made and want to know what’s good an what can better, it’s a trail and if you think some parts can be better please notify me. If the results are good ill bring out a supplement and if there are bad ill try to make the game better, if you have some criticism on the document be specific about it.
Have fun.


Monday, November 28th, 2011

Pantheon is a storytelling game about a hero’s journey and the trials devised by the gods. It uses mythic Greece as its setting, and is designed to emulate such stories as the Odyssey, though it can be adapted to other mythologies. Pantheon was designed for National Game Design Month 2011, as a game with multiple GMs and a single player.

The Trouble With Rose

Sunday, November 20th, 2011

The Trouble with Rose is a story telling game where players go around the table telling tales. Game play is character driven with dominoes used to help set the stage based on the character’s nature and their hidden agenda. Each scene is scored and possibly embellished by the audience (everyone else at the table.) And, once all the dominoes in the player’s hands have been played, the winner gets to deliver the epilogue and wrap up the story.

Nights of the Crusades

Sunday, November 20th, 2011

Nights of the Crusades is a roleplaying game set in a land and time that is familiar on the surface, but within its cracks lie tales of sorcery, madness and violence. It is a world that could have happened and then been lost to barbarity and time. Players take on characters that can explore the places involved in the Crusades, from Egypt, through to Damascus and Jerusalem. The Tale-Weaver is their guide, allowing them to unearth the horrors of war and fanaticism as they pursue their goals. As the main characters come across storytellers in their travels, they will take part in a new story within the story of their main narrative. Magic, djinn and foul beasts lurk within the minds of the storytellers, yet many secrets and shards of knowledge can be found within these tales.

And the real world is not free from horror. The land is rife with dark cults, creatures that dwell in unseen places and bloodthirsty warriors. This is a time when anyone’s thoughts, from king to slave, are enough to condemn them to death and hell, and many are they that will line up to cheer the execution. Nights of the Crusades is a mixture of the Arabian Nights, the history surrounding the Crusades and both modern and ancient tales of terror.

The rules hope to reflect mature and gritty issues that are not catered to in many popular RPGs, such as the psychological impacts of combat and killing. The gameplay also allows for tension in every form of conflict, whether verbal or physical. A group of companions made up of an artist, diplomat and physician will be as enjoyable to play as one made up of a warrior, archer and thief.

Force Battles Advanced

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

This is the most user friendly, concrete and sublime directive of the force community.  If you have ever wanted to, or will become, a force user, this is the true advancement for becoming more than anyone could possibly imagine, including yourself.  For what makes all of us a force user is the dynamics of life itself, wrapped up in a game I call FORCE BATTLES ADVANCED.

Download and enjoy!