There’s Something Rotten in the City of Q*Berg

There’s Something Rotten in the City of Q*Berg is the role playing game for those who have ever asked themselves what life would be like if all problems could be solved by jumping. It’s a game that balances role playing and character development for both the Q*Folk and the Coiled as they make their way through the Q*World and good, ol’ fashioned Q*Bert action. The game also delivers a wholly plausible (ie made up) story on why Coily was out to get our orange hero from the beginning. For those who really want to adventure in the city of Q*Bert, there are complete rules for joining factions, casting spells, and useful skills for pickpockets and lock pickers! Can the heroes solve the mystery behind the horde of pulverizing pineapple? Can the heroes stop the nefarious gremlins’ schemes and turn the Coiled back into peace green snakes again? If the The Ancient Order of the Q*Bringers of Q*Light doesn’t exist, why are they included as a faction and how come Q*Bert is a member? Will the O*Folk try to recruit you for their own schemes?? Nothing is needed except a couple of players, some lint, and a D2! It also has LARP rules and instructions on how to make your own Q*Bert! Created after literally minutes of reading on the history of Q*Bert, this game strives to stay true to the original, but adds a rules light way to role play in the Q*World.

A Little More About Q*Berg

Q*Berg is happy little town near the Qacific Qcean across the qontinent from the much more heavily copyrighted Q*Burg, though the two high school football teams do meet once a season to determine the state qhampion. Q*Berg is much like any town. Q*Folk live their lives in a relative state of happiness. They get up, kiss their qhildren, go to the jobs in their qars, work, come home, have family dinner, watch some entertaining Supercade shows on the TV and go to bed.

Q*Berg’s Economic and Political Machine

Q*Berg is home to several prosperous businesses, including S&S Green Pineapple Plantations, a division of Bush Bioweapons, Inc., the Wacky Happy Red Ball Company, and Gottleib Pinball Games, makers of the hottest pinball games in all of the Q*World. The current mayor of Q*Bert is Dee Warren and the city planner is Lee Jay. These two tireless Q*Folk work to keep Q*Berg a fun and exciting place to live, while dreaming on day of making Bigger, More Exciting Q*Berg, a town twice the size of the current city and more exciting to boot. Still, Q*Berg seems like a good enough place as it’s been ported all over the place.

The Geography of Q*Berg

Q*Berg is shaped very much like a pyramid with the mayor’s house at the very top, everyone else’s houses in the middle, and the city’s shopping and entertainment districts near the bottom. Q*High, Q*Middle School, and Q*Grammar School can be found in the middle of the pyramid right next to each other, while the Qollege sits at the bottom of the pyramid and sprawls across several city squares. Peculiar to Q*Berg are a collection of levitating discs which the mayor once created to take the Q*Folk to his house. Any Q*Folk can hop on a disk and be quickly, but safely transported to the mayor’s house at the top of the pyramid where they can stop by for tea or to discuss the intricacies of creating a series of repeating squares in the times before PCs. Not something most Q*Folk tend to be that interested in, actually.

The Dark Shadow Over Q*Berg

All is not completely fantastic in Q*Berg. First of all, there’s the Wacky Happy Red Ball Company’s tendency towards industrial accident. Each mishap spews hundreds of red balls into the air which fall upon the noggins of innocent Q*Folk. These occurrences unfailingly elicit all sorts of cursing from those hit. This, of course, sets a bad example for the younger Q*Folk, who learn all sorts of bad words.

Recently, there have been rumors of strange experiments at the S&S Green Pineapple Plantations. They say that the Plantation is filed with an eerie light and strange moaning coming from where the trees grow the thickest. No one is quite sure what to make of the rumors, but most attribute them to the imagination of qhildren. Unknown to the larger Q*Population, S&S is just a front for Bush Bioweapon’s Living Pineapple Combat Solider program, a horrific attempt to turn green pineapples into the ultimate solder.


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