Perfect RPG

Updated June 6, 2006


This chapter provides an outline of the world in which Perfect is played.

Cadence is a fictional country, but draws its inspirations from two major sources: The Victorian Era, and Dystopic Literature.

The country of Cadence holds many parallels to Victorian England, and was largely inspired by it. Coal factories and urbanization are fresh upon the world. Society is strictly regimented by social status, monetary influence, fashions and etiquette.

Now, take that whole setting and trap it inside a controlling and oppressive dystopia. The game is largely inspired by George Orwell?s amazing book, 1984. The setting pushes a cult of personality, as does Cadence. The conditionings from sources like 1984 and A Clockwork Orange provided a large basis of the criminal justice system in this world: simply arrest and reprogram criminals.

Other dystopic literature that this game draws upon includes Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World and Handmaiden?s Tale. Although not dystopic literature, Isaac Asimov?s Foundation has also played a significant role in inspiring this world. And finally, although itself not literature in the most common sense, the RPG Paranoia was a large influence on setting.


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