One More Hour

In One More Hour, you play a hero, a member of a team of elite masters of their fields. Nothing is beyond your grasp, if only you have the time. But now that has all changed, death isn’t something you can escape. In no uncertain terms the team has only one hour left to live. And in that time they must decide whether to die as heroes or as real people. It is also the third main course in the Full Course of Love and Death.

One More Hour is the fourth RPG in the Full Course of Love and Death, coming between the second main course of The Marriage of Persephone and the last, That Oh So Little Death. You play the same team as you did in The Marriage of Persephone, except due to the favor you received in that game, you have been given a chance to come back and right the wrongs of your untimely death. Unfortunately, your strand has already been cut, so you have only an hour to make that difference. After One More Hour, That Oh So Little Death acts as a ending for the entire full course, but will likely involve at least one hero from the team. Like all games in this Full Course, One More Hour is intended for five players.

As a game designed for Iron Game Chef 26, it is necessary to discuss the allotments made for that contest. Indeed, for the theme of time, One More Hour fulfills 8 hours requirement, spread among any number of sessions. And it uses the following contest terms: Glass, Law, Steel, and Team.


One Response to “One More Hour”

  1. The ultimate big list of GM-less games « Doubleninja's Blog Says:

    […] One More Hour (follows The Marriage of Persephone, followed by That Oh So Little Death) [fixed finale, end-story dial] {Specialist} […]