The Californian Job

Here is a game i wrote in a hour or two. Its been too long since I have submitted so here it is. A bank robbing rpg. Its rules lite, and two pages long. But i feel its a good peice of work.

“Whats the catch?” Asks your friend Jose. “The police will probably respond within minutes so we need to strike fast” As you conceal your pistol and open the door. Jose and you pull down your masks and draw guns; A guard prepares to fire but Jose fires first, nailing the guard in the skull. “THIS IS A F’IN ROBBERY!” Screams Jose.

In The Californian Job, you and a few friends pose as Bank Robbers, with the GM controlling NPC’s and the police. Your duty is to roleplay one day, the day of your bank robbery. The game is not designed to be used in campaigns; but as a role playing exercise.


2 Responses to “The Californian Job”

  1. Crayon Samurai Says:

    Really, really like the concept behind this one.

    The fact that you take an interesting premise, a bank heist, and distill that into the day of the robbery is pretty awesome.

    I think this would make a great one-shot game on a lazy afternoon.

  2. blaquesaber Says:

    I really like you’re “one day” concept. This can be expanded in so many ways