Two Men Enter, One Man Leaves.

Two Men Enter, One Man Leaves is a quick, one-on-one conflict RPG where you collaborate with another player to narrate the course of your duel. Over time, you progress both in ability and towards your final goals. It’s as much a storytelling card game as it is an RPG, but give it a shot – it’s quick, it’s fun, it’s free!

A fight breaks out in the prisonyard because Fat Tommy ratted out the contraband Jimmy was keeping under his mattress. The prisoners form a ring around the two, and Fat Tommy slips the shiv he?d been saving from his sleeve as Jimmy comes at him with a chair!

The Viper is getting too old for professional wrestling, but he has one last shot at making a comeback (and enough money to retire) if he can just beat The Iron Kid!

Fresh from the Wastelands, Ana Goanna is thirsty, but the Settlement won?t let her in unless she has something to barter or a trade to ply. She can weave, but the Settlement already has a weaver. There?s only one option Ana can take: provoke the weaver into a duel in the Deathdome!

When Flavius was a free citizen of Rome, he used to come to see the gladiators and cheer their battles. Now he will fight for his own life against Terminus, a gladiator known for his massive strength. Flavius knows the only way he can beat the juggernaut is to fight dirtier than the famed gladiator himself. Only then can he have a shot at proving his innocence.

John Bartlett, Esq. has never lost a case, and he?s not about to start. But when he realizes the prosecutor is Felicia Jones, the most vicious Assistant DA in the state, he begins to think this won?t be just another celebrity murder trial.


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