24 Hour RPG

1KM1KT is the official mirror site for 24HourRPG.com. Project participants may submit their work for online publication and view archived 24 Hour RPG submissions.

The 24 hour RPG Project is basically the budding and professional game designer’s equivalent of a triathalon- You put your body, mind and spirit through some major punishment in a race against time, in this case to develop a full, working, playable role-playing game within a mere 24 hours with other peers. Like a triathalon, there’s no “award” for winning; Rather the award is in itself to participate, test yourself, overcome the challenge at hand at your own pace and skill level, and share in the brief glory with your peers. Learn about the history of the project and its creators at 24HourRPG.com

Agents of SPECTRUM

Saturday, November 30th, 2013

Entry for 24-Hour “Harder Than Granite” competition.

Become middle-management for the greatest espionage organization in the world: SPECTRUM.

House of Unusual Size

Saturday, November 30th, 2013

The PCs wake with no memories and find themselves trapped in Keeton Manor–a mysterious mansion of infinite size. They must struggle to discover their own identities and the nature of their relationship to the haunted Keeton family while desperately seeking a way to escape to house.

The House of Unusual Size uses a round-robin GM system, which alternates GM and player duties during each scene and gives the group a chance to experiment with genres and narrative styles during each session.

Created for the Harder Than Granite 24 Hour RPG Competition.


Thursday, November 21st, 2013

Quest-ions is a fantasy roleplaying game with a novel mechanic using tokens.

A pocketmod format game submitted to the 2013 Harder Than Granite 24 Hour RPG Competition.

Alpha Unix

Wednesday, November 13th, 2013

Alpha Unix is a roleplaying game of computer tyranny. Set in the far future where everyone’s mind is in the machine called KEETON. Thought is all there is.

A pocketmod format game submitted to the 2013 Harder Than Granite 24 Hour RPG Competition.


Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

HEIST_ACES is a narrative, dice-less, heist-crawl RPG set in the near future.
Inspired by both heist/caper media and oldschool dungeon crawls – it gives the players an opportunity to plan and execute their own elaborate heists.

This pocketmod game is a submission for 2013 24h RPG: Harder than granite.

Dwarfen Veterans

Saturday, November 9th, 2013

You are dwarfen veterans and recall the memory of old battles. You will disagree often, since everyone wants
to be the best fighter, general etc.

The only way to find out who is right is by drinking, one of the favorite activities when dwarfs have no enemies to kill.

Dwarfen Veteran is story driven. Who wins the contest can narrate the outcome. No stats, no dices, no game master. Just your vivid imagination and a lot of beer.

Dwarfen Veterans was submitted to the 2013 Harder than Granite 24 Hour RPG Competition.

A Flask Full of Gasoline

Saturday, November 9th, 2013

This is a serious, violent, story based roleplaying game with strong language (and tough talking) and general Baddassery. Definitely for adults.

The .zip download contains both the pocketmod format of the rules and also a screen-friendly version.

Submitted for the 2013 Harder than Granite RPG competition.

The Entity

Saturday, November 9th, 2013

A game about ordinary human beings stumbling across something evil and powerful. It is a game of horror, of loss and of victory snatched from the jaws of defeat… but at a price.

A 24 Hour RPG.

Keeton’s Journey

Thursday, November 7th, 2013

This is a game about Keeton, wandering medicine master in a far-off land of older days. Keeton travels across the countryside to villages troubled by natural spirit creatures called yōkai, whose motives and actions are wholly alien to human thought. This game is inspired by the animated series Mushi-shi.

Submitted for the 2013 Harder than Granite 24 Hour RPG competition.

Pocketful of Heroes

Thursday, November 7th, 2013

“Beware the porcine fury of my Nuclear Powered Steam Pig!”

With these words, the evil Dr. Keeton pronounces doom upon
the city.

Your heroes must band together and thwart his evil scheme
before it is too late. You must become a Pocketful of Heroes!

Submitted for the 2013 Harder than Granite 24 Hour RPG competition.