Schools Out For Eternity

You take a step into your classroom and kick open the closet, clutching your handgun. The smell of perfume escapes the closet as the girl sits there, shielding herself, screaming at the top of her lungs for mercy. You kneel into the light and she realizes you’re still alive. She stands up and smiles at you, then goes wide eyed. Your dearly departed teacher walks through the door, fresh blood dripping down his chin. Grasping your gun, you realize that schools out for eternity.

What this is about

This game was designed for one sole purpose: because school needs more death and destruction. As one of the few surviving students in the school in a strange outbreak, your mission is to survive and escape, rescuing other survivors and ultimately escaping the town. This game does not use EMME, due to obvious restraints on size.

Making a character

This is a fairly simple process of picking one type of roll out of 5, the one you pick gives you a +1 to rolls involving that stat. Everything else is simply roleplay important. The choices are: Strength, Speed, Smarts, Charm, and Reflexes.

Strength is used for physical combat and other various tasks such as lifting. Speed is the use of your legs. Smarts is used in tough situations relying on brains. Charm is your ability to persuade with looks and speech. And reflexes allow you to see things coming, dodging and for certain tasks.

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2 Responses to “Schools Out For Eternity”

  1. Drake Grayson Says:

    How much would it cost to purchase the rights to the game? I would like to know whether or not it is for sale.

  2. Evil1 Says:

    If your planning on reworking it or in other way adapting it, I have no problem letting you do it as long as in the credits “Original Concept: Robert Cousineau” is in there somewhere. My email is if you would like to talk about this further