Cage of Reason

Cage of Reason is an age of enlightenment game of pile-driving philosophes and eye-gouging Essayists. Characters are intellectuals and reformers struggling to bring the light of reason to societies weighed down by despotism, superstition, and stultifying custom. The Characters’ struggles against censors, priests, and reactionary aristocratic twits are played out as professional wrestling matches.

Cage of Reason is an age of enlightenment game of pile-driving philosophes and eye-gouging Essayists. Characters are intellectuals and reformers struggling to bring the light of reason to societies weighed down by despotism, superstition, and stultifying custom. The characters. struggles against censors, priests, and reactionary

aristocratic twits are played out as professional wrestling matches. Cage of Reason was written an entry in the 26 Game Chef competition. It is organized to be played over four game sessions of two hours each. During the first session, players create characters and plan out the upcoming wrestling events. The last three sessions are main event wrestling extravaganzas, with interviews and other rituals leading up to matches between characters and villains that represent the clash of ideas in the age of enlightenment.

The game also incorporates three .ingredients. from the Game Chef competition: law, team, and steel. Law becomes the enlightenment era ideological struggles over the laws of nature and laws of men and nations. Team and Steel are present in the wrestling rules that allow tag team action throughout and require the final session matches to be fought in a steel cage with elevated brutality.


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