
Euthymia is a game set in a dystopian future, eerily similar to the world today. Can you regain your humanity? Or will you be crushed by The Committee? Can you even handle being human?

Euthymia is a game set in a dystopian future, eerily similar to the world today. To play, you need:

  • A bottle of drink to share. This should be a special drink that everyone likes. It should have a utopian feel: perhaps a bottle of good wine or cream liqueur. You will drink one bottle every session (see below).
  • An identical glass for each player.
  • A clock or watch. A ticking egg-timer or a clock with a countdown function is ideal.
  • A pack of cards.
  • One copy of the character sheet, at the back of this booklet, for each player.
  • Pens.

Euthymia is played in ten sessions, each lasting one hour. These sessions are referred as hours: the first hour, the second hour and so on. Despite this description, the sessions do not run back-to-back and are likely to be spread over several evenings.


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