24 Hour RPG

1KM1KT is the official mirror site for 24HourRPG.com. Project participants may submit their work for online publication and view archived 24 Hour RPG submissions.

The 24 hour RPG Project is basically the budding and professional game designer’s equivalent of a triathalon- You put your body, mind and spirit through some major punishment in a race against time, in this case to develop a full, working, playable role-playing game within a mere 24 hours with other peers. Like a triathalon, there’s no “award” for winning; Rather the award is in itself to participate, test yourself, overcome the challenge at hand at your own pace and skill level, and share in the brief glory with your peers. Learn about the history of the project and its creators at 24HourRPG.com

Star Punk

Thursday, November 7th, 2013

A role playing game about kicking space travel up a notch and disrupting the status quo.

Submitted for the 2013 Harder than Granite 24 Hour RPG competition.

Super Robot Go!

Sunday, November 3rd, 2013

You have been chosen to protect our world. Gather your friends and utter the phrase that summons Earth’s greatest defender:

Super Robot Go!


Pockets Full of Adventure

Saturday, November 2nd, 2013

24 rpg submitted for the Harder than Granite 2013 NaGaDemon. In PocketMod format.  No numbers.

Characters go dimension hopping to recover lost artifacts.  Very quick chargen and adventure creation.  Characters have 4 traits and use cards as tokens.


Friday, November 1st, 2013

This is my first game for the 24 hour contest 2013.

What if you had the power to see a glimpse of the future? In this game you play people who can. You need two different kind of tokens and a deck of tarot cards.

Witch Hunt

Friday, November 1st, 2013

Submission for the 2013 “Harder than Granite” 24-hour competition.


After years of losing children to the witch in the woods, your village has had enough.

Find some friends and brave the dark woods in search of revenge on a good, old-fashioned Witch Hunt.

Nuns 2 Ninjas 24 Hour

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

Nun 2 Ninjas is a simple and generic RPG played with two sided dice, written by Nathan Carmen.

Ringworld Zombie

Friday, June 29th, 2012

RINGWORLD ZOMBIE is a fast paced, fully illustrated, Game Master-less role playing game set on a 1 mile ringworld, involving you – prisoners – and ZOMBIES. You may start playing straight away, reading the intro, and learning the rules as you move along.

It was written for the 24-hour RPG contest Little Spaces in June 2012.

Some Blurb:

Approaching the 1-mile Space Island, you note that something is askew. Many of the solar glass domes have been torn out, and the steel cables of one of the spokes slowly dangle into space. A few lights seem to be burning inside the ring, but most of the surface has gone dark. The few glimpses you can get when the sun shines through the ruptures look apocalyptic.

You try to warn the pilot and the guards, but they ignore your screaming, leaving you in your confined docking cell. Then, when the rotation of your shuttle finally reached twentyfive second rotation, synchronising your sick stomach with the rotating prison, a deep click rumbles through the floor and walls. Almost without warning the airlock sizzles and opens. You quickly grab your masks and put them on.

A deep metal chasm extends downward. There is no lift. You hesitate, but then the electric current through the floor of your cell prods you painfully. You have to go in.

“Is this place dead?”
“I thought I heard something”
“That’s your breath, dumbass”
“No, I heard something too”


SSN-589 USS Scorpion Down

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

It is late in May 1968, in the middle of the Cold War and the Vietnam conflict. Far out in the Atlantic, Nuclear Attack Sub Scorpion breaks all radio contact. Then, for reasons unknown, the vessel sinks to critical depth. Its hull cracks. 99 men and women are lost. What happened?

You are captain, crew and VIP guests on board, starting twenty-four hours earlier. Will you learn what went wrong? Can you change history, and save their lives?

SSN-589 DOWN is a role playing game written for the 24-hour RPG competition of May-June 2012. It’s fast paced, GM-less, cooperative and competitive at the same time, and best with three players or more. All you’ll further need is these rules, a deck of playing cards, a different pawn for each player, and a coin.

This is the 24-hour version.

You may find a newer version at www.darkdungeon2.com

How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb Shelter (24hr Edition)

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

“How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb Shelter (24hr Edition)” is a game of paranoia and treachery for at least 4 players. A VIP named Keeton a senior political or academic figure is trapped in a bomb or fallout shelter with people they thought they could trust, but someone is out to kill them.

It is somewhat similar to a murder mystery, except that instead of investigating the murder, players have to carry it out or prevent it, depending on the role assigned to them. The fun lies largely in the fact that roles (with the exception of the GM) are randomly assigned in secret, so that nobody knows quite who to trust. The number of assassins is randomly determined and players draw lots blind to determine their individual roles. All anyone (except the GM) knows at the start of the game is that there is at least one would-be killer and whether or not they themselves are a killer.

The game can be played using different scenarios, which define the nature of the setting and the types of characters. Two scenarios are included in this version of the game: “Get Down In The Bomb Shelter, Mr(s) President” (where players attempt to protect or kill a political figure such as a King, Queen or President in a high-security official nuclear fallout bunker) and “Porterhouse Code Blue” (where players attempt to protect or kill the master of an Oxbridge college in a wine cellar, basement lecture hall or Anderson shelter).

The game is designed to be played in a single sitting face-to-face, but it could be played in other formats (such as play-by-post or LARP) with little or no modification.

Note: “How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb Shelter” requires players (particularly the GM) to separate what they know as a person in the real world from what their character knows within the fiction nothing ruins the fun of plotting, backstabbing, lying and scheming like a player who constantly decides that their character suddenly needs to urinate when Keeton is being discreetly strangled in the bathroom.

Due to the competitive nature of the game, it is unlikely to be suitable for groups containing players who are too immature or inexperienced in RPGs to maintain this separation.

Wings Keeton and The Airship of Doom

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Tally Ho! It’s 1924 and Wings Keeton is the pilot of your BE2. Searchlights sweep the sky with their shafts of light illuminating the Mystery Airships which lie ahead. As a giant Airship looms out of the dark clouds you can see from the observer’s cockpit that this will be no ordinary interception. Giant guns protrude from its sides, and lightning leaps from the bores, straddling your aircraft. Wings deftly maneuvers the BE2, and sweeps up and over the top of the Airship but not before a third bolt of lightning tears through the fabric wing. The BE2 tumbles in a flat spin onto the top of the Airship and crumples onto the cold metal of a steel deck for this is no ordinary Airship.

There is no time to wait, you and Wings quickly extricate yourselves from the wreckage of your BE2. As the Mystery Airship suddenly turns, the deck tilts and the BE2 slides away threatening to carry you both over the side and into oblivion. Scrambling out of the way, you and Wings cling to the rungs of a nearby ladder as the BE2 slips off and falls away into the darkness. All you can hear now is the wind and the roar of the Airship’s engines. There is nothing left to do but climb the ladder, which leads, where? A circular hatch lies before you, Wings turns the latch and opens the hatch, you both climb in and shut it behind you…

This is the Wings Keeton Role Playing Game of High Adventure in the Roaring 20s’ As a Hero or Sidekick you defeat dastardly villains, rescue damsels, and nothing is too fantastic! This game uses nothing but paper and pencil, and ordinary six sided dice.