Pikmin RPG

Explore with the help of pikmin, small plant creatures. You should be familiar with the Pikmin series of videogames or you won’t understand this game.

This is my first shot at writing a full rpg.

I do not own Pikmin or any of it’s trademarks.
Pikmin and all of it’s trademarks are property of nintendo.

The Planet of the Pikmin…

Ever since Captain Olimar discovered this plant-filled planet, explorers from Hocotate have come by the dozens in search of treasure, creatures, and knowledge. Some suceed; Others are killed by the indigenous wildlife. All of them, however, are aided by the Pikmin, the small plant creatures that first helped Captain Olimar. Since Olimar left the planet for the second time, several new species of Pikmin have been discovered. Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple, White, Green, Orange, and the elusive Bulbmin will all help you on your adventure. So strap yourself into your ship, cross your fingers, and blast off!

Pikmin Rpg is a role playing game based off of the popular Pikmin videogame series.

To play this game you need:

At least one 1d4, 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, 1d12, 1d20.



Imagination! =)


8 Responses to “Pikmin RPG”

  1. Cameron Sweezy Says:

    Please note that this has never been playtested. Thanks.

  2. Lance Lewis Says:

    do you have any maps/more in depth instructions?

  3. Cameron Sweezy Says:

    Not yet. I just submitted Version 2.0, and I will work on maps and such in 3.0.

  4. RPGMASTER Says:

    When is 3.0 coming out and do you have a website?

  5. Cameron Sweezy Says:

    I don’t have a website. Yet. As for 3.0, I haven’t been working on Pikmin RPG for a while now. Thanks for the reminder.

  6. RPGMASTER Says:

    I love your game even though it is very raw. But every time I read the rules I think of more rules. If you would like me to help make rules send a message to maddude173 on youtube and we can start working on this.

  7. personman Says:

    plz update this its a awesome game

  8. personman Says:

    i mean is NOT its