
Cutthroat is a Gamist RPG where players take on the role of 197’s bikers. The object is to become the Top Dog of your Gang and dominate all the other players. This game is an entry in the inaugural “Ronny awards” being sponsored by Adept Press.

The game is about dominating your fellow player-characters through coercion and force. You take on the role of an early 197?s biker gang member. The object is to become the undisputed Top Dog of the Gang. This is accomplished by using your opponent?s vices and weakness against him, as well as using your talents and assets to assist yourself. Humor is definitely a part of the game, so play up on the stereotypes and mythos surrounding biker gangs. It is possible for play to become contentious at times, but no one stays on top for very long. Be cool, let things go, and see how they play out.


One Response to “Cutthroat”

  1. The ultimate big list of GM-less games « Doubleninja's Blog Says:

    […] Cutthroat {PvP, Biker, Domination} […]