How are you Promoting my RPG?

People have been asking what 1KM1KT does to promote the work that our authors contribute. Hopefully this article will give everyone a better idea of what 1KM1KT is all about – spreading free RPGs around and promoting their authors.

Directories ' The first thing we do when we get a new submission is to submit it to the major directories. Those are the Looksmart Directory and the Open Directory Project. We’re a member of the Looksmart Directory and a contributor to the ODP, so our submissions are reviewed and posted pretty quickly.

Search Engines – This one we don’t mess with too much because we don’t have to. If you’re familiar with Google Pagerank system, you know that the higher your pagerank, the more importance Google (and most other search engines) places on your page. Our site ranks pretty well which means that most of the search engines out there scans the site regularly to see what’s new and add it to their search results. That means that any work posted to 1KM1KT is almost immediately reviewed and made available to the general public!

Link Exchanges – These are our favorites. We take the latest submissions and forward their links to our favorite RPG websites who then make the links available to their audiences. We target only the websites we think are cool, and it’s all done in a very personal way so we can maintain the quality of the sites that represent our authors and vice versa. This not only increases your exposure, but improves the 1KM1KT pagerank which means your work gets a lot more general traffic as well.

The RSS feed – This one is pretty cool. If you’re familiar with RSS technology (used in weblogs and news engines throughout the internet) you know that instead of sending out a weekly or monthly e-mail newsletter, a site with an RSS feed can simply update their feed and have their content distributed to anyone with an RSS reader or syndicate it to every site carrying the 1KM1KT feed. It’s really cool technology, and it’s changing the internet. Trust us on this one.

Those are the big ones. Of course, we’ve been doing this for a while now, so the industry contacts don’t hurt. Frankly, what we do can be reproduced by anyone looking to self-promote their stuff, and we encourage our authors to do just that! Just get your work posted, either on your own or on our website, and get cracking! If you find a good way to promote your work that we should be doing, please let us know!

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