Moral Fiber Optic

Play characters that are Programs that live in the world inside the Computer. Fight to uphold your faction while resisting the factions that are arrayed against your friends.


In ancient times, we lived in the copper. Everything was like climbing uphill. Now, in this ancient society, we live in glass. The fiber optic of today is a miraculous achievement!

For all our modern conveniences, life in the Computer is still a challenge. Every program is being pulled in many opposite directions. Surviving is a challenge, much less succeeding in this environment. Long ago, a lone hero defeated the program that was oppressing the Computer. Now, two powers have risen to take its place, The Arches and the Orientals. Arches want to provide order to society, Orientals fight to maintain the rights of each individual program. The situation has been escalating, both sides want to change the way the Computer is run. What side are you on, how will you make your way?


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