Doom: Semper Fidelis

In ‘Doom: Semper Fidelis’, you can enjoy a quick solo RPG based on the computer game ‘Doom[tm]’. Be the Space Marine who travels to Phobos to kill lots of demons in order to save Earth. Then see if any of your soul remains after serving your world. “D:SF” is a quick read at 5 pages, requires a 6-sided die plus paper and pencil, and plays in under 3 minutes. This somewhat abstract slayfest will test your ability to choose goals, prioritize, and navigate a bizarre and random set of challenges while keeping true to yourself, your mission, and the Marine Corp. Failure… is an option.

UAC researchers on Mars’ moon of Phobos have inadvertently opened a gate into an infernal realm. Demons have plunged through and slain everyone on the base. It is now a beachhead for a demonic invasion of Earth. A soul survivor remains on Phobos, a lone individual who must fight the forces of Hell itself. That survivor is you– and you, my friend, are first and foremost a Marine.

As a marine, you have loyalty to the Corp and to your Country, for the rest of your days and beyond. And so you must travel through the 6 levels of demonic hell on Mars in order to stop the demon invasion of Earth.

You will face former marine Sergeants and heavy weapon soldiers, now mind-controlled into being your enemy. Strange demonic fireball-shooting Imps and pink gorilla-like Demons, plus their invisible kin the Spectres. The dead humans were turned into the flying skulls dubbed Lost Souls. Strange gaseous Cacodemons float the halls. Barons of Hell and the larger Hell Knights lead the forces. A Cyberdemon giant and the Spider Mastermind will threaten you. Will you prevail?


One Response to “Doom: Semper Fidelis”

  1. Altzan Says:

    Um, this took more than 3 minutes for me.

    Also it gets repetitive after awhile. Choose time as your goal and repeat run into room blasting, grab health, and leave room with net gain of 1 time, 0 hp, W kills. Yeah.

    I like the game but I think it needs work.