Designer’s Notes

I envisioned this game with several goals in mind.

  1. Utilize the ingredients and ideas of the Game Chef contest. It integrally incorporates the theme of basing on a historical period, as well as all five ingredients and four of the limitations. The game is not just set during a historical period and vaguely related to insects, but about history and specifically the discipline of entomology.
  2. I wanted a game which is non-violent yet interesting, in reaction to what I feel is an excess of violence in RPGs.
  3. I wanted a game which is educational, specifically showing a microhistory which links together the scientific, political, and religious sides of the debate.
  4. I wanted to convey some of the passion and drama of the turbulent times. There are many recriminations lingering from the failed Commonwealth, on both sides. Rebellions will continue to arise for the next few decades. There is a very current issue of religious tolerance, as conflict remains the Puritanical elements among the people with the Anglican mainstream and the king’s Catholic sympathies. Lastly there is the question of sexuality, closely tied with religious views.


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